Commit d0e61f2b authored by root's avatar root


parent 67b1274b
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
# Meibuyu Library
### 1、如何使用
在使用的项目下的composer.json 加入以下内容
"repositories": {
"meibuyu/micro": {
"type": "path",
"url": "path/to/micro",//本库的具体地址,随意找个地方git clone下来
"options": {
"symlink": true
composer require meibuyu/micro @dev
### 2、鉴权注解使用方法
> 使用时必须接入用户服务
> 权限名会拼接env文件中的APP_NAME属性,请注意唯一性
> 所有权限必须存在于用户服务的权限表中,若不存在,请联系管理员添加权限
##### 1、@AutoPerm
* @AutoPerm()
class UserInfoController {}
> 1. prefix, 前缀(字符串),默认为蛇形控制名(user_info)
> 2. exclude, 要排除的方法名(字符串数组),默认为空
* @AutoPerm(prefix="user", exclude={"getUser"})
class UserInfoController {}
##### 2、@Perm
* @Perm()
function getUser {}
> name, 前缀(字符串),默认为蛇形方法名(user)
* @Perm("get_user")
function getUser {}
### 3、对集合获取值、然后调用rpc方法获取数据后,重新赋值
#### 1)、获取值,设置值
$list = Task::with(['c'=>function($q){
* 假设拿到的数据是这个
* $list = [['c' => ['d' => 4, 'y' => 9], 'v' => '5'], ['c'=>'','v'=>'8'], ['c' => ['d' => 6, 'y' => 10], 'v' => '7']];
$user_ids = get_collection_values($list, 'c.d');
// 去RPC拿用户数据
$users = $this->userService->getByIdList($hello);
put_collection_values($list, $users, 'c.d', 'user', 'id');
* 则新的数据如下
* $list = [['c' => ['d' => 4,'user'=>['id'=>4,'name'=>'张三'], 'y' => 9], 'v' => '5'],
['c' => ['d' => 6, ,'user'=>['id'=>6,'name'=>'王五']'y' => 10], 'v' => '7']];
#### 2)、判断各种值和更新各种值
// 使用第一步获取的列表
// askModel文件 新增获取值,和设置值方法
* 动态判断
* @param $currentUserId
public function getCanDelete($currentUserId)
$this->attributes['can_delete'] = $this->user_id == $currentUserId ? true : false;
* @return string 返回友好时间值
public function getTimeShowAttribute()
if ($this->status == 2) {
return '已完成';
$time = time();
if ($this->status === 0) {
$time = $time - strtotime($this->start_time);
return human_time($time) . "后开始";
if ($this->status === 1) {
$time = $time - strtotime($this->end_time);
if ($time > 0) {
return "超时" . human_time($time);
return human_time($time) . "后结束";
* 设置结束时间
* @param string $time
public function setFinishAttribute($time = '')
$this->attributes['finish'] = $time ? $time : today();
// TaskRepositoryEloquent 文件
// 获取列表方法
.. .....
$currentUserId = Auth::id();
foreach ($list->items() as $item) {
$item->getCanDelete($currentUserId);//结果会新增 can_delete属性
return $list;//集合自动转数组,会带上新的三个属性,和分页数据
### 4、新方法说明
#### 1)、human_time 友好的显示时间
human_time(time()-strtotime('2020-06-06 12:12'));
#### 2)、info 输出数据到控制台,支持任何数据,自动换行 方便测试
info('aaa',[1,2,3],new stdClass(){$a=1;},collect([1,23,4]));
### 5、数据表批量操作
继承 \Meibuyu\Micro\Model\BaseModel 的模型:
class LogTrace extends BaseModel
protected $table = 'trace_logs';
* 是否使用时间戳管理
* @var bool
public $timestamps = false;
* 可写入数据的字段.
* @var array
protected $fillable = [
//基于ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE 批量更新或插入 $data 必须包含主键或唯一索引的数据
### 6、基于@LogTrace()注解,实现异步日志队列服务
#### 1)、建立日志跟踪表
CREATE TABLE `trace_logs` (
`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`request_id` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '一次http或rpc请求调用的唯一key',
`source` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '来源,包含调用类命名空间及方法',
`origin_params` json NOT NULL COMMENT '记录注解方法被调用开始的原始传参',
`is_completed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '此请求是否完成,使用LogTraceHandler::markComplete()标记',
`process_info` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '执行过程中输出,使用LogTraceHandler::recordProcess()记录',
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '日志记录开始时间',
UNIQUE KEY `request_id` (`request_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5868 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
#### 2)、定义消费进程,日志批量更新到数据库
* 异步日志队列批处理
namespace App\Process;
use Hyperf\Process\AbstractProcess;
use Hyperf\Process\Annotation\Process;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\LogTrace\LogTraceQueue;
* @Process(name="SyncTraceLog")
class SyncTraceLog extends AbstractProcess
* 进程数量
* @var int
public $nums = 1;
* 进程名称
* @var string
public $name = 'syn-trace-log';
* 管道类型
* @var int
public $pipeType = 2;
* 是否启用协程
* @var bool
public $enableCoroutine = true;
* @inheritDoc
public function handle(): void
#### 3)、对操作方法指定注解,主动记录日志信息
给test方法加上 @LogTrace() 注解,从此处开始记录日志,可在此请求的任何流程地方
* @LogTrace()
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public function test()
try {
//流程3 抛出一个异常
throw new Exception('test111');
}catch (\Throwable $exception){
return 'test222';
##执行过程输出到 trace_logs表 process_info:
array (
'scanNo' => 'SPUS-20211202-158-3',
/var/www/runtime/container/proxy/App_Controller_IndexController.proxy.php line:80
#0 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/ProceedingJoinPoint.php(84): App\Controller\IndexController->App\Controller\{closure}()
#1 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/ProxyTrait.php(85): Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProceedingJoinPoint->processOriginalMethod()
#2 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/utils/src/Pipeline.php(104): App\Controller\IndexController::Hyperf\Di\Aop\{closure}()
#3 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/ProceedingJoinPoint.php(69): Hyperf\Utils\Pipeline::Hyperf\Utils\{closure}()
#4 /var/www/vendor/meibuyu/micro/src/Aspect/LogTraceAspect.php(32): Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProceedingJoinPoint->process()
#5 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/Pipeline.php(30): Meibuyu\Micro\Aspect\LogTraceAspect->process()
#6 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/utils/src/Pipeline.php(95): Hyperf\Di\Aop\Pipeline->Hyperf\Di\Aop\{closure}()
#7 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/ProxyTrait.php(86): Hyperf\Utils\Pipeline->then()
#8 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/ProxyTrait.php(29): App\Controller\IndexController::handleAround()
#9 /var/www/runtime/container/proxy/App_Controller_IndexController.proxy.php(88): App\Controller\IndexController::__proxyCall()
#10 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/http-server/src/CoreMiddleware.php(161): App\Controller\IndexController->test1()
#11 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/http-server/src/CoreMiddleware.php(113): Hyperf\HttpServer\CoreMiddleware->handleFound()
#12 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/dispatcher/src/AbstractRequestHandler.php(64): Hyperf\HttpServer\CoreMiddleware->process()
#13 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/dispatcher/src/HttpRequestHandler.php(26): Hyperf\Dispatcher\AbstractRequestHandler->handleRequest()
#14 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/dispatcher/src/HttpDispatcher.php(40): Hyperf\Dispatcher\HttpRequestHandler->handle()
#15 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/http-server/src/Server.php(116): Hyperf\Dispatcher\HttpDispatcher->dispatch()
#16 {main}
> 1. 对方法加上 @LogTrace() 注解,建议注解的地方为http请求和rpc调用的入口处,便于使用脚本拿到原始传参便捷发起重试
> 2. 使用@LogTrace()注解的方法逻辑内任意地方使用LogTraceHandler::recordProcess记录输出(如须异步协程里也跟踪,第二参数须为true)
> 3. 日志跟踪数据都存放在trace_logs表,每一次请求或rpc调用都对应一条唯一记录,process_info字段按顺序记录了流程输出
### 7、基于@AsyncCoroutine()注解,对方法实现异步协程处理
http 请求test1,调用 延迟5s的continueTest(该方法已加入AsyncCoroutine注解),
* @LogTrace()
* @return array
* @throws \Exception
public function test1()
return Coroutine::id();
* 使用AsyncCoroutine注解,使该方法投递到子协程里执行
* @AsyncCoroutine()
private function continueTest($params)
sleep(5); //睡眠5s
return Coroutine::id();
##### 使用须知
1. 给某个方法加上异步协程AsyncCoroutine注解,该方法被投放到另一个协程执行,
2. 配合基于@LogTrace()注解异步日志队列服务,可以使用 LogTraceHandler::recordProcess
如 LogTraceHandler::recordProcess('记录输出数据',true);
# Meibuyu Library
### 1、如何使用
在使用的项目下的composer.json 加入以下内容
"repositories": {
"meibuyu/micro": {
"type": "path",
"url": "path/to/micro",//本库的具体地址,随意找个地方git clone下来
"options": {
"symlink": true
composer require meibuyu/micro @dev
### 2、鉴权注解使用方法
> 使用时必须接入用户服务
> 权限名会拼接env文件中的APP_NAME属性,请注意唯一性
> 所有权限必须存在于用户服务的权限表中,若不存在,请联系管理员添加权限
##### 1、@AutoPerm
* @AutoPerm()
class UserInfoController {}
> 1. prefix, 前缀(字符串),默认为蛇形控制名(user_info)
> 2. exclude, 要排除的方法名(字符串数组),默认为空
* @AutoPerm(prefix="user", exclude={"getUser"})
class UserInfoController {}
##### 2、@Perm
* @Perm()
function getUser {}
> name, 前缀(字符串),默认为蛇形方法名(user)
* @Perm("get_user")
function getUser {}
### 3、对集合获取值、然后调用rpc方法获取数据后,重新赋值
#### 1)、获取值,设置值
$list = Task::with(['c'=>function($q){
* 假设拿到的数据是这个
* $list = [['c' => ['d' => 4, 'y' => 9], 'v' => '5'], ['c'=>'','v'=>'8'], ['c' => ['d' => 6, 'y' => 10], 'v' => '7']];
$user_ids = get_collection_values($list, 'c.d');
// 去RPC拿用户数据
$users = $this->userService->getByIdList($hello);
put_collection_values($list, $users, 'c.d', 'user', 'id');
* 则新的数据如下
* $list = [['c' => ['d' => 4,'user'=>['id'=>4,'name'=>'张三'], 'y' => 9], 'v' => '5'],
['c' => ['d' => 6, ,'user'=>['id'=>6,'name'=>'王五']'y' => 10], 'v' => '7']];
#### 2)、判断各种值和更新各种值
// 使用第一步获取的列表
// askModel文件 新增获取值,和设置值方法
* 动态判断
* @param $currentUserId
public function getCanDelete($currentUserId)
$this->attributes['can_delete'] = $this->user_id == $currentUserId ? true : false;
* @return string 返回友好时间值
public function getTimeShowAttribute()
if ($this->status == 2) {
return '已完成';
$time = time();
if ($this->status === 0) {
$time = $time - strtotime($this->start_time);
return human_time($time) . "后开始";
if ($this->status === 1) {
$time = $time - strtotime($this->end_time);
if ($time > 0) {
return "超时" . human_time($time);
return human_time($time) . "后结束";
* 设置结束时间
* @param string $time
public function setFinishAttribute($time = '')
$this->attributes['finish'] = $time ? $time : today();
// TaskRepositoryEloquent 文件
// 获取列表方法
.. .....
$currentUserId = Auth::id();
foreach ($list->items() as $item) {
$item->getCanDelete($currentUserId);//结果会新增 can_delete属性
return $list;//集合自动转数组,会带上新的三个属性,和分页数据
### 4、新方法说明
#### 1)、human_time 友好的显示时间
human_time(time()-strtotime('2020-06-06 12:12'));
#### 2)、info 输出数据到控制台,支持任何数据,自动换行 方便测试
info('aaa',[1,2,3],new stdClass(){$a=1;},collect([1,23,4]));
### 5、数据表批量操作
继承 \Meibuyu\Micro\Model\BaseModel 的模型:
class LogTrace extends BaseModel
protected $table = 'trace_logs';
* 是否使用时间戳管理
* @var bool
public $timestamps = false;
* 可写入数据的字段.
* @var array
protected $fillable = [
//基于ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE 批量更新或插入 $data 必须包含主键或唯一索引的数据
### 6、基于@LogTrace()注解,实现异步日志队列服务
#### 1)、建立日志跟踪表
CREATE TABLE `trace_logs` (
`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`request_id` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '一次http或rpc请求调用的唯一key',
`source` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '来源,包含调用类命名空间及方法',
`origin_params` json NOT NULL COMMENT '记录注解方法被调用开始的原始传参',
`is_completed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '此请求是否完成,使用LogTraceHandler::markComplete()标记',
`process_info` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '执行过程中输出,使用LogTraceHandler::recordProcess()记录',
`created_at` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '日志记录开始时间',
UNIQUE KEY `request_id` (`request_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5868 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
#### 2)、定义消费进程,日志批量更新到数据库
* 异步日志队列批处理
namespace App\Process;
use Hyperf\Process\AbstractProcess;
use Hyperf\Process\Annotation\Process;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\LogTrace\LogTraceQueue;
* @Process(name="SyncTraceLog")
class SyncTraceLog extends AbstractProcess
* 进程数量
* @var int
public $nums = 1;
* 进程名称
* @var string
public $name = 'syn-trace-log';
* 管道类型
* @var int
public $pipeType = 2;
* 是否启用协程
* @var bool
public $enableCoroutine = true;
* @inheritDoc
public function handle(): void
#### 3)、对操作方法指定注解,主动记录日志信息
给test方法加上 @LogTrace() 注解,从此处开始记录日志,可在此请求的任何流程地方
* @LogTrace()
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public function test()
try {
//流程3 抛出一个异常
throw new Exception('test111');
}catch (\Throwable $exception){
return 'test222';
##执行过程输出到 trace_logs表 process_info:
array (
'scanNo' => 'SPUS-20211202-158-3',
/var/www/runtime/container/proxy/App_Controller_IndexController.proxy.php line:80
#0 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/ProceedingJoinPoint.php(84): App\Controller\IndexController->App\Controller\{closure}()
#1 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/ProxyTrait.php(85): Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProceedingJoinPoint->processOriginalMethod()
#2 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/utils/src/Pipeline.php(104): App\Controller\IndexController::Hyperf\Di\Aop\{closure}()
#3 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/ProceedingJoinPoint.php(69): Hyperf\Utils\Pipeline::Hyperf\Utils\{closure}()
#4 /var/www/vendor/meibuyu/micro/src/Aspect/LogTraceAspect.php(32): Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProceedingJoinPoint->process()
#5 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/Pipeline.php(30): Meibuyu\Micro\Aspect\LogTraceAspect->process()
#6 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/utils/src/Pipeline.php(95): Hyperf\Di\Aop\Pipeline->Hyperf\Di\Aop\{closure}()
#7 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/ProxyTrait.php(86): Hyperf\Utils\Pipeline->then()
#8 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/di/src/Aop/ProxyTrait.php(29): App\Controller\IndexController::handleAround()
#9 /var/www/runtime/container/proxy/App_Controller_IndexController.proxy.php(88): App\Controller\IndexController::__proxyCall()
#10 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/http-server/src/CoreMiddleware.php(161): App\Controller\IndexController->test1()
#11 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/http-server/src/CoreMiddleware.php(113): Hyperf\HttpServer\CoreMiddleware->handleFound()
#12 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/dispatcher/src/AbstractRequestHandler.php(64): Hyperf\HttpServer\CoreMiddleware->process()
#13 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/dispatcher/src/HttpRequestHandler.php(26): Hyperf\Dispatcher\AbstractRequestHandler->handleRequest()
#14 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/dispatcher/src/HttpDispatcher.php(40): Hyperf\Dispatcher\HttpRequestHandler->handle()
#15 /var/www/vendor/hyperf/http-server/src/Server.php(116): Hyperf\Dispatcher\HttpDispatcher->dispatch()
#16 {main}
> 1. 对方法加上 @LogTrace() 注解,建议注解的地方为http请求和rpc调用的入口处,便于使用脚本拿到原始传参便捷发起重试
> 2. 使用@LogTrace()注解的方法逻辑内任意地方使用LogTraceHandler::recordProcess记录输出(如须异步协程里也跟踪,第二参数须为true)
> 3. 日志跟踪数据都存放在trace_logs表,每一次请求或rpc调用都对应一条唯一记录,process_info字段按顺序记录了流程输出
### 7、基于@AsyncCoroutine()注解,对方法实现异步协程处理
http 请求test1,调用 延迟5s的continueTest(该方法已加入AsyncCoroutine注解),
* @LogTrace()
* @return array
* @throws \Exception
public function test1()
return Coroutine::id();
* 使用AsyncCoroutine注解,使该方法投递到子协程里执行
* @AsyncCoroutine()
private function continueTest($params)
sleep(5); //睡眠5s
return Coroutine::id();
##### 使用须知
1. 给某个方法加上异步协程AsyncCoroutine注解,该方法被投放到另一个协程执行,
2. 配合基于@LogTrace()注解异步日志队列服务,可以使用 LogTraceHandler::recordProcess
如 LogTraceHandler::recordProcess('记录输出数据',true);
\ No newline at end of file
"name": "meibuyu/micro",
"description": "美不语微服务公共接口库",
"type": "library",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "梁俊杰",
"email": ""
"require": {
"ext-json": "*",
"ext-redis": "*",
"ext-gd": "*",
"ext-curl": "*",
"ext-mbstring": "*",
"hyperf/cache": "~2.1.0",
"hyperf/framework": "~2.1.0",
"hyperf/db-connection": "~2.1.0",
"hyperf/validation": "~2.1.0",
"hyperf/command": "~2.1.0",
"hyperf/redis": "~2.1.0",
"hyperf/guzzle": "~2.1.0",
"hyperf/config": "~2.1.0",
"hyperf/logger": "~2.1.0",
"hyperf/service-governance": "~2.1.0",
"fzaninotto/faker": "^1.9",
"phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "^1.18",
"dimsav/unix-zipper": "1.*",
"hyperf/amqp": "~2.1.0",
"hyperf/paginator": "~2.1.0"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Meibuyu\\Micro\\": "src/"
"files": [
"extra": {
"hyperf": {
"config": "Meibuyu\\Micro\\ConfigProvider"
"name": "meibuyu/micro",
"description": "美不语微服务公共接口库",
"type": "library",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "梁俊杰",
"email": ""
"require": {
"ext-json": "*",
"ext-redis": "*",
