<?php/* * This file is part of the mingyoung/dingtalk. * * (c) 张铭阳 <mingyoungcheung@gmail.com> * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */namespaceEasyDingTalk\Kernel\Providers;usePimple\Container;usePimple\ServiceProviderInterface;useSymfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;classRequestServiceProviderimplementsServiceProviderInterface{/** * Registers services on the given container. * This method should only be used to configure services and parameters. * It should not get services. * * @param \Pimple\Container $pimple A container instance */publicfunctionregister(Container$pimple){$pimple['request']=function($app){returnRequest::createFromGlobals();};}}