Commit 79f15d0e authored by zhangdongying's avatar zhangdongying

Merge branch 'feature-allocation_0829-zdy' into develop

parents 1dcbc099 56ff0f8e
* 团队产品
* @author zhangdongying
* @date 2023-05-26
namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product;
interface TeamProductServiceInterface
* 获取分销产品列表
* @param array $teamIds 团队ID数组
* @param array $childProductIds 仓库子产品SKU数组
* @return array ['id', 'team_id', 'product_id', 'child_product_id', 'own_team_id', 'own_warehouse_id']
public function getDistributionProductListByTeamIds(array $teamIds, array $childProductIds = []): array;
* 获取团队子产品列表
* @param array $teamIds 团队ID数组
* @param array $childProductIds 仓库子产品ID数组
* @return array keyBy('team_id')
public function getChildProductListByTeamIds(array $teamIds, array $childProductIds = []): array;
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