"ext-gd": "*",
"ext-curl": "*",
"ext-mbstring": "*",
"hyperf/cache": "~2.2.0",
"hyperf/framework": "~2.2.0",
"hyperf/db-connection": "~2.2.0",
"hyperf/validation": "~2.2.0",
"hyperf/command": "~2.2.0",
"hyperf/redis": "~2.2.0",
"hyperf/guzzle": "~2.2.0",
"hyperf/config": "~2.2.0",
"hyperf/logger": "~2.2.0",
"hyperf/service-governance": "~2.2.0",
"fzaninotto/faker": "^1.9",
"phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "^1.18",
"dimsav/unix-zipper": "1.*",
"hyperf/amqp": "~2.2.0",
"hyperf/paginator": "~2.2.0"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Meibuyu\\Micro\\": "src/"
"files": [
"extra": {
"hyperf": {
"config": "Meibuyu\\Micro\\ConfigProvider"
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
* 异步协程处理
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Annotation;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\AbstractAnnotation;
* @Annotation
* @Target("METHOD")
class AsyncCoroutine extends AbstractAnnotation
public function collectMethod(string $className, ?string $target): void
parent::collectMethod($className, $target); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
* 异步协程处理
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Annotation;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\AbstractAnnotation;
* @Annotation
* @Target("METHOD")
class AsyncCoroutine extends AbstractAnnotation
public function collectMethod(string $className, ?string $target): void
parent::collectMethod($className, $target); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
\ No newline at end of file
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
* 日志追踪 写队列 批量更新到数据库
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Annotation;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\AbstractAnnotation;
* @Annotation
* @Target("METHOD")
class LogTrace extends AbstractAnnotation
public function collectMethod(string $className, ?string $target): void
parent::collectMethod($className, $target); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
* 日志追踪 写队列 批量更新到数据库
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Annotation;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\AbstractAnnotation;
* @Annotation
* @Target("METHOD")
class LogTrace extends AbstractAnnotation
public function collectMethod(string $className, ?string $target): void
parent::collectMethod($className, $target); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
\ No newline at end of file
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namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Aspect;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\LogTrace\LogTraceHandler;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Aspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Aop\AbstractAspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProceedingJoinPoint;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Annotation\AsyncCoroutine;
use Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine;
* @Aspect(
* annotations={
* AsyncCoroutine::class
* }
* )
class AsyncCoroutineAspect extends AbstractAspect
* 优先级
* @var int
public $priority = 998;
public function process(ProceedingJoinPoint $proceedingJoinPoint)
// 切面切入后,执行对应的方法会由此来负责
// $proceedingJoinPoint 为连接点,通过该类的 process() 方法调用原方法并获得结果
// 在调用前进行某些处理
return Coroutine::create(function ()use($proceedingJoinPoint){
.' ,类:'.$proceedingJoinPoint->className
.' ,方法:'.$proceedingJoinPoint->methodName
.' ,参数:'.json_encode($proceedingJoinPoint->getArguments())
$result = $proceedingJoinPoint->process();
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Aspect;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\LogTrace\LogTraceHandler;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Aspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Aop\AbstractAspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProceedingJoinPoint;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Annotation\AsyncCoroutine;
use Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine;
* @Aspect(
* annotations={
* AsyncCoroutine::class
* }
* )
class AsyncCoroutineAspect extends AbstractAspect
* 优先级
* @var int
public $priority = 998;
public function process(ProceedingJoinPoint $proceedingJoinPoint)
// 切面切入后,执行对应的方法会由此来负责
// $proceedingJoinPoint 为连接点,通过该类的 process() 方法调用原方法并获得结果
// 在调用前进行某些处理
return Coroutine::create(function ()use($proceedingJoinPoint){
.' ,类:'.$proceedingJoinPoint->className
.' ,方法:'.$proceedingJoinPoint->methodName
.' ,参数:'.json_encode($proceedingJoinPoint->getArguments())
$result = $proceedingJoinPoint->process();
\ No newline at end of file
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Aspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Aspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Aop\AbstractAspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProceedingJoinPoint;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\RequestInterface;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Annotation\LogTrace;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\LogTrace\LogTraceHandler;
* @Aspect(
* annotations={
* LogTrace::class
* }
* )
class LogTraceAspect extends AbstractAspect
* 优先级
* @var int
public $priority = 999;
public function process(ProceedingJoinPoint $proceedingJoinPoint)
$originParams = [
$result = $proceedingJoinPoint->process();
return $result;
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Aspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Aspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Aop\AbstractAspect;
use Hyperf\Di\Aop\ProceedingJoinPoint;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\RequestInterface;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Annotation\LogTrace;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\LogTrace\LogTraceHandler;
* @Aspect(
* annotations={
* LogTrace::class
* }
* )
class LogTraceAspect extends AbstractAspect
* 优先级
* @var int
public $priority = 999;
public function process(ProceedingJoinPoint $proceedingJoinPoint)
$originParams = [
$result = $proceedingJoinPoint->process();
return $result;
\ No newline at end of file
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File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
* 执行日志记录
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\LogTrace;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Model\LogTrace;
use Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine;
use Swoole\Server;
use Throwable;
* Class LogTraceHandler
* @package App\Service
class LogTraceHandler
* 1.对执行操作进行的方法入口注解 LogTrace
try {
//流程3 抛出一个异常
throw new Exception('test111');
}catch (\Throwable $exception){
* @param $params
* @param $source
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public static function createLogTrace($source, $params)
if(!Coroutine::inCoroutine()) return;
'request_id' => self::getRequestId(),
'origin_params' => json_encode($params),
'source' => $source,
'created_at' => now(),
'process_info' => ''
* @param bool $isInAsyncCoroutine
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
private static function getRequestId($isInAsyncCoroutine=false)
$workId = posix_getpid();
$cid = $isInAsyncCoroutine?Coroutine::parentId(Coroutine::id()):Coroutine::id();
if(!$cid) throw new \Exception('无法使用协程标记录日志');
return container(Server::class)->stats()['start_time'] .$workId. $cid;
* 程序执行完成标记结束
* @throws \Exception
public static function markComplete()
if(!Coroutine::inCoroutine()) return;
//LogTrace::where('request_id', self::getRequestId())->update(['is_completed' => YES]);
* 事务回滚导致部分流程日志无法记录 暂写到文件里
* 待写到Es后可以避免
* 记录当前日志(包括异常捕获)
public static function recordProcess($track,$isInAsyncCoroutine=false)
if (empty($track)) return;
if(!Coroutine::inCoroutine()) return;
$logInfo = '';
if ($track instanceof Throwable) {
$logInfo = $track->getMessage() . "\n" .
$track->getFile() . " line:" .
$track->getLine() . "\n" .
if (is_array($track)) {
$logInfo = var_export($track, true);
if (is_string($track)||is_numeric($track)) {
$logInfo = $track;
$logInfo .= "\n\n";
// $log = LogTrace::where('request_id', self::getRequestId())->first();
// if(empty($log)) return ;
// $log->update([
// 'process_info' => Db::raw("CONCAT(process_info,\"{$logInfo}\")")
// ]);
// //写入文件
// put_log(
// self::getRequestId()."\n".
// $logInfo,
// str_replace('\\','_',$log->source).'/'.today()
// );
// /**
// * 记录流程日志
// * @param $funName
// * @param $arguments
// * @throws \Exception
// */
// public static function __callStatic($funName, $arguments)
// {
// if(self::$instance){
// throw new \Exception('请用LogTraceService::createLogTrace 先实例化对象');
// }
// self::$instance->$funName($arguments);
// }
* 执行日志记录
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\LogTrace;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Model\LogTrace;
use Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine;
use Swoole\Server;
use Throwable;
* Class LogTraceHandler
* @package App\Service
class LogTraceHandler
* 1.对执行操作进行的方法入口注解 LogTrace
try {
//流程3 抛出一个异常
throw new Exception('test111');
}catch (\Throwable $exception){
* @param $params
* @param $source
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public static function createLogTrace($source, $params)
if(!Coroutine::inCoroutine()) return;
'request_id' => self::getRequestId(),
'origin_params' => json_encode($params),
'source' => $source,
'created_at' => now(),
'process_info' => ''
* @param bool $isInAsyncCoroutine
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
private static function getRequestId($isInAsyncCoroutine=false)
$workId = posix_getpid();
$cid = $isInAsyncCoroutine?Coroutine::parentId(Coroutine::id()):Coroutine::id();
if(!$cid) throw new \Exception('无法使用协程标记录日志');
return container(Server::class)->stats()['start_time'] .$workId. $cid;
* 程序执行完成标记结束
* @throws \Exception
public static function markComplete()
if(!Coroutine::inCoroutine()) return;
//LogTrace::where('request_id', self::getRequestId())->update(['is_completed' => YES]);
* 事务回滚导致部分流程日志无法记录 暂写到文件里
* 待写到Es后可以避免
* 记录当前日志(包括异常捕获)
public static function recordProcess($track,$isInAsyncCoroutine=false)
if (empty($track)) return;
if(!Coroutine::inCoroutine()) return;
$logInfo = '';
if ($track instanceof Throwable) {
$logInfo = $track->getMessage() . "\n" .
$track->getFile() . " line:" .
$track->getLine() . "\n" .
if (is_array($track)) {
$logInfo = var_export($track, true);
if (is_string($track)||is_numeric($track)) {
$logInfo = $track;
$logInfo .= "\n\n";
// $log = LogTrace::where('request_id', self::getRequestId())->first();
// if(empty($log)) return ;
// $log->update([
// 'process_info' => Db::raw("CONCAT(process_info,\"{$logInfo}\")")
// ]);
// //写入文件
// put_log(
// self::getRequestId()."\n".
// $logInfo,
// str_replace('\\','_',$log->source).'/'.today()
// );
// /**
// * 记录流程日志
// * @param $funName
// * @param $arguments
// * @throws \Exception
// */
// public static function __callStatic($funName, $arguments)
// {
// if(self::$instance){
// throw new \Exception('请用LogTraceService::createLogTrace 先实例化对象');
// }
// self::$instance->$funName($arguments);
// }
\ No newline at end of file
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\LogTrace;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\RedisQueueBatchHandler;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Model\LogTrace;
class LogTraceQueue extends RedisQueueBatchHandler
protected function specifyQueueName()
$this->queue_name = env('APP_NAME').':LogTraceQueue';
* 具体批处理逻辑
* @param $dataArr
function batchDeal($dataArr)
$updateArr = [];
$updateMarkComplete = [];
foreach ($dataArr as $arr){
$updateMarkComplete[]= $arr['request_id'] ;continue;
$updateArr[$arr['request_id']]['request_id'] = $arr['request_id'];
$process_info = isset($updateArr[$arr['request_id']]['process_info'])?
$updateArr[$arr['request_id']]['process_info'] = $process_info.$arr['process_info'];
//执行前先查一下 原先有的记录 避免被覆盖
$originLogs = LogTrace::whereIn('request_id',array_column($dataArr,'request_id'))
$updateArr = array_map(function ($item)use($originLogs){
if(!isset($originLogs[$item['request_id']])) return $item;
if(empty($originLogs[$item['request_id']])) return $item;
$item['process_info'] = $originLogs[$item['request_id']].$item['process_info'];
return $item;
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\LogTrace;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Handler\RedisQueueBatchHandler;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Model\LogTrace;
class LogTraceQueue extends RedisQueueBatchHandler
protected function specifyQueueName()
$this->queue_name = env('APP_NAME').':LogTraceQueue';
* 具体批处理逻辑
* @param $dataArr
function batchDeal($dataArr)
$updateArr = [];
$updateMarkComplete = [];
foreach ($dataArr as $arr){
$updateMarkComplete[]= $arr['request_id'] ;continue;
$updateArr[$arr['request_id']]['request_id'] = $arr['request_id'];
$process_info = isset($updateArr[$arr['request_id']]['process_info'])?
$updateArr[$arr['request_id']]['process_info'] = $process_info.$arr['process_info'];
//执行前先查一下 原先有的记录 避免被覆盖
$originLogs = LogTrace::whereIn('request_id',array_column($dataArr,'request_id'))
$updateArr = array_map(function ($item)use($originLogs){
if(!isset($originLogs[$item['request_id']])) return $item;
if(empty($originLogs[$item['request_id']])) return $item;
$item['process_info'] = $originLogs[$item['request_id']].$item['process_info'];
return $item;
\ No newline at end of file
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namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Handler;
abstract class RedisQueueBatchHandler
* 重试次数
protected $retrys=0;
protected $queue_name;
const MAX_RETRY_TIMES = 3;
const BATCH_DEAL_NUM = 100;
const ERROR_RETRY_CODE = 9000;
* RedisQueueBatchHandler constructor.
public function __construct()
* 添加至队列
public function addToQueue($data)
* 通过管道将执行失败的数据重回队列
* @param $arr
* @param \Hyperf\Redis\Redis $redis
protected function backToQueue($arr,\Hyperf\Redis\Redis $redis)
$pip = $redis->multi();
foreach ($arr as $i){
abstract protected function batchDeal($data);
abstract protected function specifyQueueName();
public function consume()
$redis = redis();
while (true){
//有数据则放回 否则延迟20s后返回空数组,同时可保持连接活跃
//执行过程 如果redis服务异常,调用io操作时异常退出,框架重新拉起该进程
$exist = $redis->blPop($this->queue_name,30);
if(empty($exist)) continue ;
$arr = $redis->lRange($this->queue_name,0,self::BATCH_DEAL_NUM-1);
//取完 从队列删掉
$formatArr = array_map(function ($item){
return json_decode($item,true);
try {
}catch (\Throwable $exception){
//错误码为100 通过管道从新推到队列
if($this->retrys<self::MAX_RETRY_TIMES){ //重试次数不超过3次
$this->retrys = 0; //重置当前次数
* @param $data
* @param \Throwable $exception
private function errorWriteToFile($data, \Throwable $exception)
$exception->getFile().' line:'.
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Handler;
abstract class RedisQueueBatchHandler
* 重试次数
protected $retrys=0;
protected $queue_name;
const MAX_RETRY_TIMES = 3;
const BATCH_DEAL_NUM = 100;
const ERROR_RETRY_CODE = 9000;
* RedisQueueBatchHandler constructor.
public function __construct()
* 添加至队列
public function addToQueue($data)
* 通过管道将执行失败的数据重回队列
* @param $arr
* @param \Hyperf\Redis\Redis $redis
protected function backToQueue($arr,\Hyperf\Redis\Redis $redis)
$pip = $redis->multi();
foreach ($arr as $i){
abstract protected function batchDeal($data);
abstract protected function specifyQueueName();
public function consume()
$redis = redis();
while (true){
//有数据则放回 否则延迟20s后返回空数组,同时可保持连接活跃
//执行过程 如果redis服务异常,调用io操作时异常退出,框架重新拉起该进程
$exist = $redis->blPop($this->queue_name,30);
if(empty($exist)) continue ;
$arr = $redis->lRange($this->queue_name,0,self::BATCH_DEAL_NUM-1);
//取完 从队列删掉
$formatArr = array_map(function ($item){
return json_decode($item,true);
try {
}catch (\Throwable $exception){
//错误码为100 通过管道从新推到队列
if($this->retrys<self::MAX_RETRY_TIMES){ //重试次数不超过3次
$this->retrys = 0; //重置当前次数
* @param $data
* @param \Throwable $exception
private function errorWriteToFile($data, \Throwable $exception)
$exception->getFile().' line:'.
