Commit 729b0ce7 authored by 王源's avatar 王源 🎧


parent dc4123a6
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/4/9
* Time: 14:59
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Annotation;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\AbstractAnnotation;
* @Annotation
* @Target({"CLASS"})
class AutoPerm extends AbstractAnnotation
* @var string
public $prefix = '';
* @var array
public $exclude = [];
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......@@ -8,11 +8,13 @@
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Aspect;
use Hyperf\Contract\ConfigInterface;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Aspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Inject;
use Hyperf\Di\Aop\AbstractAspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProceedingJoinPoint;
use Hyperf\Utils\Str;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Annotation\AutoPerm;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Annotation\Perm;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\HttpResponseException;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\PermHandler;
......@@ -29,8 +31,15 @@ class PermAnnotationAspect extends AbstractAspect
private $permHandler;
* @Inject
* @var ConfigInterface
protected $config;
public $annotations = [
......@@ -41,43 +50,72 @@ class PermAnnotationAspect extends AbstractAspect
public function process(ProceedingJoinPoint $proceedingJoinPoint)
$perm = $this->getPermName($proceedingJoinPoint);
$perm = $this->genPermName($proceedingJoinPoint);
if ($perm) {
if ($this->permHandler->check($perm)) {
return $proceedingJoinPoint->process();
} else {
throw new HttpResponseException('当前用户没有此操作权限');
return $proceedingJoinPoint->process();
public function getPermName(ProceedingJoinPoint $proceedingJoinPoint)
// 生成权限名
public function genPermName(ProceedingJoinPoint $proceedingJoinPoint)
/** @var Perm $annotation */
$annotation = $this->getAnnotation($proceedingJoinPoint);
if ($annotation->name) {
return $annotation->name;
/** @var AutoPerm $autoPerm */
/** @var Perm $perm */
[$autoPerm, $perm] = $this->getAnnotations($proceedingJoinPoint);
if ($perm && $perm->name) {
// 如果有指定权限名,直接返回
return $perm->name;
} else {
$className = $proceedingJoinPoint->className;
$methodName = $proceedingJoinPoint->methodName;
return $this->getPrefix($className) . $methodName;
$className = $proceedingJoinPoint->className;
if ($autoPerm) {
if (in_array($methodName, $autoPerm->exclude)) {
// 排除不鉴权的方法
return false;
if ($autoPerm->prefix) {
// 如果有指定前缀,直接拼接返回
return $this->parseName($autoPerm->prefix, $methodName);
return $this->parseName($this->genPrefix($className), $methodName);
protected function getPrefix(string $className): string
// 拼接权限名
protected function parseName($prefix, $methodName)
// 注意每个应用的app_name的唯一性
$appName = $this->config->get('app_name');
if ($prefix[-1] !== '_') {
$prefix .= '_';
return $appName . '_' . $prefix . $methodName;
// 生成前缀
protected function genPrefix(string $className): string
$handledNamespace = Str::replaceFirst('Controller', '', Str::after($className, '\\Controller\\'));
$handledNamespace = str_replace('\\', '_', $handledNamespace);
$prefix = Str::snake($handledNamespace);
$prefix = str_replace('__', '_', $prefix);
if ($prefix[-1] !== '_') {
$prefix .= '_';
return $prefix;
public function getAnnotation(ProceedingJoinPoint $proceedingJoinPoint)
// 获取注解
public function getAnnotations(ProceedingJoinPoint $proceedingJoinPoint)
$metadata = $proceedingJoinPoint->getAnnotationMetadata();
return $metadata->method[Perm::class] ?? null;
return [
$metadata->class[AutoPerm::class] ?? null,
$metadata->method[Perm::class] ?? null
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