\ No newline at end of file
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File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/3/30
* Time: 9:56
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Manager;
use Hyperf\HttpMessage\Upload\UploadedFile;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\HttpResponseException;
class UploadManager
public static $pathPrefix = '/upload/';
public static $options = [
'path' => 'default', // 默认保存路径
'maxSize' => 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 文件大小,10M
'temp' => false, // 是否为临时文件
'mime' => ['jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'svg', 'txt', 'pdf', 'xlsx', 'xls', 'doc', 'docx', 'rar', 'zip', 'csv'], // 允许上传的文件类型
* 图片上传方法
* @param $image
* @param array $options
* @return string
* @throws HttpResponseException
public static function uploadImage($image, $options = [])
$imgOptions = [
'path' => 'images',
'mime' => ['jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'svg']
$options = array_merge($imgOptions, $options);
return self::uploadFile($image, $options);
* 表格上传方法
* @param $excel
* @param array $options
* @return string
* @throws HttpResponseException
public static function uploadExcel($excel, $options = [])
$excelOptions = [
'path' => 'excel',
'mime' => ['xlsx', 'xls', 'csv']
$options = array_merge($excelOptions, $options);
return self::uploadFile($excel, $options);
* 表格上传方法获取真实地址
* @param $excel
* @param array $options
* @return string
* @throws HttpResponseException
public static function uploadExcelGetRealPath($excel, $options = [])
$excelOptions = [
'path' => 'excel',
'mime' => ['xlsx', 'xls', 'csv']
$options = array_merge($excelOptions, $options);
return self::uploadFile($excel, $options, true);
* 文件上传方法
* @param UploadedFile $file 上传的文件
* @param array $options 配置参数
* @param bool $realPath
* @return string
* @throws HttpResponseException
public static function uploadFile($file, $options = [], $realPath = false)
$documentRoot = config('server.settings.document_root');
if (!$documentRoot) {
throw new \RuntimeException('未配置静态资源');
$options = self::parseOptions($options);
if ($file->isValid()) {
$extension = strtolower($file->getExtension());
// 通过扩展名判断类型
if (!in_array($extension, $options['mime'])) {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件类型不支持,目前只支持' . implode(',', $options['mime']));
// 判断文件大小
if ($file->getSize() > $options['maxSize']) {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件超出系统规定的大小,最大不能超过' . num_2_file_size($options['maxSize']));
// 文件重命名,由当前日期时间 + 唯一ID + 扩展名
$fileName = date('YmdHis') . uniqid() . '.' . $extension;
$savePath = self::parsePath($options, $documentRoot) . $fileName;
if ($file->isMoved()) {
if ($realPath) {
return $savePath;
} else {
return str_replace($documentRoot, '', $savePath);
} else {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件保存失败');
} else {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件无效');
* 文件上传方法(micro-api-flow)
* @param UploadedFile $file 上传的文件
* @param array $options 配置参数
* @param bool $realPath
* @return string
* @throws HttpResponseException
public static function uploadFileGetName($file, $options = [], $realPath = false)
$documentRoot = config('server.settings.document_root');
if (!$documentRoot) {
throw new \RuntimeException('未配置静态资源');
$options = self::parseOptions($options);
if ($file->isValid()) {
$extension = strtolower($file->getExtension());
// 通过扩展名判断类型
if (!in_array($extension, $options['mime'])) {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件类型不支持,目前只支持' . implode(',', $options['mime']));
// 判断文件大小
if ($file->getSize() > $options['maxSize']) {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件超出系统规定的大小,最大不能超过' . num_2_file_size($options['maxSize']));
// 文件重命名,由当前日期时间 + 唯一ID + 扩展名
$fileName = date('YmdHis') . uniqid() . '.' . $extension;
$name = $file->toArray()['name'];
$savePath = self::parsePath($options, $documentRoot) . $fileName;
if ($file->isMoved()) {
if ($realPath) {
return $savePath . '?' . $name;
} else {
return str_replace($documentRoot, '', $savePath . '?' . $name);
} else {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件保存失败');
} else {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件无效');
* 生成头像
* @return string|string[]
public static function createAvatar()
$documentRoot = config('server.settings.document_root');
if (!$documentRoot) {
throw new \RuntimeException('未配置静态资源');
$img = imagecreatetruecolor(180, 180);
$bgColor = imagecolorallocate($img, 240, 240, 240);
imagefill($img, 0, 0, $bgColor);
$color = imagecolorallocate($img, rand(90, 230), rand(90, 230), rand(90, 230));
for ($i = 0; $i < 90; $i++) {
for ($y = 0; $y < 180; $y++) {
$ad = rand(10, 50); //随机
if ($ad % 3 == 0) {
for ($xx = $i; $xx < $i + 15; $xx++) {
for ($yy = $y; $yy < $y + 30; $yy++) {
imagesetpixel($img, $xx, $yy, $color);
$is = ((90 - $i) + 90) - 15; //计算偏移
for ($xx = $is; $xx < $is + 15; $xx++) {
for ($yy = $y; $yy < $y + 30; $yy++) {
imagesetpixel($img, $xx, $yy, $color);
$y += 14;
$i += 14;
$path = $documentRoot . self::$pathPrefix . 'avatar/default/';
if (!is_dir($path)) {
mkdir($path, 0777, true);
$fileName = $path . date('YmdHis') . uniqid() . '.png';
imagepng($img, $fileName);
return str_replace($documentRoot, '', $fileName);
* 处理保存路径
* @param $options
* @param $documentRoot
* @return string
public static function parsePath($options, $documentRoot)
if (isset($options['temp']) && $options['temp']) {
// 如果是临时文件,修改保存路径为临时路径
$options['path'] = 'temp';
$path = $documentRoot . self::$pathPrefix . $options['path'] . '/' . date('Y-m-d');
if (!is_dir($path)) {
// 判断路径是否存在,不存在,则创建
mkdir($path, 0777, true);
return $path . '/';
* 处理配置参数
* @param array $options
* @return array
public static function parseOptions($options = [])
if ($options == []) {
return self::$options;
} else {
return array_merge(self::$options, $options);
public static function deleteFile($path)
$documentRoot = config('server.settings.document_root');
if (!$documentRoot) {
throw new \RuntimeException('未配置静态资源');
$path = str_replace(config('app_domain'), '', $path);
$path = $documentRoot . $path;
if (file_exists($path)) {
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/3/30
* Time: 9:56
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Manager;
use Hyperf\HttpMessage\Upload\UploadedFile;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\HttpResponseException;
class UploadManager
public static $pathPrefix = '/upload/';
public static $options = [
'path' => 'default', // 默认保存路径
'maxSize' => 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 文件大小,10M
'temp' => false, // 是否为临时文件
'mime' => ['jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'svg', 'txt', 'pdf', 'xlsx', 'xls', 'doc', 'docx', 'rar', 'zip', 'csv'], // 允许上传的文件类型
* 图片上传方法
* @param $image
* @param array $options
* @return string
* @throws HttpResponseException
public static function uploadImage($image, $options = [])
$imgOptions = [
'path' => 'images',
'mime' => ['jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'svg']
$options = array_merge($imgOptions, $options);
return self::uploadFile($image, $options);
* 表格上传方法
* @param $excel
* @param array $options
* @return string
* @throws HttpResponseException
public static function uploadExcel($excel, $options = [])
$excelOptions = [
'path' => 'excel',
'mime' => ['xlsx', 'xls', 'csv']
$options = array_merge($excelOptions, $options);
return self::uploadFile($excel, $options);
* 表格上传方法获取真实地址
* @param $excel
* @param array $options
* @return string
* @throws HttpResponseException
public static function uploadExcelGetRealPath($excel, $options = [])
$excelOptions = [
'path' => 'excel',
'mime' => ['xlsx', 'xls', 'csv']
$options = array_merge($excelOptions, $options);
return self::uploadFile($excel, $options, true);
* 文件上传方法
* @param UploadedFile $file 上传的文件
* @param array $options 配置参数
* @param bool $realPath
* @return string
* @throws HttpResponseException
public static function uploadFile($file, $options = [], $realPath = false)
$documentRoot = config('server.settings.document_root');
if (!$documentRoot) {
throw new \RuntimeException('未配置静态资源');
$options = self::parseOptions($options);
if ($file->isValid()) {
$extension = strtolower($file->getExtension());
// 通过扩展名判断类型
if (!in_array($extension, $options['mime'])) {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件类型不支持,目前只支持' . implode(',', $options['mime']));
// 判断文件大小
if ($file->getSize() > $options['maxSize']) {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件超出系统规定的大小,最大不能超过' . num_2_file_size($options['maxSize']));
// 文件重命名,由当前日期时间 + 唯一ID + 扩展名
$fileName = date('YmdHis') . uniqid() . '.' . $extension;
$savePath = self::parsePath($options, $documentRoot) . $fileName;
if ($file->isMoved()) {
if ($realPath) {
return $savePath;
} else {
return str_replace($documentRoot, '', $savePath);
} else {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件保存失败');
} else {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件无效');
* 文件上传方法(micro-api-flow)
* @param UploadedFile $file 上传的文件
* @param array $options 配置参数
* @param bool $realPath
* @return string
* @throws HttpResponseException
public static function uploadFileGetName($file, $options = [], $realPath = false)
$documentRoot = config('server.settings.document_root');
if (!$documentRoot) {
throw new \RuntimeException('未配置静态资源');
$options = self::parseOptions($options);
if ($file->isValid()) {
$extension = strtolower($file->getExtension());
// 通过扩展名判断类型
if (!in_array($extension, $options['mime'])) {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件类型不支持,目前只支持' . implode(',', $options['mime']));
// 判断文件大小
if ($file->getSize() > $options['maxSize']) {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件超出系统规定的大小,最大不能超过' . num_2_file_size($options['maxSize']));
// 文件重命名,由当前日期时间 + 唯一ID + 扩展名
$fileName = date('YmdHis') . uniqid() . '.' . $extension;
$name = $file->toArray()['name'];
$savePath = self::parsePath($options, $documentRoot) . $fileName;
if ($file->isMoved()) {
if ($realPath) {
return $savePath . '?' . $name;
} else {
return str_replace($documentRoot, '', $savePath . '?' . $name);
} else {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件保存失败');
} else {
throw new HttpResponseException('文件无效');
* 生成头像
* @return string|string[]
public static function createAvatar()
$documentRoot = config('server.settings.document_root');
if (!$documentRoot) {
throw new \RuntimeException('未配置静态资源');
$img = imagecreatetruecolor(180, 180);
$bgColor = imagecolorallocate($img, 240, 240, 240);
imagefill($img, 0, 0, $bgColor);
$color = imagecolorallocate($img, rand(90, 230), rand(90, 230), rand(90, 230));
for ($i = 0; $i < 90; $i++) {
for ($y = 0; $y < 180; $y++) {
$ad = rand(10, 50); //随机
if ($ad % 3 == 0) {
for ($xx = $i; $xx < $i + 15; $xx++) {
for ($yy = $y; $yy < $y + 30; $yy++) {
imagesetpixel($img, $xx, $yy, $color);
$is = ((90 - $i) + 90) - 15; //计算偏移
for ($xx = $is; $xx < $is + 15; $xx++) {
for ($yy = $y; $yy < $y + 30; $yy++) {
imagesetpixel($img, $xx, $yy, $color);
$y += 14;
$i += 14;
$path = $documentRoot . self::$pathPrefix . 'avatar/default/';
if (!is_dir($path)) {
mkdir($path, 0777, true);
$fileName = $path . date('YmdHis') . uniqid() . '.png';
imagepng($img, $fileName);
return str_replace($documentRoot, '', $fileName);
* 处理保存路径
* @param $options
* @param $documentRoot
* @return string
public static function parsePath($options, $documentRoot)
if (isset($options['temp']) && $options['temp']) {
// 如果是临时文件,修改保存路径为临时路径
$options['path'] = 'temp';
$path = $documentRoot . self::$pathPrefix . $options['path'] . '/' . date('Y-m-d');
if (!is_dir($path)) {
// 判断路径是否存在,不存在,则创建
mkdir($path, 0777, true);
return $path . '/';
* 处理配置参数
* @param array $options
* @return array
public static function parseOptions($options = [])
if ($options == []) {
return self::$options;
} else {
return array_merge(self::$options, $options);
public static function deleteFile($path)
$documentRoot = config('server.settings.document_root');
if (!$documentRoot) {
throw new \RuntimeException('未配置静态资源');
$path = str_replace(config('app_domain'), '', $path);
$path = $documentRoot . $path;
if (file_exists($path)) {
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Middleware;
use FastRoute\Dispatcher;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Router\DispatcherFactory;
use Hyperf\Utils\ApplicationContext;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Model\Auth;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\User\AuthenticationServiceInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Inject;
class AuthorizeMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
* @Inject()
* @var AuthenticationServiceInterface
private $authorizationService;
public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface
$path = $request->getUri()->getPath();
$token = token();
$applicationName = env('APP_NAME');
$method = $request->getMethod();
if (empty($path)) return $handler->handle($request);
//获取对应的 path 对应的权限,如果 path 是不需要登录鉴权,直接返回
$passed = $this->authRouter($applicationName, $path, $method, $token);
if ($passed) {
return $handler->handle($request);
return response()->withStatus(403)->json(
'code' => 403,
'msg' => "您没有访问接口的权限,请检查后再操作"
]); //鉴权失败,错误码 403 forbidden
//path 是需要登录鉴权的,判断当前用户是佛有对应 path 的权限
* 获取对应路由的权限,调用 RPC 服务
* @param $applicationName
* @param $route
* @param $token
* @return bool
protected function authRouter($applicationName, $path, $method, $token): bool
$userId = $this->getUserIdByToken($token);
$route = $this->getRouterByPath($path, $method);
if (empty($route)) return true; //说明没有匹配到路由,直接 pass,后续执行一定会返回 404, 这里也可以直接 返回 404
return $this->authorizationService->authByRouter($applicationName, $route, $method, $userId);
* 根据 path 和 method 获取对应的 router
* @param string $path
* @param string $method
* @return array|string
private function getRouterByPath(string $path, string $method) : string
$factory = ApplicationContext::getContainer()->get(DispatcherFactory::class);
$dispatcher = $factory->getDispatcher('http');
$routerMatched = $dispatcher->dispatch($method, $path);
$founded = $routerMatched[0];
if ( $founded != Dispatcher::FOUND) return ''; //说明没有匹配上路由,可以直接 return 404 not found
$handler = $routerMatched[1];
return $handler->route;
* 根据 token 获取对应的 user_id
* @param $token
* @return int|mixed
protected function getUserIdByToken($token)
if (empty($token)) return 0;
$user = redis()->get($token);
if ( ! $user) return 0;
$userArr = \json_decode($user, true);
return !empty($userArr['id']) ? $userArr['id'] : 0;
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Middleware;
use FastRoute\Dispatcher;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Router\DispatcherFactory;
use Hyperf\Utils\ApplicationContext;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Model\Auth;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\User\AuthenticationServiceInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Inject;
class AuthorizeMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
* @Inject()
* @var AuthenticationServiceInterface
private $authorizationService;
public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface
$path = $request->getUri()->getPath();
$token = token();
$applicationName = env('APP_NAME');
$method = $request->getMethod();
if (empty($path)) return $handler->handle($request);
//获取对应的 path 对应的权限,如果 path 是不需要登录鉴权,直接返回
$passed = $this->authRouter($applicationName, $path, $method, $token);
if ($passed) {
return $handler->handle($request);
return response()->withStatus(403)->json(
'code' => 403,
'msg' => "您没有访问接口的权限,请检查后再操作"
]); //鉴权失败,错误码 403 forbidden
//path 是需要登录鉴权的,判断当前用户是佛有对应 path 的权限
* 获取对应路由的权限,调用 RPC 服务
* @param $applicationName
* @param $route
* @param $token
* @return bool
protected function authRouter($applicationName, $path, $method, $token): bool
$userId = $this->getUserIdByToken($token);
$route = $this->getRouterByPath($path, $method);
if (empty($route)) return true; //说明没有匹配到路由,直接 pass,后续执行一定会返回 404, 这里也可以直接 返回 404
return $this->authorizationService->authByRouter($applicationName, $route, $method, $userId);
* 根据 path 和 method 获取对应的 router
* @param string $path
* @param string $method
* @return array|string
private function getRouterByPath(string $path, string $method) : string
$factory = ApplicationContext::getContainer()->get(DispatcherFactory::class);
$dispatcher = $factory->getDispatcher('http');
$routerMatched = $dispatcher->dispatch($method, $path);
$founded = $routerMatched[0];
if ( $founded != Dispatcher::FOUND) return ''; //说明没有匹配上路由,可以直接 return 404 not found
$handler = $routerMatched[1];
return $handler->route;
* 根据 token 获取对应的 user_id
* @param $token
* @return int|mixed
protected function getUserIdByToken($token)
if (empty($token)) return 0;
$user = redis()->get($token);
if ( ! $user) return 0;
$userArr = \json_decode($user, true);
return !empty($userArr['id']) ? $userArr['id'] : 0;
\ No newline at end of file
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Model;
use Hyperf\DbConnection\Model\Model ;
abstract class BaseModel extends Model
* Function addDataToMysql
* 批量插入数据到数据库,无则插入,重复则更新
public function batchUpdateOrCreateByUniqueKey($data)
$buildInsertBatchSqlStr = $this->buildInsertBatchSqlStr($data);
$sql = $buildInsertBatchSqlStr['sql'];
return $this->getConnection()->update($sql);
* Function buildInsertBatchSqlStr
* 组装mysql
private function buildInsertBatchSqlStr($data)
//从data中 获取更新的字段
if (empty($data)) {
return false;
// 兼容一维数组
// 大于2维返回false
return false;
$keys_arr = [];
$datas_arr = [];
$where_arr = [];
foreach ($new_data as $k => $v) {
if (!$keys_arr) {
$keys_arr = array_keys($v);
foreach ($v as $k2=>&$v2){
$onedata = "( " . implode(',', $v) . " )";
$datas_arr[] = $onedata;
// 组装格式 pt_uid=VALUES(pt_uid),
foreach ($keys_arr as $k2 => $v2) {
$where_arr[] = "$v2 = VALUES($v2)";
$keys_str = implode(',', $keys_arr);
$datas_str = implode(',', $datas_arr);
$where_str = implode(',', $where_arr);
$sql = "";
if ($keys_str && $datas_str && $where_str) {
$table = $this->getTable();
$sql = " INSERT INTO $table ( $keys_str ) VALUES $datas_str ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $where_str";
unset($keys_str, $where_str);
return ['sql' => $sql, 'count' => count($datas_arr)];
* Function getmaxdim
* 数组维数
private function getmaxdim($vDim){
if(!is_array($vDim)) return 0;
else {
$max1 = 0;
foreach($vDim as $item1) {
$t1 = $this->getmaxdim($item1);
if( $t1 > $max1) $max1 = $t1;
return $max1 + 1;
* 批量更新数组 有则
* @param $data array 待更新的数据,二维数组格式
* @param string $field string 值不同的条件,默认为id
* @return bool|string
public function batchUpdateByField($data, $field = null)
if(is_null($field)) $field = $this->getKeyName();
if (!is_array($data) || !$field ) {
return false;
$updates = $this->parseUpdate($data, $field);
// 获取所有键名为$field列的值,值两边加上单引号,保存在$fields数组中
// array_column()函数需要PHP5.5.0+,如果小于这个版本,可以自己实现,
// 参考地址:
$fields = array_column($data, $field);
$fields = implode(',', array_map(function($value) {
return "'".$value."'";
}, $fields));
$sql = sprintf(
"UPDATE `%s` SET %s WHERE `%s` IN (%s) ",
$this->getTable(), $updates, $field, $fields
return $this->getConnection()->update($sql);
* 将二维数组转换成CASE WHEN THEN的批量更新条件
* @param $data array 二维数组
* @param $field string 列名
* @return string sql语句
private function parseUpdate($data, $field)
$sql = '';
$keys = array_keys(current($data));
foreach ($keys as $column) {
if($column==$keys) continue;
$sql .= sprintf("`%s` = CASE `%s` \n", $column, $field);
foreach ($data as $line) {
$sql .= sprintf(
"WHEN '%s' THEN '%s' \n",
$sql .= "END,";
return rtrim($sql, ',');
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Model;
use Hyperf\DbConnection\Model\Model ;
abstract class BaseModel extends Model
* Function addDataToMysql
* 批量插入数据到数据库,无则插入,重复则更新
public function batchUpdateOrCreateByUniqueKey($data)
$buildInsertBatchSqlStr = $this->buildInsertBatchSqlStr($data);
$sql = $buildInsertBatchSqlStr['sql'];
return $this->getConnection()->update($sql);
* Function buildInsertBatchSqlStr
* 组装mysql
private function buildInsertBatchSqlStr($data)
//从data中 获取更新的字段
if (empty($data)) {
return false;
// 兼容一维数组
// 大于2维返回false
return false;
$keys_arr = [];
$datas_arr = [];
$where_arr = [];
foreach ($new_data as $k => $v) {
if (!$keys_arr) {
$keys_arr = array_keys($v);
foreach ($v as $k2=>&$v2){
$onedata = "( " . implode(',', $v) . " )";
$datas_arr[] = $onedata;
// 组装格式 pt_uid=VALUES(pt_uid),
foreach ($keys_arr as $k2 => $v2) {
$where_arr[] = "$v2 = VALUES($v2)";
$keys_str = implode(',', $keys_arr);
$datas_str = implode(',', $datas_arr);
$where_str = implode(',', $where_arr);
$sql = "";
if ($keys_str && $datas_str && $where_str) {
$table = $this->getTable();
$sql = " INSERT INTO $table ( $keys_str ) VALUES $datas_str ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $where_str";
unset($keys_str, $where_str);
return ['sql' => $sql, 'count' => count($datas_arr)];
* Function getmaxdim
* 数组维数
private function getmaxdim($vDim){
if(!is_array($vDim)) return 0;
else {
$max1 = 0;
foreach($vDim as $item1) {
$t1 = $this->getmaxdim($item1);
if( $t1 > $max1) $max1 = $t1;
return $max1 + 1;
* 批量更新数组 有则
* @param $data array 待更新的数据,二维数组格式
* @param string $field string 值不同的条件,默认为id
* @return bool|string
public function batchUpdateByField($data, $field = null)
if(is_null($field)) $field = $this->getKeyName();
if (!is_array($data) || !$field ) {
return false;
$updates = $this->parseUpdate($data, $field);
// 获取所有键名为$field列的值,值两边加上单引号,保存在$fields数组中
// array_column()函数需要PHP5.5.0+,如果小于这个版本,可以自己实现,
// 参考地址:
$fields = array_column($data, $field);
$fields = implode(',', array_map(function($value) {
return "'".$value."'";
}, $fields));
$sql = sprintf(
"UPDATE `%s` SET %s WHERE `%s` IN (%s) ",
$this->getTable(), $updates, $field, $fields
return $this->getConnection()->update($sql);
* 将二维数组转换成CASE WHEN THEN的批量更新条件
* @param $data array 二维数组
* @param $field string 列名
* @return string sql语句
private function parseUpdate($data, $field)
$sql = '';
$keys = array_keys(current($data));
foreach ($keys as $column) {
if($column==$keys) continue;
$sql .= sprintf("`%s` = CASE `%s` \n", $column, $field);
foreach ($data as $line) {
$sql .= sprintf(
"WHEN '%s' THEN '%s' \n",
$sql .= "END,";
return rtrim($sql, ',');
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Auto generated.
* Date: 2022-01-20
* Time: 10:08:03
* Description:
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Model;
* 模型类 LogTrace
* @package App\Model
* @property integer $id
* @property string $source 路径
* @property string $origin_params
* @property integer $is_completed
* @property string $created_at
* @property string $process_info
class LogTrace extends BaseModel
protected $table = 'trace_logs';
* 是否使用时间戳管理
* @var bool
public $timestamps = false;
* 可写入数据的字段.
* @var array
protected $fillable = [
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Auto generated.
* Date: 2022-01-20
* Time: 10:08:03
* Description:
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Model;
* 模型类 LogTrace
* @package App\Model
* @property integer $id
* @property string $source 路径
* @property string $origin_params
* @property integer $is_completed
* @property string $created_at
* @property string $process_info
class LogTrace extends BaseModel
protected $table = 'trace_logs';
* 是否使用时间戳管理
* @var bool
public $timestamps = false;
* 可写入数据的字段.
* @var array
protected $fillable = [
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:08
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service;
use Exception;
use Hyperf\DbConnection\Model\Model;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Helper;
* @deprecated 此类废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
class BaseService
* @var Model
protected $model;
* 查找一个数据
* @param $id
* @return Model | array
protected function find($id)
$model = $this->model->find($id);
return $model;
public function all(array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []): array
return $this->model->with($relations)->get($columns)->toArray();
* 获取一条数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations
* @return mixed
public function get(int $id, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = [])
return $this->model->with($relations)->find($id, $columns);
* 插入一条数据
* @param array $params
* @return array
public function insert($params)
try {
$res = $this->model->insert($params);
return Helper::success($res);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return Helper::fail('', $e->getMessage());
* 新增一条数据
* @param array $params
* @return array
public function create($params)
try {
$model = $this->model->newInstance($params);
return Helper::success($model);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return Helper::fail('', $e->getMessage());
* 更新数据
* @param $id
* @param array $params
* @return array
public function update($id, $params)
try {
$model = $this->find($id);
return Helper::success($model);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return Helper::fail('', $e->getMessage());
* 删除数据
* @param $id
* @return array
public function delete($id)
try {
$model = $this->find($id);
$res = $model->delete();
if ($res) {
return Helper::success($res, '删除成功');
} else {
return Helper::fail($res, '删除失败');
} catch (Exception $e) {
return Helper::fail('', $e->getMessage());
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:08
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service;
use Exception;
use Hyperf\DbConnection\Model\Model;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Helper;
* @deprecated 此类废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
class BaseService
* @var Model
protected $model;
* 查找一个数据
* @param $id
* @return Model | array
protected function find($id)
$model = $this->model->find($id);
return $model;
public function all(array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []): array
return $this->model->with($relations)->get($columns)->toArray();
* 获取一条数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations
* @return mixed
public function get(int $id, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = [])
return $this->model->with($relations)->find($id, $columns);
* 插入一条数据
* @param array $params
* @return array
public function insert($params)
try {
$res = $this->model->insert($params);
return Helper::success($res);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return Helper::fail('', $e->getMessage());
* 新增一条数据
* @param array $params
* @return array
public function create($params)
try {
$model = $this->model->newInstance($params);
return Helper::success($model);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return Helper::fail('', $e->getMessage());
* 更新数据
* @param $id
* @param array $params
* @return array
public function update($id, $params)
try {
$model = $this->find($id);
return Helper::success($model);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return Helper::fail('', $e->getMessage());
* 删除数据
* @param $id
* @return array
public function delete($id)
try {
$model = $this->find($id);
$res = $model->delete();
if ($res) {
return Helper::success($res, '删除成功');
} else {
return Helper::fail($res, '删除失败');
} catch (Exception $e) {
return Helper::fail('', $e->getMessage());
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zero
* Date: 2020/3/27
* Time: 15:03
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\App\AppServiceInterface
interface AppServiceInterface
* 获取当前用户可访问的应用数组
* @param $user
* @param bool $isSuperAdmin 是否是超级管理员
* @return mixed
public function getAccessApps($user, $isSuperAdmin = false);
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $relations 关联关系只有['group']
* @param array $columns
* @return mixed
public function get(int $id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'title']);
* 通过id列表获取应用数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $relations 关联关系只有['group']
* @param array $columns 默认展示id和title,可传['title', 'name', 'entry', 'prefix', 'group_id', 'is_inside', 'is_active', 'icon', 'desc', 'weight']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'title']): array;
* 通过name列表获取应用数组
* @param array $nameList 默认去重
* @param array $relations 关联关系只有['group']
* @param array $columns 默认展示id和title,可传['title', 'name', 'entry', 'prefix', 'group_id', 'is_inside', 'is_active', 'icon', 'desc', 'weight']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByNameList(array $nameList, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'title', 'name']): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zero
* Date: 2020/3/27
* Time: 15:03
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\App\AppServiceInterface
interface AppServiceInterface
* 获取当前用户可访问的应用数组
* @param $user
* @param bool $isSuperAdmin 是否是超级管理员
* @return mixed
public function getAccessApps($user, $isSuperAdmin = false);
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $relations 关联关系只有['group']
* @param array $columns
* @return mixed
public function get(int $id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'title']);
* 通过id列表获取应用数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $relations 关联关系只有['group']
* @param array $columns 默认展示id和title,可传['title', 'name', 'entry', 'prefix', 'group_id', 'is_inside', 'is_active', 'icon', 'desc', 'weight']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'title']): array;
* 通过name列表获取应用数组
* @param array $nameList 默认去重
* @param array $relations 关联关系只有['group']
* @param array $columns 默认展示id和title,可传['title', 'name', 'entry', 'prefix', 'group_id', 'is_inside', 'is_active', 'icon', 'desc', 'weight']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByNameList(array $nameList, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'title', 'name']): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\User\BaseInfoServiceInterface
interface BaseInfoServiceInterface
* 通过单个id获取岗位数组
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations
* @return array
public function getPositionListById(int $id): array;
* 通过单个id获取岗位向上取数组
* @param int $id
* @param null $level
* @return array
public function getPositionWithTopListById(int $id, $level = null): array;
* 通过id数组获取国家数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getCountryListByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过id数组获取国家区域数组
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $relations ['country'] 可关联国家数据
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getCountryAreaListByIdList(array $ids, array $relations = []): array;
* 通过id数组获取团队数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getTeamListByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 通过id数组获取站点数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations $relations 支持的关联关系 ['team', 'country'] 分别代表 团队、国家、
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getSiteListByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['id', 'name'], array $relations = []): array;
* 通过id数组获取货币数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getCurrencyListByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 通过Keyword获取货币id数组
* @param $keyword
* @return array
public function getCurrencyIdsByKeyword($keyword);
* 通过单个id获取岗位信息
* @param int $id 职位id
* @param array $relations 职位的关联信息 支持["position_level","users","parent"
* ,"children","perms"] 分别是 岗位职级,岗位用户,岗位父级,岗位子集,岗位对应的权限
* @param array $columns 默认显示所有字段
* @return array|null
public function getPositionById(int $id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']);
* 根据id获取单个数据
* @param int $id 货币id
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段 默认全部 ['id', 'name', 'code', 'symbol']
* @return array|null
public function getCurrencyById($id, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'code', 'symbol']);
* 根据id获取单个数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段 默认全部
* @return array|null
public function getCountryById($id, array $columns = ['*']);
* 获取单个团队数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $relations 支持的关联关系 ['leader', 'sites', "users", "parent", "children"] 分别代表 负责人、团队下的站点、团队成员、父级团队,再级团队
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段 默认['id', 'pid', "name", "leader_user_id", "department_id"]
* @return array|null
public function getTeamById($id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'pid', "name", "leader_user_id", "department_id"]);
* 获取单个站点数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $relations $relations 支持的关联关系 ['team', 'country'] 分别代表 团队、国家、
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段 默认['id', "name", "url", "country_id", "team_id"]
* @return array|null
public function getSiteById($id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', "name", "url", "country_id", "team_id"]);
* 根据团队id获取对应的站点列表
* @param int $teamId 团队id
* @param array $relations $relations 支持的关联关系 ['team', 'country'] 分别代表 团队、国家、
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段 默认['id', "name", "url", "country_id", "team_id"]
* @return array|null
public function getSiteListByTeamId($teamId, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', "name", "url", "country_id", "team_id"]);
* 返回所有货币数据
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段
* $columns = ['id', 'name', 'code', 'symbol'];
* @return array 默认已keyBy('id')
public function currencies(array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 获取所有国家数据
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段
* $columns = ['id', 'name', 'iso_code2', 'iso_code3'];
* @return array 默认已keyBy('id')
public function countries(array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 获取所有团队数据
* @param array $relations 支持的关联关系 ['leader', 'sites', "users", "parent", "children"] 分别代表 负责人、团队下的站点、团队成员、父级团队,再级团队
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段
* $columns = ['id', 'pid', "name", "leader_user_id", "leader_user_id", "department_id"];
* @return array 默认已keyBy('id')
public function teams(array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'pid', "name", "leader_user_id", "department_id"]): array;
* 获取所有站点的数据
* @param array $relations 支持的关联关系 ['team', 'country'] 分别代表 团队、国家
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段
* $columns = ['id', "name", "url", "country_id", "team_id"];
* @return array 默认已keyBy('id')
public function sites(array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', "name"]): array;
* 获取部门领导id数据
* @param array $ids 部门id数组
* @return array
public function getDepartmentLeaderIdsByIds($ids);
* 获取审阅人员
* @param $teamId
* @param $authId
* @return array|bool
public function getReviewUsers($teamId, $authId);
* 通过id数组获取部门数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $relations 关联关系,默认空 ['users', 'leader']
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段,默认全部 ['id', 'name', 'pid', 'remark']
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getDepartmentListByIdList(array $idList, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 获取单个部门数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $relations 关联关系,默认空 ['users', 'leader']
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段,默认全部 ['id', 'name', 'pid', 'remark']
* @return array|null
public function getDepartmentById($id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']);
* 获取所有部门数据
* @param array $relations 关联关系,默认空 ['users', 'leader']
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段,默认全部 ['id', 'name', 'pid', 'remark']
* @return array 默认已keyBy('id')
public function departments(array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过职级id数组获取用户占比数组
* @param array $positionLevelIds 职级id数组,默认去重
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getRateByPositionLevelIds(array $positionLevelIds): array;
* 通过单个id获取国家地区信息
* @param int $id 职位id
* @param array $columns 默认显示所有字段
* @return array|null
public function getCountryZoneById(int $id, array $columns = ['*']);
* 根据国家code数组获取国家数组
* @param array $codes 国家code数组
* @param array $columns 获取的字段,默认全部
* @param int $codeType 2/3 (iso_code2/iso_code3)
* @return array 默认已keyBy('iso_code')
* @author Zero
public function getCountriesByCodes(array $codes, array $columns = ['*'], $codeType = 2);
* 根据国家地区code数组获取国家地区数组
* @param array $codes 国家code数组
* @param null $countryId 国家id
* @param array $relations 关联关系,默认空 可填['country']
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getCountryZonesByCodes(array $codes, $countryId = null, array $relations = []);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\User\BaseInfoServiceInterface
interface BaseInfoServiceInterface
* 通过单个id获取岗位数组
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations
* @return array
public function getPositionListById(int $id): array;
* 通过单个id获取岗位向上取数组
* @param int $id
* @param null $level
* @return array
public function getPositionWithTopListById(int $id, $level = null): array;
* 通过id数组获取国家数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getCountryListByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过id数组获取国家区域数组
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $relations ['country'] 可关联国家数据
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getCountryAreaListByIdList(array $ids, array $relations = []): array;
* 通过id数组获取团队数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getTeamListByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 通过id数组获取站点数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations $relations 支持的关联关系 ['team', 'country'] 分别代表 团队、国家、
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getSiteListByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['id', 'name'], array $relations = []): array;
* 通过id数组获取货币数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getCurrencyListByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 通过Keyword获取货币id数组
* @param $keyword
* @return array
public function getCurrencyIdsByKeyword($keyword);
* 通过单个id获取岗位信息
* @param int $id 职位id
* @param array $relations 职位的关联信息 支持["position_level","users","parent"
* ,"children","perms"] 分别是 岗位职级,岗位用户,岗位父级,岗位子集,岗位对应的权限
* @param array $columns 默认显示所有字段
* @return array|null
public function getPositionById(int $id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']);
* 根据id获取单个数据
* @param int $id 货币id
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段 默认全部 ['id', 'name', 'code', 'symbol']
* @return array|null
public function getCurrencyById($id, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'code', 'symbol']);
* 根据id获取单个数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段 默认全部
* @return array|null
public function getCountryById($id, array $columns = ['*']);
* 获取单个团队数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $relations 支持的关联关系 ['leader', 'sites', "users", "parent", "children"] 分别代表 负责人、团队下的站点、团队成员、父级团队,再级团队
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段 默认['id', 'pid', "name", "leader_user_id", "department_id"]
* @return array|null
public function getTeamById($id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'pid', "name", "leader_user_id", "department_id"]);
* 获取单个站点数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $relations $relations 支持的关联关系 ['team', 'country'] 分别代表 团队、国家、
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段 默认['id', "name", "url", "country_id", "team_id"]
* @return array|null
public function getSiteById($id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', "name", "url", "country_id", "team_id"]);
* 根据团队id获取对应的站点列表
* @param int $teamId 团队id
* @param array $relations $relations 支持的关联关系 ['team', 'country'] 分别代表 团队、国家、
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段 默认['id', "name", "url", "country_id", "team_id"]
* @return array|null
public function getSiteListByTeamId($teamId, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', "name", "url", "country_id", "team_id"]);
* 返回所有货币数据
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段
* $columns = ['id', 'name', 'code', 'symbol'];
* @return array 默认已keyBy('id')
public function currencies(array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 获取所有国家数据
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段
* $columns = ['id', 'name', 'iso_code2', 'iso_code3'];
* @return array 默认已keyBy('id')
public function countries(array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 获取所有团队数据
* @param array $relations 支持的关联关系 ['leader', 'sites', "users", "parent", "children"] 分别代表 负责人、团队下的站点、团队成员、父级团队,再级团队
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段
* $columns = ['id', 'pid', "name", "leader_user_id", "leader_user_id", "department_id"];
* @return array 默认已keyBy('id')
public function teams(array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'pid', "name", "leader_user_id", "department_id"]): array;
* 获取所有站点的数据
* @param array $relations 支持的关联关系 ['team', 'country'] 分别代表 团队、国家
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段
* $columns = ['id', "name", "url", "country_id", "team_id"];
* @return array 默认已keyBy('id')
public function sites(array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', "name"]): array;
* 获取部门领导id数据
* @param array $ids 部门id数组
* @return array
public function getDepartmentLeaderIdsByIds($ids);
* 获取审阅人员
* @param $teamId
* @param $authId
* @return array|bool
public function getReviewUsers($teamId, $authId);
* 通过id数组获取部门数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $relations 关联关系,默认空 ['users', 'leader']
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段,默认全部 ['id', 'name', 'pid', 'remark']
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getDepartmentListByIdList(array $idList, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 获取单个部门数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $relations 关联关系,默认空 ['users', 'leader']
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段,默认全部 ['id', 'name', 'pid', 'remark']
* @return array|null
public function getDepartmentById($id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']);
* 获取所有部门数据
* @param array $relations 关联关系,默认空 ['users', 'leader']
* @param array $columns 要显示的字段,默认全部 ['id', 'name', 'pid', 'remark']
* @return array 默认已keyBy('id')
public function departments(array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过职级id数组获取用户占比数组
* @param array $positionLevelIds 职级id数组,默认去重
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getRateByPositionLevelIds(array $positionLevelIds): array;
* 通过单个id获取国家地区信息
* @param int $id 职位id
* @param array $columns 默认显示所有字段
* @return array|null
public function getCountryZoneById(int $id, array $columns = ['*']);
* 根据国家code数组获取国家数组
* @param array $codes 国家code数组
* @param array $columns 获取的字段,默认全部
* @param int $codeType 2/3 (iso_code2/iso_code3)
* @return array 默认已keyBy('iso_code')
* @author Zero
public function getCountriesByCodes(array $codes, array $columns = ['*'], $codeType = 2);
* 根据国家地区code数组获取国家地区数组
* @param array $codes 国家code数组
* @param null $countryId 国家id
* @param array $relations 关联关系,默认空 可填['country']
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getCountryZonesByCodes(array $codes, $countryId = null, array $relations = []);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/3/16
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Datacenter\DatacenterServiceInterface
interface DatacenterServiceInterface
* description:获取国家汇率 默认取最新一个汇率值
* author: fuyunnan
* @param int $currencyId 货币id
* @param array $field 字段
* @param array $where 筛选数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/8/11
public function getCurrencyRate($currencyId, $field = ['id', 'currency_id', 'rate_val'], $where = []): array;
* description:获取国家汇率 默认取最新一个汇率值
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $currencyIds 货币ids
* @param array $field 字段
* @param array $where 筛选数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/8/11
public function getCurrencyListRate($currencyIds, $field = ['id', 'currency_id', 'rate_val'], $where = []): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/3/16
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Datacenter\DatacenterServiceInterface
interface DatacenterServiceInterface
* description:获取国家汇率 默认取最新一个汇率值
* author: fuyunnan
* @param int $currencyId 货币id
* @param array $field 字段
* @param array $where 筛选数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/8/11
public function getCurrencyRate($currencyId, $field = ['id', 'currency_id', 'rate_val'], $where = []): array;
* description:获取国家汇率 默认取最新一个汇率值
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $currencyIds 货币ids
* @param array $field 字段
* @param array $where 筛选数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/8/11
public function getCurrencyListRate($currencyIds, $field = ['id', 'currency_id', 'rate_val'], $where = []): array;
\ No newline at end of file
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 姜克保
* Date: 2020/5/20
* Time: 15:48
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\DingTalk;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Message\DingTalk\DingDepartmentServiceInterface
interface DingDepartmentServiceInterface
* 获取部门列表
* @param null $id 部门id
* @param bool $isFetchChild 是否获取子部门
* @param null $lang
* @return array
public function getDepartmentList($id = null, $isFetchChild = false, $lang = null): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 姜克保
* Date: 2020/5/20
* Time: 15:48
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\DingTalk;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Message\DingTalk\DingDepartmentServiceInterface
interface DingDepartmentServiceInterface
* 获取部门列表
* @param null $id 部门id
* @param bool $isFetchChild 是否获取子部门
* @param null $lang
* @return array
public function getDepartmentList($id = null, $isFetchChild = false, $lang = null): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 姜克保
* Date: 2020/5/20
* Time: 15:48
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\DingTalk;
use phpDocumentor\Reflection\Types\Mixed_;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Message\DingTalk\DingMessageServiceInterface
interface DingMessageServiceInterface
* 发送普通消息
* @param string $sender 消息发送者 userId
* @param string $cid 群会话或者个人会话的id,通过JSAPI接口唤起联系人界面选择会话获取会话cid;小程序参考获取会话信息,H5微应用参考获取会话信息
* @param array $message 消息内容,消息类型和样例可参考“消息类型与数据格式”文档。最长不超过2048个字节
* @return mixed
public function sendGeneralMessage($sender, $cid, $message);
* 发送工作通知消息
* @param array $params
* 发送给多个用户userid_list userid用逗号分隔
* ['userid_list' => "016740060622772430,251201234433774424",'msg' => '钉钉消息测试','msgtype' => 'text'];
* 发送给所有人
* ['dept_id_list' => "1,2",'msg' => '钉钉消息测试','msgtype' => 'text'];
* 发送给多个部门 部门用逗号分隔
* ['to_all_user' => "true",'msg' => '钉钉消息测试','msgtype' => 'text'];
* @return mixed
public function sendCorporationMessage($params);
* @param int $taskId
* @return mixed
public function corporationMessage($taskId);
* 发送text钉钉消息
* @param integer $templateId 模板id
* @param array $replace 替换内容(注意顺序)
* @param array $userIds 用户id(这个是微服务用户的id)
* @return mixed
public function sendTextMessage($templateId, $replace, $userIds);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 姜克保
* Date: 2020/5/20
* Time: 15:48
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\DingTalk;
use phpDocumentor\Reflection\Types\Mixed_;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Message\DingTalk\DingMessageServiceInterface
interface DingMessageServiceInterface
* 发送普通消息
* @param string $sender 消息发送者 userId
* @param string $cid 群会话或者个人会话的id,通过JSAPI接口唤起联系人界面选择会话获取会话cid;小程序参考获取会话信息,H5微应用参考获取会话信息
* @param array $message 消息内容,消息类型和样例可参考“消息类型与数据格式”文档。最长不超过2048个字节
* @return mixed
public function sendGeneralMessage($sender, $cid, $message);
* 发送工作通知消息
* @param array $params
* 发送给多个用户userid_list userid用逗号分隔
* ['userid_list' => "016740060622772430,251201234433774424",'msg' => '钉钉消息测试','msgtype' => 'text'];
* 发送给所有人
* ['dept_id_list' => "1,2",'msg' => '钉钉消息测试','msgtype' => 'text'];
* 发送给多个部门 部门用逗号分隔
* ['to_all_user' => "true",'msg' => '钉钉消息测试','msgtype' => 'text'];
* @return mixed
public function sendCorporationMessage($params);
* @param int $taskId
* @return mixed
public function corporationMessage($taskId);
* 发送text钉钉消息
* @param integer $templateId 模板id
* @param array $replace 替换内容(注意顺序)
* @param array $userIds 用户id(这个是微服务用户的id)
* @return mixed
public function sendTextMessage($templateId, $replace, $userIds);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 姜克保
* Date: 2020/5/20
* Time: 15:48
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\DingTalk;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Message\DingTalk\DingUserServiceInterface
interface DingUserServiceInterface
/** 通过用户id获取单个用户信息
* @param string $ding_user_id 钉钉用户id
* @return array 钉钉用户信息
public function getByDingUserId($ding_user_id): array;
* 获取部门用户列表
* @return array
public function getDingUserLists(): array;
* 通过临时授权码获取用户信息
* @param string $code 临时授权码
* @return array
public function getDingUserByTempCode($code): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 姜克保
* Date: 2020/5/20
* Time: 15:48
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\DingTalk;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Message\DingTalk\DingUserServiceInterface
interface DingUserServiceInterface
/** 通过用户id获取单个用户信息
* @param string $ding_user_id 钉钉用户id
* @return array 钉钉用户信息
public function getByDingUserId($ding_user_id): array;
* 获取部门用户列表
* @return array
public function getDingUserLists(): array;
* 通过临时授权码获取用户信息
* @param string $code 临时授权码
* @return array
public function getDingUserByTempCode($code): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 姜克保
* Date: 2020/5/20
* Time: 15:48
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Store\DispatchPlanServiceInterface
interface DispatchPlanServiceInterface
* 返回发货计划存在的仓库子产品id
* @param array $idList 仓库子产品id
* @return array
public function getExistProductChildIds(array $idList): array;
* 返回发货计划存在的平台子产品id
* @param array $idList
* @return array
public function getExistPlatformProductChildIds(array $idList): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 姜克保
* Date: 2020/5/20
* Time: 15:48
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Store\DispatchPlanServiceInterface
interface DispatchPlanServiceInterface
* 返回发货计划存在的仓库子产品id
* @param array $idList 仓库子产品id
* @return array
public function getExistProductChildIds(array $idList): array;
* 返回发货计划存在的平台子产品id
* @param array $idList
* @return array
public function getExistPlatformProductChildIds(array $idList): array;
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\File;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\File\FileServiceInterface
interface FileServiceInterface
* @param string $type 类型编码 0001
* @param integer $number 生成条形码数量 100
* @return mixed
public function generateBarCode($type, $number);
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\File;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\File\FileServiceInterface
interface FileServiceInterface
* @param string $type 类型编码 0001
* @param integer $number 生成条形码数量 100
* @return mixed
public function generateBarCode($type, $number);
\ No newline at end of file
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Flow;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Flow\GetConnectModuleServiceInterface
interface GetConnectModuleServiceInterface
* @param string $channel 通道名
* @return mixed
public function getConnectModule($channel);
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Flow;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Flow\GetConnectModuleServiceInterface
interface GetConnectModuleServiceInterface
* @param string $channel 通道名
* @return mixed
public function getConnectModule($channel);
\ No newline at end of file
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Flow;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Flow\ProcessFormServiceInterface
interface ProcessFormServiceInterface
* 创建流程申请
* @param integer $processId 流程id
* @param string $url 表单图片地址
* @param array $data 表单详细内容
* @param string $user 当前用户信息
* @return mixed
public function createProcessForm($processId, $url, array $data, $user);
* @param array $ApplyId 申请的id
* @param string $operate 操作:'agree'同意 'turnDown'驳回 'plug'撤回
* @return mixed
public function operateFlow($ApplyId, $operate);
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Flow;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Flow\ProcessFormServiceInterface
interface ProcessFormServiceInterface
* 创建流程申请
* @param integer $processId 流程id
* @param string $url 表单图片地址
* @param array $data 表单详细内容
* @param string $user 当前用户信息
* @return mixed
public function createProcessForm($processId, $url, array $data, $user);
* @param array $ApplyId 申请的id
* @param string $operate 操作:'agree'同意 'turnDown'驳回 'plug'撤回
* @return mixed
public function operateFlow($ApplyId, $operate);
\ No newline at end of file
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Logistics;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Logistics\LogisticsServiceInterface
interface LogisticsServiceInterface
* 将物流单号推送到物流中心,物流中心会时刻监视运单变化实时推送给订阅模块
* @param string $module 模块名称
* @param array $logisticsInfo 物流公司信息 $logisticsInfo = [['logistics_code' => '', 'logistics_no' => '']];
* @return mixed
public function push($module,$logisticsInfo);
* 根据物流单号查询物流信息
* @param array $logisticsNo 物流订单号
* @return mixed
public function logisticsInfo($logisticsNo);
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Logistics;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Logistics\LogisticsServiceInterface
interface LogisticsServiceInterface
* 将物流单号推送到物流中心,物流中心会时刻监视运单变化实时推送给订阅模块
* @param string $module 模块名称
* @param array $logisticsInfo 物流公司信息 $logisticsInfo = [['logistics_code' => '', 'logistics_no' => '']];
* @return mixed
public function push($module,$logisticsInfo);
* 根据物流单号查询物流信息
* @param array $logisticsNo 物流订单号
* @return mixed
public function logisticsInfo($logisticsNo);
\ No newline at end of file
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zhaopeng
* Date: 2020/9/5
* Time: 10:09
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Operation;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Operation\OperationServiceInterface
interface OperationServiceInterface
* 获取销售报表其他数据
* @param array $conditions 必传条件 site_id team_id start_time end_time
* @return mixed
public function getBusinessSaleOtherDatum(array $conditions);
* 获取销售报表其他数据
* @param array $conditions 必传条件 site_id team_id start_time end_time
* @return mixed
public function getBusinessSaleOtherDatumRmb(array $conditions);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zhaopeng
* Date: 2020/9/5
* Time: 10:09
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Operation;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Operation\OperationServiceInterface
interface OperationServiceInterface
* 获取销售报表其他数据
* @param array $conditions 必传条件 site_id team_id start_time end_time
* @return mixed
public function getBusinessSaleOtherDatum(array $conditions);
* 获取销售报表其他数据
* @param array $conditions 必传条件 site_id team_id start_time end_time
* @return mixed
public function getBusinessSaleOtherDatumRmb(array $conditions);
\ No newline at end of file
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 姜克保
* Date: 2020/5/20
* Time: 15:48
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Order;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Order\ShopifyOrderServiceInterface
interface ShopifyOrderServiceInterface
* shopify 推送订单信息
* @param string $topic 动作
* @param array $array 订单信息
* @param array $shopifySite 站点信息
* @return mixed
public function pushOrder($topic, array $array = [], array $shopifySite = []);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 姜克保
* Date: 2020/5/20
* Time: 15:48
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Order;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Order\ShopifyOrderServiceInterface
interface ShopifyOrderServiceInterface
* shopify 推送订单信息
* @param string $topic 动作
* @param array $array 订单信息
* @param array $shopifySite 站点信息
* @return mixed
public function pushOrder($topic, array $array = [], array $shopifySite = []);
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Order;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Order\StockUpServiceInterface
interface StockUpServiceInterface
* @param $stockNo
* @return mixed
public function stockIntoUpdateStatus($stockNo):bool;
* 跟进物流单号
* @param $logisticsNo
* @return array
public function getStockUpInfoByLogisticsNo($logisticsNo):array;
* @param $sourceNo
* @return array
public function getStockUpInfoByOrderNo($sourceNo):array;
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Order;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Order\StockUpServiceInterface
interface StockUpServiceInterface
* @param $stockNo
* @return mixed
public function stockIntoUpdateStatus($stockNo):bool;
* 跟进物流单号
* @param $logisticsNo
* @return array
public function getStockUpInfoByLogisticsNo($logisticsNo):array;
* @param $sourceNo
* @return array
public function getStockUpInfoByOrderNo($sourceNo):array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zhaopeng
* Date: 2020/9/1
* Time: 10:09
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Order;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Order\SubOrderServiceInterface
interface SubOrderServiceInterface
* @param int $id
* @param array $column 需要查询的字段
* @param array $relation 需要的子订单关联关系可传入['order','order_product']
* @return array | null
public function getById(int $id, array $column = ['*'], array $relation = []): array;
* @param array $idList 子订单的ID 数组[1,2,3]
* @param array $column 需要查询字段
* @param array $relation 需要的关联关系可传入['order','order_product']
* @return array | null
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $column = ['*'], array $relation = []): array;
* @param array $idList 需要改变发货状态的子订单ID数组
* @param int $status 需要改变的发货状态ID 1 待发货 2 已发货 3 已签收 4 已取消
* @return bool
public function updateSubOrderShipStatus(array $idList, int $status): bool;
* 需要改变的子订单id
* @param int $id
* @return bool
public function StockIntoUpdateSubOrderStatus(int $id): bool;
* description:通过来源单号获取生产工厂
* author: fuyunnan
* @param
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/29
public function getBySourcesFactory($sources): array;
* @param array $source 来源单号数组
* @return array
public function getBySourceSite($source): array;
* 订单采购完成 修改子订单信息 ---1688采购系统使用
* @param $data //修改参数数组(二维数组)
* 参数字段:$data = [
* [
* 'sub_order_no'=>oa子订单编号
* 'supplier_name'=>供应商,
* 'purchase_price'=>采购总价,
* 'platform_order'=>'采购平台订单号',
* 'domestic_logistics_no'=>物流单号,
* 'domestic_logistics_price'=>物流价格
* ],
* [
* 'sub_order_no'=>oa子订单编号
* 'supplier_name'=>供应商,
* 'purchase_price'=>采购总价,
* 'platform_order'=>'采购平台订单号',
* 'domestic_logistics_no'=>物流单号,
* 'domestic_logistics_price'=>物流价格
* ]
* ]
* @return bool
public function purchaseCompleted($data,$type): bool;
* 1688采购异常订单 修改OA子订单状态
* @param $orderId //oa子订单id
* @param $errorCode //异常信息 1 取消 2其他
* @return array
public function purchaseError($orderId,$errorCode):array ;
* 1688采购取消
* @param $orderNo
* @param $editData
* @return bool
public function purchaseCancel($orderNo,$editData = []):bool;
* 1688采购 修改oa子订单
* @param $editData
* $editData = [
* 'logistic_no'=>'需要修改的物流单号'
* 'logistic_no_new'=>'修改后的物流单号',
* 'logistic_price'=>'物流费用',
* ]
* @return array
public function purchaseEdit($editData):bool ;
* 删除物流信息
* @param $data =>[
* 'sub_order_no'=>'子订单号',
* 'logistic_no'=>'物流单号'
* ]
* @return bool
public function purchaseDelete($data):bool;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zhaopeng
* Date: 2020/9/1
* Time: 10:09
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Order;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Order\SubOrderServiceInterface
interface SubOrderServiceInterface
* @param int $id
* @param array $column 需要查询的字段
* @param array $relation 需要的子订单关联关系可传入['order','order_product']
* @return array | null
public function getById(int $id, array $column = ['*'], array $relation = []): array;
* @param array $idList 子订单的ID 数组[1,2,3]
* @param array $column 需要查询字段
* @param array $relation 需要的关联关系可传入['order','order_product']
* @return array | null
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $column = ['*'], array $relation = []): array;
* @param array $idList 需要改变发货状态的子订单ID数组
* @param int $status 需要改变的发货状态ID 1 待发货 2 已发货 3 已签收 4 已取消
* @return bool
public function updateSubOrderShipStatus(array $idList, int $status): bool;
* 需要改变的子订单id
* @param int $id
* @return bool
public function StockIntoUpdateSubOrderStatus(int $id): bool;
* description:通过来源单号获取生产工厂
* author: fuyunnan
* @param
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/29
public function getBySourcesFactory($sources): array;
* @param array $source 来源单号数组
* @return array
public function getBySourceSite($source): array;
* 订单采购完成 修改子订单信息 ---1688采购系统使用
* @param $data //修改参数数组(二维数组)
* 参数字段:$data = [
* [
* 'sub_order_no'=>oa子订单编号
* 'supplier_name'=>供应商,
* 'purchase_price'=>采购总价,
* 'platform_order'=>'采购平台订单号',
* 'domestic_logistics_no'=>物流单号,
* 'domestic_logistics_price'=>物流价格
* ],
* [
* 'sub_order_no'=>oa子订单编号
* 'supplier_name'=>供应商,
* 'purchase_price'=>采购总价,
* 'platform_order'=>'采购平台订单号',
* 'domestic_logistics_no'=>物流单号,
* 'domestic_logistics_price'=>物流价格
* ]
* ]
* @return bool
public function purchaseCompleted($data,$type): bool;
* 1688采购异常订单 修改OA子订单状态
* @param $orderId //oa子订单id
* @param $errorCode //异常信息 1 取消 2其他
* @return array
public function purchaseError($orderId,$errorCode):array ;
* 1688采购取消
* @param $orderNo
* @param $editData
* @return bool
public function purchaseCancel($orderNo,$editData = []):bool;
* 1688采购 修改oa子订单
* @param $editData
* $editData = [
* 'logistic_no'=>'需要修改的物流单号'
* 'logistic_no_new'=>'修改后的物流单号',
* 'logistic_price'=>'物流费用',
* ]
* @return array
public function purchaseEdit($editData):bool ;
* 删除物流信息
* @param $data =>[
* 'sub_order_no'=>'子订单号',
* 'logistic_no'=>'物流单号'
* ]
* @return bool
public function purchaseDelete($data):bool;
\ No newline at end of file
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 梁俊杰
* Date: 2020/5/15
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\MaterialServiceInterface
interface MaterialServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 原料id
* @param array $columns 原料表的字段,默认显示全部
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $columns = ['*']);
* 通过id列表获取原料数组
* @param array $idList 原料id的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $columns 原料表的字段,默认显示全部
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过内部code列表获取原料列表
* @param array $codeList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBy('internal_code')
public function getByCodeList(array $codeList, array $columns = ['id']);
* 获取指定品名下所有的原料数据
* @param array $nameIds 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认groupBy('material_name_id')
public function getListByNameIds(array $nameIds, array $columns = ['*']);
* 通过原料品名id列表获取原料品名数组
* @param array $idList 原料品名id的列表, 默认去重
* @param bool $withMaterials 是否关联原料数据
* @param array $columns 原料品名表的字段,默认显示全部
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getMaterialNamesByIdList(array $idList, $withMaterials = false, array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 获取某原料品类下的所有原料品名
* @param $categoryId
* @return array
public function getMaterialNamesByCategoryId($categoryId);
* 判断产品是否绑定原料品名
* @param $productId
* @return bool
public function hasProductMaterialNames($productId): bool;
* 获取产品绑定的原料品名
* @param $productId
* @return array keyBy('id')
public function getProductMaterialNames($productId);
* 获取产品对应颜色绑定的原料
* @param $productId
* @param array $colorIds 默认去重
* @param bool $withMaterials
* @return array 默认keyBy('color_id')
public function getProductColorMaterials($productId, array $colorIds, $withMaterials = false);
* 获取维护完全原料数量的颜色id
* @param $productId
* @return array
public function getFullMaterialCountColorIds($productId);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 梁俊杰
* Date: 2020/5/15
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\MaterialServiceInterface
interface MaterialServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 原料id
* @param array $columns 原料表的字段,默认显示全部
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $columns = ['*']);
* 通过id列表获取原料数组
* @param array $idList 原料id的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $columns 原料表的字段,默认显示全部
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过内部code列表获取原料列表
* @param array $codeList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBy('internal_code')
public function getByCodeList(array $codeList, array $columns = ['id']);
* 获取指定品名下所有的原料数据
* @param array $nameIds 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认groupBy('material_name_id')
public function getListByNameIds(array $nameIds, array $columns = ['*']);
* 通过原料品名id列表获取原料品名数组
* @param array $idList 原料品名id的列表, 默认去重
* @param bool $withMaterials 是否关联原料数据
* @param array $columns 原料品名表的字段,默认显示全部
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getMaterialNamesByIdList(array $idList, $withMaterials = false, array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 获取某原料品类下的所有原料品名
* @param $categoryId
* @return array
public function getMaterialNamesByCategoryId($categoryId);
* 判断产品是否绑定原料品名
* @param $productId
* @return bool
public function hasProductMaterialNames($productId): bool;
* 获取产品绑定的原料品名
* @param $productId
* @return array keyBy('id')
public function getProductMaterialNames($productId);
* 获取产品对应颜色绑定的原料
* @param $productId
* @param array $colorIds 默认去重
* @param bool $withMaterials
* @return array 默认keyBy('color_id')
public function getProductColorMaterials($productId, array $colorIds, $withMaterials = false);
* 获取维护完全原料数量的颜色id
* @param $productId
* @return array
public function getFullMaterialCountColorIds($productId);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\PlatformProductChildServiceInterface
interface PlatformProductChildServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 平台产品id
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight"]
* @param array $columns 平台子产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id','platform_product_id','product_child_id','platform_product_child_sku','asin','fnsku','is_sale']
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']);
* 通过id列表获取平台子产品数组
* @param array $idList 平台子产品id的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight","packs"]
* @param array $columns 平台子产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id','platform_product_id','product_child_id','platform_product_child_sku','asin','fnsku','is_sale']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']): array;
* 获取单个数据
* @param string $sku 平台子产品sku
* @param int $siteId 平台子产品所属站点
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight","packs"]
* @param array $columns 平台子产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id','platform_product_id','product_child_id','platform_product_child_sku','asin','fnsku','is_sale']
* @return array
public function getBySku($sku, $siteId, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过sku列表获取平台子产品数组
* @param array $skuList 平台子产品sku的列表, 默认去重
* @param int $siteId 平台子产品所属站点
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight","packs"]
* @param array $columns 平台子产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id','platform_product_id','product_child_id','platform_product_child_sku','asin','fnsku','is_sale']
* @return array 默认keyBy('platform_product_child_sku')
public function getBySkuList(array $skuList, $siteId, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']): array;
* 模糊搜索平台子sku,获取id数组
* @param string $childSku 平台子sku
* @param array|null $limitIds 限制id数组,不传为不限制
* @return array
public function getIdsByChildSku(string $childSku, array $limitIds = null);
* 获取仓库主sku对应的平台主sku
* @param array $productChildIds 已去重
* @param null $siteId 指定站点id, 不传或传null,获取全部数据
* @param array $columns
* @return array
public function getListByProductChildIds(array $productChildIds, $siteId = null, array $columns = ['*']);
* 通过仓库产品id获取平台子产品数组
* @param $productId
* @param null $siteId
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight","packs"]
* @param array $columns
* @return array
public function getListByProductIds($productId, $siteId = null, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']);
* 通过颜色和尺码id获取平台子产品数组
* @param $productId
* @param $colorId
* @param $sizeId
* @param $siteId
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight","packs"]
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getListByColorSizeIds($productId, $colorId, $sizeId, $siteId, $relations = []);
* 通过颜色和尺码id获取平台组合子产品数组
* @param $productId
* @param $siteId
* @param array $colorIds
* @param $sizeId
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getPackListByColorSizeIds($productId, $siteId, $colorIds, $sizeId);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\PlatformProductChildServiceInterface
interface PlatformProductChildServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 平台产品id
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight"]
* @param array $columns 平台子产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id','platform_product_id','product_child_id','platform_product_child_sku','asin','fnsku','is_sale']
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']);
* 通过id列表获取平台子产品数组
* @param array $idList 平台子产品id的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight","packs"]
* @param array $columns 平台子产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id','platform_product_id','product_child_id','platform_product_child_sku','asin','fnsku','is_sale']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']): array;
* 获取单个数据
* @param string $sku 平台子产品sku
* @param int $siteId 平台子产品所属站点
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight","packs"]
* @param array $columns 平台子产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id','platform_product_id','product_child_id','platform_product_child_sku','asin','fnsku','is_sale']
* @return array
public function getBySku($sku, $siteId, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过sku列表获取平台子产品数组
* @param array $skuList 平台子产品sku的列表, 默认去重
* @param int $siteId 平台子产品所属站点
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight","packs"]
* @param array $columns 平台子产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id','platform_product_id','product_child_id','platform_product_child_sku','asin','fnsku','is_sale']
* @return array 默认keyBy('platform_product_child_sku')
public function getBySkuList(array $skuList, $siteId, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']): array;
* 模糊搜索平台子sku,获取id数组
* @param string $childSku 平台子sku
* @param array|null $limitIds 限制id数组,不传为不限制
* @return array
public function getIdsByChildSku(string $childSku, array $limitIds = null);
* 获取仓库主sku对应的平台主sku
* @param array $productChildIds 已去重
* @param null $siteId 指定站点id, 不传或传null,获取全部数据
* @param array $columns
* @return array
public function getListByProductChildIds(array $productChildIds, $siteId = null, array $columns = ['*']);
* 通过仓库产品id获取平台子产品数组
* @param $productId
* @param null $siteId
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight","packs"]
* @param array $columns
* @return array
public function getListByProductIds($productId, $siteId = null, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']);
* 通过颜色和尺码id获取平台子产品数组
* @param $productId
* @param $colorId
* @param $sizeId
* @param $siteId
* @param array $relations 平台子产品的关联关系,支持:["platform_product","product_child","weight","packs"]
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getListByColorSizeIds($productId, $colorId, $sizeId, $siteId, $relations = []);
* 通过颜色和尺码id获取平台组合子产品数组
* @param $productId
* @param $siteId
* @param array $colorIds
* @param $sizeId
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getPackListByColorSizeIds($productId, $siteId, $colorIds, $sizeId);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\PlatformProductServiceInterface
interface PlatformProductServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 平台产品id
* @param array $relations 平台产品的关联关系,
* 支持:["status","product","amazon_warehouse","platform_product_children","brand","category","ingredient","product_name","images","price_info","property"]
* @param array $columns 平台产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id', 'sku', 'product_id', 'name', 'team_id', 'site_id', 'price', 'currency_id', 'platform_product_status_id', 'creator_id', 'asin', 'amazon_warehouse_id', 'info_completed']
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']);
* 通过id列表获取平台产品数组
* @param array $idList 平台产品id的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $relations 平台产品的关联关系,
* 支持:["status","product","amazon_warehouse","platform_product_children","brand","category","ingredient","product_name","images","price_info","property"]
* @param array $columns 平台产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id', 'sku', 'product_id', 'name', 'team_id', 'site_id', 'price', 'currency_id', 'platform_product_status_id', 'creator_id', 'asin', 'amazon_warehouse_id', 'info_completed']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']): array;
* 获取申报要素数据
* @param array $idList
* @param bool $groupByFlag
* @return array
public function getWithPoint(array $idList, $groupByFlag = false);
* 获取全部亚马逊仓库
* @return array
public function amazonWarehouses();
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\PlatformProductServiceInterface
interface PlatformProductServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 平台产品id
* @param array $relations 平台产品的关联关系,
* 支持:["status","product","amazon_warehouse","platform_product_children","brand","category","ingredient","product_name","images","price_info","property"]
* @param array $columns 平台产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id', 'sku', 'product_id', 'name', 'team_id', 'site_id', 'price', 'currency_id', 'platform_product_status_id', 'creator_id', 'asin', 'amazon_warehouse_id', 'info_completed']
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']);
* 通过id列表获取平台产品数组
* @param array $idList 平台产品id的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $relations 平台产品的关联关系,
* 支持:["status","product","amazon_warehouse","platform_product_children","brand","category","ingredient","product_name","images","price_info","property"]
* @param array $columns 平台产品表的字段,默认全部字段
* ['id', 'sku', 'product_id', 'name', 'team_id', 'site_id', 'price', 'currency_id', 'platform_product_status_id', 'creator_id', 'asin', 'amazon_warehouse_id', 'info_completed']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $relations = [], $columns = ['*']): array;
* 获取申报要素数据
* @param array $idList
* @param bool $groupByFlag
* @return array
public function getWithPoint(array $idList, $groupByFlag = false);
* 获取全部亚马逊仓库
* @return array
public function amazonWarehouses();
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\ProductChildServiceInterface
interface ProductChildServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 子SKU id
* @param array $columns 子SKU表的字段,默认显示全部
* @param array $relations 子SKU的关联关系,可传入['brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost', 'weight', 'packs']
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []);
* 通过id列表获取产品数组
* @param array $idList 子SKUid的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $columns 子SKU表的字段,默认显示全部
* @param array $relations 子SKU的关联关系,可传入['brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost', 'weight', 'packs']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []): array;
* 通过sku列表获取子产品列表
* @param array $skuList 默认去重
* @param array $columns 子SKU表的字段,默认返回id
* @param array $relations 子SKU的关联关系,可传入['color', 'size','brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost', 'weight', 'packs']
* @return array 默认keyBy('child_sku')
public function getListBySkuList(array $skuList, array $columns = ['id'], array $relations = []);
* 获取全部尺码列表
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name']
* @return array
public function sizes(array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 获取全部颜色列表
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'code', 'cn_name', 'en_name']
* @return array
public function colors(array $columns = ['id', 'code', 'cn_name', 'en_name']): array;
* 通过id数组获取尺码列表
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getSizesByIds(array $ids, $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 通过id数组获取颜色列表
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getColorsByIds(array $ids, array $columns = ['id', 'code', 'cn_name', 'en_name']): array;
* 通过id获取尺码
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @return array|null
public function getSizeById(int $id, $columns = ['id', 'name']);
* 通过id获取颜色
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @return array|null
public function getColorById(int $id, array $columns = ['id', 'code', 'cn_name', 'en_name']);
* 获取某产品下的所有子产品
* @param int $productId
* @param array $columns
* @return array
public function getListByProductId(int $productId, $columns = ['id', 'child_sku']);
* 模糊搜索仓库子sku,获取id数组
* @param string $childSku 仓库子sku
* @param array|null $limitIds 限制id数组,不传为不限制
* @return array
public function getIdsByChildSku(string $childSku, array $limitIds = null);
* 根据主sku品类id获取仓库子sku的id数组
* @param int $categoryId
* @param int|null $limit
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getIdsByCategoryId(int $categoryId, int $limit = null);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\ProductChildServiceInterface
interface ProductChildServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 子SKU id
* @param array $columns 子SKU表的字段,默认显示全部
* @param array $relations 子SKU的关联关系,可传入['brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost', 'weight', 'packs']
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []);
* 通过id列表获取产品数组
* @param array $idList 子SKUid的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $columns 子SKU表的字段,默认显示全部
* @param array $relations 子SKU的关联关系,可传入['brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost', 'weight', 'packs']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []): array;
* 通过sku列表获取子产品列表
* @param array $skuList 默认去重
* @param array $columns 子SKU表的字段,默认返回id
* @param array $relations 子SKU的关联关系,可传入['color', 'size','brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost', 'weight', 'packs']
* @return array 默认keyBy('child_sku')
public function getListBySkuList(array $skuList, array $columns = ['id'], array $relations = []);
* 获取全部尺码列表
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name']
* @return array
public function sizes(array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 获取全部颜色列表
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'code', 'cn_name', 'en_name']
* @return array
public function colors(array $columns = ['id', 'code', 'cn_name', 'en_name']): array;
* 通过id数组获取尺码列表
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getSizesByIds(array $ids, $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 通过id数组获取颜色列表
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getColorsByIds(array $ids, array $columns = ['id', 'code', 'cn_name', 'en_name']): array;
* 通过id获取尺码
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @return array|null
public function getSizeById(int $id, $columns = ['id', 'name']);
* 通过id获取颜色
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @return array|null
public function getColorById(int $id, array $columns = ['id', 'code', 'cn_name', 'en_name']);
* 获取某产品下的所有子产品
* @param int $productId
* @param array $columns
* @return array
public function getListByProductId(int $productId, $columns = ['id', 'child_sku']);
* 模糊搜索仓库子sku,获取id数组
* @param string $childSku 仓库子sku
* @param array|null $limitIds 限制id数组,不传为不限制
* @return array
public function getIdsByChildSku(string $childSku, array $limitIds = null);
* 根据主sku品类id获取仓库子sku的id数组
* @param int $categoryId
* @param int|null $limit
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getIdsByCategoryId(int $categoryId, int $limit = null);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\ProductServiceInterface
interface ProductServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 产品id
* @param array $relations 产品的关联关系,支持:["brand","category","ingredient","product_name","status","type","images","price_info","product_children"]
* @param array $columns 产品表的字段,默认
* ['id', 'sku', 'name', 'en_name', 'brand_id', 'team_id', 'hs_code', 'origin_country_id', 'production_address',
* 'unit', 'category_id', 'ingredient_id', 'product_name_id', 'type_id', 'status_id', 'style', 'info_completed'
* , 'bar_code', 'bar_code_image', 'creator_id', 'hot']
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']);
* 通过id列表获取产品数组
* @param array $idList 产品id的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $relations 产品的关联关系,支持["brand","category","ingredient","product_name","status","type","images","price_info","product_children"]
* @param array $columns 产品表的字段,默认['id', 'sku', 'name', 'en_name', 'brand_id'
* , 'team_id', 'hs_code', 'origin_country_id', 'production_address', 'unit', 'category_id'
* , 'ingredient_id', 'product_name_id', 'type_id', 'status_id', 'style', 'info_completed'
* , 'bar_code', 'bar_code_image', 'creator_id', 'hot']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过sku列表获取产品列表
* @param array $skuList 默认去重
* @param array $relations 产品的关联关系,可传入['color', 'size','brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost', 'weight']
* @param array $columns 产品表的字段,默认返回id
* @return array 默认keyBy('sku')
public function getListBySkuList(array $skuList, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id']);
* 获取全部品类列表
* @param bool $asTree 是否作为树返回
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name', 'parent_id']
* @return array
public function categories($asTree = false, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'parent_id']): array;
* 获取全部品牌列表
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name']
* @return array
public function brands(array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 获取全部报关品名列表
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name','en_name']
* @return array
public function productNames(array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'en_name']): array;
* 获取全部成分列表
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name']
* @return array
public function ingredients(array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'en_name']): array;
* 通过id数组获取品类列表
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getCategoriesByIds(array $ids, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'parent_id']): array;
* 通过id数组获取品名列表
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations ['report_points']
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getProductNamesByIds(array $ids, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'en_name'], array $relations = []): array;
* 通过id获取品类
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @return array|null
public function getCategoryById(int $id, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'parent_id']);
* 通过id获取品名
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations ['report_points']
* @return array|null
public function getProductNameById(int $id, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'en_name'], array $relations = []);
* 通过id数组获取申报要素列表
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations ['product_name', 'ingredient']
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getReportPointsByIds(array $ids, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'hs_code', 'point']): array;
* 通过id获取申报要素
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations ['product_name', 'ingredient']
* @return array|null
public function getReportPointById(int $id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'hs_code', 'point']);
* 获取申报要素数据
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param bool $groupByFlag
* @return array keyBy('id')
public function getWithPoint(array $idList, $groupByFlag = false);
* 获取全部申报要素列表
* @param array $columns 默认['*']
* @return array
public function reportPoints(array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过产品id获取维护的所有尺码
* @param $id
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getSizesById($id): array;
* 完成产品审批
* @param $data
* @author Zero
public function downApprove($data);
* 检查产品是否同时维护工艺信息核原料信息
* @param
* 参数可以通过id
* @return bool 同时维护true,未同时维护false
* @throws \Meibuyu\Rpc\Exceptions\RpcException
* @author Zero
public function checkMaterialCraftById($id);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\ProductServiceInterface
interface ProductServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 产品id
* @param array $relations 产品的关联关系,支持:["brand","category","ingredient","product_name","status","type","images","price_info","product_children"]
* @param array $columns 产品表的字段,默认
* ['id', 'sku', 'name', 'en_name', 'brand_id', 'team_id', 'hs_code', 'origin_country_id', 'production_address',
* 'unit', 'category_id', 'ingredient_id', 'product_name_id', 'type_id', 'status_id', 'style', 'info_completed'
* , 'bar_code', 'bar_code_image', 'creator_id', 'hot']
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']);
* 通过id列表获取产品数组
* @param array $idList 产品id的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $relations 产品的关联关系,支持["brand","category","ingredient","product_name","status","type","images","price_info","product_children"]
* @param array $columns 产品表的字段,默认['id', 'sku', 'name', 'en_name', 'brand_id'
* , 'team_id', 'hs_code', 'origin_country_id', 'production_address', 'unit', 'category_id'
* , 'ingredient_id', 'product_name_id', 'type_id', 'status_id', 'style', 'info_completed'
* , 'bar_code', 'bar_code_image', 'creator_id', 'hot']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过sku列表获取产品列表
* @param array $skuList 默认去重
* @param array $relations 产品的关联关系,可传入['color', 'size','brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost', 'weight']
* @param array $columns 产品表的字段,默认返回id
* @return array 默认keyBy('sku')
public function getListBySkuList(array $skuList, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id']);
* 获取全部品类列表
* @param bool $asTree 是否作为树返回
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name', 'parent_id']
* @return array
public function categories($asTree = false, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'parent_id']): array;
* 获取全部品牌列表
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name']
* @return array
public function brands(array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 获取全部报关品名列表
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name','en_name']
* @return array
public function productNames(array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'en_name']): array;
* 获取全部成分列表
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name']
* @return array
public function ingredients(array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'en_name']): array;
* 通过id数组获取品类列表
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getCategoriesByIds(array $ids, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'parent_id']): array;
* 通过id数组获取品名列表
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations ['report_points']
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getProductNamesByIds(array $ids, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'en_name'], array $relations = []): array;
* 通过id获取品类
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @return array|null
public function getCategoryById(int $id, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'parent_id']);
* 通过id获取品名
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations ['report_points']
* @return array|null
public function getProductNameById(int $id, array $columns = ['id', 'name', 'en_name'], array $relations = []);
* 通过id数组获取申报要素列表
* @param array $ids 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations ['product_name', 'ingredient']
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getReportPointsByIds(array $ids, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'hs_code', 'point']): array;
* 通过id获取申报要素
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations ['product_name', 'ingredient']
* @return array|null
public function getReportPointById(int $id, array $relations = [], array $columns = ['id', 'hs_code', 'point']);
* 获取申报要素数据
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param bool $groupByFlag
* @return array keyBy('id')
public function getWithPoint(array $idList, $groupByFlag = false);
* 获取全部申报要素列表
* @param array $columns 默认['*']
* @return array
public function reportPoints(array $columns = ['*']): array;
* 通过产品id获取维护的所有尺码
* @param $id
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getSizesById($id): array;
* 完成产品审批
* @param $data
* @author Zero
public function downApprove($data);
* 检查产品是否同时维护工艺信息核原料信息
* @param
* 参数可以通过id
* @return bool 同时维护true,未同时维护false
* @throws \Meibuyu\Rpc\Exceptions\RpcException
* @author Zero
public function checkMaterialCraftById($id);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/10/12
* Time: 9:39
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\ShopifyProductServiceInterface
interface ShopifyProductServiceInterface
* 通过shopify子产品的shopify_id获取shopify子产品
* @param array $vids 默认去重
* @return array 默认keyBy
public function getChildrenByVids(array $vids): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/10/12
* Time: 9:39
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\ShopifyProductServiceInterface
interface ShopifyProductServiceInterface
* 通过shopify子产品的shopify_id获取shopify子产品
* @param array $vids 默认去重
* @return array 默认keyBy
public function getChildrenByVids(array $vids): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/10/12
* Time: 9:39
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
use Exception;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\RpcException;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\ShopifyServiceInterface
interface ShopifyServiceInterface
* 拉取一个shopify订单数据
* @param $orderId
* @param $shopifySiteId
* @return array
* @throws Exception
public function pullOrder($orderId, $shopifySiteId): array;
* 通过id列表获取shopify站点数组
* @param array $ids shopify站点id数组,默认去重
* @param array $columns shopify站点表字段,默认['name', 'prefix', 'team_id', 'site_id', 'language_id', 'url', 'currency_id']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
* @author Zero
public function getShopifySitesByIds(array $ids, $columns = ['name', 'prefix', 'team_id', 'site_id', 'language_id', 'url', 'currency_id']): array;
* 拉取传入的id之后的shopify订单列表数据,默认50条数据
* @param int $sinceId 订单id
* @param int $shopifySiteId shopify站点id
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author Zero
public function pullOrderList($sinceId, $shopifySiteId): array;
* 更新shopify订单
* @param int $orderId 订单id
* @param array $params 更新的数据
* @param int $shopifySiteId shopify站点id
* @return mixed
* @throws RpcException
* @author zero
public function updateOrder($orderId, $params, $shopifySiteId);
* 创建shopify订单发货记录
* 参数示例:
* location_id不传会默认拿取系统有的数据,拿不到报错
* @param int $orderId
* @param array $params
* @param int $shopifySiteId
* @return mixed
* @throws RpcException
* @author zero
public function createOrderFulfillment($orderId, $params, $shopifySiteId);
* 更新shopify订单发货物流信息
* 参数示例:
* [
* "notify_customer" => true,
* "tracking_info" => [
* "number" => "1111",
* "url" => "",
* "company" => "my-company",
* ]
* ]
* @param $fulfillmentId
* @param $params
* @param $shopifySiteId
* @return array
* @throws RpcException
* @author zero
public function updateFulfillmentTracking($fulfillmentId, $params, $shopifySiteId);
* 通过id数组获取shopify的location数据
* @param $ids
* @param string[] $columns
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
* @author zero
public function getLocationsByIds($ids, $columns = ['*']);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/10/12
* Time: 9:39
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Product;
use Exception;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\RpcException;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\ShopifyServiceInterface
interface ShopifyServiceInterface
* 拉取一个shopify订单数据
* @param $orderId
* @param $shopifySiteId
* @return array
* @throws Exception
public function pullOrder($orderId, $shopifySiteId): array;
* 通过id列表获取shopify站点数组
* @param array $ids shopify站点id数组,默认去重
* @param array $columns shopify站点表字段,默认['name', 'prefix', 'team_id', 'site_id', 'language_id', 'url', 'currency_id']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
* @author Zero
public function getShopifySitesByIds(array $ids, $columns = ['name', 'prefix', 'team_id', 'site_id', 'language_id', 'url', 'currency_id']): array;
* 拉取传入的id之后的shopify订单列表数据,默认50条数据
* @param int $sinceId 订单id
* @param int $shopifySiteId shopify站点id
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author Zero
public function pullOrderList($sinceId, $shopifySiteId): array;
* 更新shopify订单
* @param int $orderId 订单id
* @param array $params 更新的数据
* @param int $shopifySiteId shopify站点id
* @return mixed
* @throws RpcException
* @author zero
public function updateOrder($orderId, $params, $shopifySiteId);
* 创建shopify订单发货记录
* 参数示例:
* location_id不传会默认拿取系统有的数据,拿不到报错
* @param int $orderId
* @param array $params
* @param int $shopifySiteId
* @return mixed
* @throws RpcException
* @author zero
public function createOrderFulfillment($orderId, $params, $shopifySiteId);
* 更新shopify订单发货物流信息
* 参数示例:
* [
* "notify_customer" => true,
* "tracking_info" => [
* "number" => "1111",
* "url" => "",
* "company" => "my-company",
* ]
* ]
* @param $fulfillmentId
* @param $params
* @param $shopifySiteId
* @return array
* @throws RpcException
* @author zero
public function updateFulfillmentTracking($fulfillmentId, $params, $shopifySiteId);
* 通过id数组获取shopify的location数据
* @param $ids
* @param string[] $columns
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
* @author zero
public function getLocationsByIds($ids, $columns = ['*']);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\ProductChildServiceInterface
interface ProductChildServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 子SKU id
* @param array $columns 子SKU表的字段,默认显示全部
* @param array $relations 子SKU的关联关系,可传入['brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost']
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []);
* 通过id列表获取产品数组
* @param array $idList 子SKUid的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $columns 子SKU表的字段,默认显示全部
* @param array $relations 子SKU的关联关系,可传入['brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []): array;
* 通过sku列表获取子产品列表
* @param array $skuList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBy('child_sku')
public function getListBySkuList(array $skuList, array $columns = ['id']);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product\ProductChildServiceInterface
interface ProductChildServiceInterface
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id 子SKU id
* @param array $columns 子SKU表的字段,默认显示全部
* @param array $relations 子SKU的关联关系,可传入['brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost']
* @return array|null
public function get($id, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []);
* 通过id列表获取产品数组
* @param array $idList 子SKUid的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $columns 子SKU表的字段,默认显示全部
* @param array $relations 子SKU的关联关系,可传入['brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []): array;
* 通过sku列表获取子产品列表
* @param array $skuList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBy('child_sku')
public function getListBySkuList(array $skuList, array $columns = ['id']);
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Production;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\HttpResponseException;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Production\ProductionServiceInterface
interface ProductionServiceInterface
* 生产单批次发货入库回调
* @param array $params
* [
* 'production_no' => 'SC20201218-001-001', // 生产单号,必须
* 'auth' => Auth::user(), // 当前用户,必须
* 'warehousing_order' => [
* 'id' => '123', // 入库单id,必须
* 'warehousing_no' => 'RK-20200727-001', // 入库单号,必须
* 'count' => '123', // 入库数量, 必须
* ]
* ]
* @throws HttpResponseException
* @author Zero
public function warehousingCallback(array $params);
* 通过入库单id获取相关数据
* @param array $warehousingOrderIds 默认去重
* @return array 默认keyBy
public function getInfoForWarehousingOrder(array $warehousingOrderIds);
* 通过生产单号获取生产单工厂信息
* @param array $productionNoList 生产单号数组,默认去重
* @return array 'production_no' => ['factory_id' => 1, 'factory_name' => 'AL']
* @author Zero
public function getFactoryByProductionNoList(array $productionNoList): array;
* 查询备货计划中是否用过仓库子产品
* @param array $ids 仓库子产品id数组,默认去重
* @return array 返回用过的id数组
public function searchUsedProductChildId($ids);
* 查询备货计划中是否用过平台子产品
* @param array $ids 平台子产品id数组,默认去重
* @return array 返回用过的id数组
public function searchUsedPlatformProductChildId($ids);
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Production;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\HttpResponseException;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Production\ProductionServiceInterface
interface ProductionServiceInterface
* 生产单批次发货入库回调
* @param array $params
* [
* 'production_no' => 'SC20201218-001-001', // 生产单号,必须
* 'auth' => Auth::user(), // 当前用户,必须
* 'warehousing_order' => [
* 'id' => '123', // 入库单id,必须
* 'warehousing_no' => 'RK-20200727-001', // 入库单号,必须
* 'count' => '123', // 入库数量, 必须
* ]
* ]
* @throws HttpResponseException
* @author Zero
public function warehousingCallback(array $params);
* 通过入库单id获取相关数据
* @param array $warehousingOrderIds 默认去重
* @return array 默认keyBy
public function getInfoForWarehousingOrder(array $warehousingOrderIds);
* 通过生产单号获取生产单工厂信息
* @param array $productionNoList 生产单号数组,默认去重
* @return array 'production_no' => ['factory_id' => 1, 'factory_name' => 'AL']
* @author Zero
public function getFactoryByProductionNoList(array $productionNoList): array;
* 查询备货计划中是否用过仓库子产品
* @param array $ids 仓库子产品id数组,默认去重
* @return array 返回用过的id数组
public function searchUsedProductChildId($ids);
* 查询备货计划中是否用过平台子产品
* @param array $ids 平台子产品id数组,默认去重
* @return array 返回用过的id数组
public function searchUsedPlatformProductChildId($ids);
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Purchase;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Purchase\PurchaseDoneServiceInterface
interface PurchaseDoneServiceInterface
* @param array $orderIds 子订单编号 ['3333444','12222']
* @return mixed
public function archivePurchase($orderIds);
* @param array $orderIds 子订单编号 ['3333444','12222']
* @return mixed
public function noticeToCancel($orderIds);
* 传输产品规格
* @param $data ['order_id'=>'子订单编号','order_standard'=>'产品规格']
* @return mixed
public function productStandard($data);
* 通过子订单编号查询状态
* @param array $orderIds 子订单编号 ['3333444','12222']
* @return mixed
public function getOrderStatus($orderIds);
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Purchase;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Purchase\PurchaseDoneServiceInterface
interface PurchaseDoneServiceInterface
* @param array $orderIds 子订单编号 ['3333444','12222']
* @return mixed
public function archivePurchase($orderIds);
* @param array $orderIds 子订单编号 ['3333444','12222']
* @return mixed
public function noticeToCancel($orderIds);
* 传输产品规格
* @param $data ['order_id'=>'子订单编号','order_standard'=>'产品规格']
* @return mixed
public function productStandard($data);
* 通过子订单编号查询状态
* @param array $orderIds 子订单编号 ['3333444','12222']
* @return mixed
public function getOrderStatus($orderIds);
\ No newline at end of file
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2021/06/11
* Time: 14:22:52
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Purchase;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Purchase\PurchaseTaskServiceInterface
interface PurchaseTaskServiceInterface
* 为订单提供获取采购数据
* @param array $noList
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function infoForOrder(array $noList);
* 通知取消
* @param array $data
* [
* 'source_id' => '来源id',
* 'notice_cancel_reason' => '通知取消原因',
* 'type' => 1 // 1(订单采购); 2(备货采购); 3(样品采购)
* 'auth' => Auth::user() // 当前用户
* ]
* @return bool
* @throws \Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\RpcException
* @author Zero
public function noticeCancel(array $data);
* 更新产品数据
* @param mixed $sourceId 来源id
* @param array $data 要更新的数据如['specification', 'remark']等
* @param int $type 采购类型,默认为订单采购,可传参数[1(订单采购); 2(备货采购); 3(样品采购)]
* @return bool
* @throws \Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\RpcException
* @author Zero
public function updateProduct($sourceId, array $data, $type = 1);
* 查询来源id
* @param array $params // 请勿同时传入
* [
* "purchase_platform_no" => "采购平台单号",
* "logistics_records" => "物流单号",
* ]
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function querySourceIds($params);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2021/06/11
* Time: 14:22:52
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Purchase;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Purchase\PurchaseTaskServiceInterface
interface PurchaseTaskServiceInterface
* 为订单提供获取采购数据
* @param array $noList
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function infoForOrder(array $noList);
* 通知取消
* @param array $data
* [
* 'source_id' => '来源id',
* 'notice_cancel_reason' => '通知取消原因',
* 'type' => 1 // 1(订单采购); 2(备货采购); 3(样品采购)
* 'auth' => Auth::user() // 当前用户
* ]
* @return bool
* @throws \Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\RpcException
* @author Zero
public function noticeCancel(array $data);
* 更新产品数据
* @param mixed $sourceId 来源id
* @param array $data 要更新的数据如['specification', 'remark']等
* @param int $type 采购类型,默认为订单采购,可传参数[1(订单采购); 2(备货采购); 3(样品采购)]
* @return bool
* @throws \Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\RpcException
* @author Zero
public function updateProduct($sourceId, array $data, $type = 1);
* 查询来源id
* @param array $params // 请勿同时传入
* [
* "purchase_platform_no" => "采购平台单号",
* "logistics_records" => "物流单号",
* ]
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function querySourceIds($params);
* Created by PhpStorm. 仓库原料rpc
* User: fuyunnan
* Date: 2020/3/16
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Store;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Store\StoreMaterialServiceInterface
interface StoreMaterialServiceInterface
* description:创建原料入库单
* data[master][warehousing_date]:2020-01-08 入库时间
* data[master][creator_id]:12 创建人id
* data[master][warehouse_id]:2 仓库id
* data[master][type_id]:1 入库单类型
* data[master][source_no]:no_121333 来源单号 (选填)
* data[master][remark]:备注 (选填)
* data[master][status]:2 状态 (选填 不填默认1)
* 产品二维数组
* data[goods][0][material_id]:16 产品id
* data[goods][0][should_cnt]:133 应入数量
* data[goods][0][real_cnt]:10 实入数量
* data[goods][1][material_id]:18
* data[goods][1][should_cnt]:10
* data[goods][1][real_cnt]:15
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 需要入库的数组 格式请参考yapi 入库添加
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/6
public function createMaterialWarehousing(array $attributes): array;
* description:批量创建入库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function createBatchMaterialWarehousing($attributes): array;
* description:批量创建出库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function createBatchExMaterialWarehouse($attributes): array;
* description:批量修改入库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function updateBatchMaterialWarehousing($attributes): array;
* description:批量修改出库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function updateBatchExMaterialWarehouse($attributes): array;
* description:通过原料id数组获取库存列表 给订单系统查询的接口 返回当前原料分组后的库存
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 原料ids 数组
* @param array $wareIds 仓库数组id
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/27
public function getGroupMaterialStock($ids, $wareIds = []): array;
* description:批量查看入库单信息
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 入库单ids数组
* @param array $relations 关联关系 ['material_warehousing_order_materials']
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function showBatchWarehousing($ids, $relations = []): array;
* description:批量查看出库单信息
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 出库单ids数组
* @param array $relations 关联关系 ['material_ex_warehouse_order_materials']
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function showBatchExeWarehouse($ids, $relations = []): array;
* description:批量调拨库存方法
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $data 表单
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/11/3
public function transferToStock($data): array;
* description:整合 先出库 然后 再入库数量 失败回滚
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $outData 出库数组
* @param array $inData 出库数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/11/5
public function transferUpdateOutAfterIn($outData, $inData): array;
* Created by PhpStorm. 仓库原料rpc
* User: fuyunnan
* Date: 2020/3/16
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\Store;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Store\StoreMaterialServiceInterface
interface StoreMaterialServiceInterface
* description:创建原料入库单
* data[master][warehousing_date]:2020-01-08 入库时间
* data[master][creator_id]:12 创建人id
* data[master][warehouse_id]:2 仓库id
* data[master][type_id]:1 入库单类型
* data[master][source_no]:no_121333 来源单号 (选填)
* data[master][remark]:备注 (选填)
* data[master][status]:2 状态 (选填 不填默认1)
* 产品二维数组
* data[goods][0][material_id]:16 产品id
* data[goods][0][should_cnt]:133 应入数量
* data[goods][0][real_cnt]:10 实入数量
* data[goods][1][material_id]:18
* data[goods][1][should_cnt]:10
* data[goods][1][real_cnt]:15
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 需要入库的数组 格式请参考yapi 入库添加
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/6
public function createMaterialWarehousing(array $attributes): array;
* description:批量创建入库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function createBatchMaterialWarehousing($attributes): array;
* description:批量创建出库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function createBatchExMaterialWarehouse($attributes): array;
* description:批量修改入库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function updateBatchMaterialWarehousing($attributes): array;
* description:批量修改出库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function updateBatchExMaterialWarehouse($attributes): array;
* description:通过原料id数组获取库存列表 给订单系统查询的接口 返回当前原料分组后的库存
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 原料ids 数组
* @param array $wareIds 仓库数组id
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/27
public function getGroupMaterialStock($ids, $wareIds = []): array;
* description:批量查看入库单信息
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 入库单ids数组
* @param array $relations 关联关系 ['material_warehousing_order_materials']
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function showBatchWarehousing($ids, $relations = []): array;
* description:批量查看出库单信息
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 出库单ids数组
* @param array $relations 关联关系 ['material_ex_warehouse_order_materials']
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/10/31
public function showBatchExeWarehouse($ids, $relations = []): array;
* description:批量调拨库存方法
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $data 表单
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/11/3
public function transferToStock($data): array;
* description:整合 先出库 然后 再入库数量 失败回滚
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $outData 出库数组
* @param array $inData 出库数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/11/5
public function transferUpdateOutAfterIn($outData, $inData): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/3/16
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Store\StoreServiceInterface
interface StoreServiceInterface
* 通过id列表获取仓库名称
* @param array $idList 仓库id的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $columns 仓库表的字段,默认显示全部
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['*']): array;
* description:通过产品id数组获取库存列表 给订单系统查询的接口
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 产品ids 数组
* @param int $wareId 仓库id
* @param array $notWareId 仓库id
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/27
public function getListStock($ids, $wareId = 0, $notWareId = []): array;
* description:根据筛选条件获取仓库的库存列表 对库存筛选实现大一统
* 参数格式 不需要可不传入对应的键
* $args['inTeamIds'] =[];
$args['notInTeamIds'] = [];
$args['inWhIds'] = []; //仓库id
$args['notInWhIds'] = [];
$args['inProductIds'] = [];
$args['notInProductIds'] = [];
$args['where'] = [];
$args['group'] = ['product_id'];//默认['product_id']
$args['keyBy'] = 'product_id';//默认排序
$args['isKeyBy'] = $condition['isKeyBy'] ?? true;//是否加keyBy;
$args['isGroupBy'] = $condition['isGroupBy'] ?? true;//是否加分组;
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $condition 筛选条件
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/27
public function getListStockWhere($condition): array;
* description:检查是否有库存,有就返回库存数量(有记录) 给产品系统使用
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 仓库产品的id数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/31
public function checkStock($ids): array;
* description:创建入库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $data 需要入库的数组 格式 入库添加
* *
* data[master][warehousing_date]:2020-01-08 入库时间
* data[master][creator_id]:12 创建人id
* data[master][warehouse_id]:2 仓库id
* data[master][type_id]:1 入库单类型
* data[master][source_no]:no_121333 来源单号 (选填)
* data[master][stock_up_status]:1二次质检状态 (选填)
* data[master][remark]:备注 (选填)
* data[master][status]:2 状态 (选填 不填默认1)
* 产品二维数组
* data[goods][0][product_id]:16 产品id
* data[goods][0][should_cnt]:133 应入数量
* data[goods][0][real_cnt]:10 实入数量
* data[goods][1][product_id]:18
* data[goods][1][should_cnt]:10
* data[goods][1][real_cnt]:15
* 或者参考yapi
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/6
public function createWarehousing(array $data): array;
* description:批量创建出库单
* author: fuyunnan
* [
* 'main' => [
*     'creator_id' => 1,
*     'warehouse_id' => 1,
*     'type' => 5,
* ],
* 'products' => [
* [
*     'source_no' => 1,
*     'product_id' => 1,
*     'real_cnt' => 1
* ],
* [
*     'source_no' => 1,
*     'product_id' => 1,
*     'real_cnt' => 1
* ]
* ]
* ]
* @param array $attributes 提交的数组 或参考yapi
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/8/8
public function createBatchWarehousing(array $attributes): bool;
* description:根据入库单状态,判断是否生成出库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $data 需要入库或者出库的数据
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2021/5/25
public function createInOrOutOrder(array $data): bool;
* description:创建入库单 支持自定义 入库单状态和仓位
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 需要入库的数组 格式请参考yapi 入库添加
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/6
public function createWarehousingStatus(array $attributes): bool;
* description:批量创建出库单,多个仓库 直接出虚拟仓
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 提交的数组 参考yapi
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/8/8
public function createBatchWarehousingStatus(array $attributes): bool;
* description:批量创建出库单,出库单直接出库
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 提交的数组 参考yapi
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/8/8
public function createBatchExComplete(array $attributes): bool;
* description:批量创建入库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 需要入库的数组 格式请参考yapi 入库添加
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/6
public function createBatchInOrder(array $attributes): bool;
* description:批量创建入库单,能自定义入库单状态
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 需要入库的数组 格式请参考yapi 入库添加
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/6
public function createBatchInOrderStatus(array $attributes): bool;
* description:生产单结束获取统计单号值
* author: fuyunnan
* @param string $sourceNo 生产单号
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/10
public function CntSourceNoOrder($sourceNo): array;
* description:通过来源单号获取产品列表
* author: fuyunnan
* @param string $sourceNo 生产单号
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/10
public function listSourceNoProduct($sourceNo): array;
* description:根据来源单号,获取分组后的入库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $sourceNoList 单号列表
* @param array $where 刷选列表
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/11
public function listGroupOrder($sourceNoList, $where = []): array;
* description:根据条件查询入库单信息
* author: fuyunnan
* 参数注意 必须这样传!!!
* $condition = [
* 'warehousing_order_ids' =>$ids 可选 入库单ids数组
* ]
* @param array $condition 条件
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/11
public function getListInOrder($condition): array;
* description:通过入库单id数组获取产品列表
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 入库单ids 数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/10
public function listIdsProduct($ids): array;
* description:修改二次质检状态
* author: fuyunnan
* @param int $orderId 入库单id
* @param array $update 修改数组
* @return int
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/14
public function updateQualityStatus($orderId, $update): int;
* description:修改二次质检状态
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $orderIds 入库单id数组
* @param array $update 修改数组
* @return int
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/14
public function updateListQualityStatus($orderIds, $update): int;
* description:出库单 恢复库存 出库单定为已取消
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $sourceNo 来源单号数组
* @return int
* @throws
* Date: 2020/9/7
public function restoreStock($sourceNo): int;
* description:通过出库来源单号获取-对应的信息
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $sources 来源单号数组
* @param array $status 出库单状态
* @param array $where 查询条件数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/11/5
public function getByExSourceList($sources, $status = [], $where = []): array;
* description:自动返回匹配的符合当前sku
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $data sku数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/11/25
public function autoSkuStock($data): array;
* description:订单通知取消更改字段 不在生成出库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param string $sourceNos 来源单号
* @param array $field 修改字段
* @return int
* @throws
* Date: 2020/12/14
public function cancelOrderDeliver($sourceNos, $field): int;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/3/16
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Store\StoreServiceInterface
interface StoreServiceInterface
* 通过id列表获取仓库名称
* @param array $idList 仓库id的列表, 默认去重
* @param array $columns 仓库表的字段,默认显示全部
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getByIdList(array $idList, array $columns = ['*']): array;
* description:通过产品id数组获取库存列表 给订单系统查询的接口
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 产品ids 数组
* @param int $wareId 仓库id
* @param array $notWareId 仓库id
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/27
public function getListStock($ids, $wareId = 0, $notWareId = []): array;
* description:根据筛选条件获取仓库的库存列表 对库存筛选实现大一统
* 参数格式 不需要可不传入对应的键
* $args['inTeamIds'] =[];
$args['notInTeamIds'] = [];
$args['inWhIds'] = []; //仓库id
$args['notInWhIds'] = [];
$args['inProductIds'] = [];
$args['notInProductIds'] = [];
$args['where'] = [];
$args['group'] = ['product_id'];//默认['product_id']
$args['keyBy'] = 'product_id';//默认排序
$args['isKeyBy'] = $condition['isKeyBy'] ?? true;//是否加keyBy;
$args['isGroupBy'] = $condition['isGroupBy'] ?? true;//是否加分组;
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $condition 筛选条件
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/27
public function getListStockWhere($condition): array;
* description:检查是否有库存,有就返回库存数量(有记录) 给产品系统使用
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 仓库产品的id数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/31
public function checkStock($ids): array;
* description:创建入库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $data 需要入库的数组 格式 入库添加
* *
* data[master][warehousing_date]:2020-01-08 入库时间
* data[master][creator_id]:12 创建人id
* data[master][warehouse_id]:2 仓库id
* data[master][type_id]:1 入库单类型
* data[master][source_no]:no_121333 来源单号 (选填)
* data[master][stock_up_status]:1二次质检状态 (选填)
* data[master][remark]:备注 (选填)
* data[master][status]:2 状态 (选填 不填默认1)
* 产品二维数组
* data[goods][0][product_id]:16 产品id
* data[goods][0][should_cnt]:133 应入数量
* data[goods][0][real_cnt]:10 实入数量
* data[goods][1][product_id]:18
* data[goods][1][should_cnt]:10
* data[goods][1][real_cnt]:15
* 或者参考yapi
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/6
public function createWarehousing(array $data): array;
* description:批量创建出库单
* author: fuyunnan
* [
* 'main' => [
*     'creator_id' => 1,
*     'warehouse_id' => 1,
*     'type' => 5,
* ],
* 'products' => [
* [
*     'source_no' => 1,
*     'product_id' => 1,
*     'real_cnt' => 1
* ],
* [
*     'source_no' => 1,
*     'product_id' => 1,
*     'real_cnt' => 1
* ]
* ]
* ]
* @param array $attributes 提交的数组 或参考yapi
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/8/8
public function createBatchWarehousing(array $attributes): bool;
* description:根据入库单状态,判断是否生成出库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $data 需要入库或者出库的数据
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2021/5/25
public function createInOrOutOrder(array $data): bool;
* description:创建入库单 支持自定义 入库单状态和仓位
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 需要入库的数组 格式请参考yapi 入库添加
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/6
public function createWarehousingStatus(array $attributes): bool;
* description:批量创建出库单,多个仓库 直接出虚拟仓
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 提交的数组 参考yapi
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/8/8
public function createBatchWarehousingStatus(array $attributes): bool;
* description:批量创建出库单,出库单直接出库
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 提交的数组 参考yapi
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/8/8
public function createBatchExComplete(array $attributes): bool;
* description:批量创建入库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 需要入库的数组 格式请参考yapi 入库添加
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/6
public function createBatchInOrder(array $attributes): bool;
* description:批量创建入库单,能自定义入库单状态
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $attributes 需要入库的数组 格式请参考yapi 入库添加
* @return bool
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/6
public function createBatchInOrderStatus(array $attributes): bool;
* description:生产单结束获取统计单号值
* author: fuyunnan
* @param string $sourceNo 生产单号
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/10
public function CntSourceNoOrder($sourceNo): array;
* description:通过来源单号获取产品列表
* author: fuyunnan
* @param string $sourceNo 生产单号
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/10
public function listSourceNoProduct($sourceNo): array;
* description:根据来源单号,获取分组后的入库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $sourceNoList 单号列表
* @param array $where 刷选列表
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/11
public function listGroupOrder($sourceNoList, $where = []): array;
* description:根据条件查询入库单信息
* author: fuyunnan
* 参数注意 必须这样传!!!
* $condition = [
* 'warehousing_order_ids' =>$ids 可选 入库单ids数组
* ]
* @param array $condition 条件
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/11
public function getListInOrder($condition): array;
* description:通过入库单id数组获取产品列表
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $ids 入库单ids 数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/10
public function listIdsProduct($ids): array;
* description:修改二次质检状态
* author: fuyunnan
* @param int $orderId 入库单id
* @param array $update 修改数组
* @return int
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/14
public function updateQualityStatus($orderId, $update): int;
* description:修改二次质检状态
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $orderIds 入库单id数组
* @param array $update 修改数组
* @return int
* @throws
* Date: 2020/7/14
public function updateListQualityStatus($orderIds, $update): int;
* description:出库单 恢复库存 出库单定为已取消
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $sourceNo 来源单号数组
* @return int
* @throws
* Date: 2020/9/7
public function restoreStock($sourceNo): int;
* description:通过出库来源单号获取-对应的信息
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $sources 来源单号数组
* @param array $status 出库单状态
* @param array $where 查询条件数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/11/5
public function getByExSourceList($sources, $status = [], $where = []): array;
* description:自动返回匹配的符合当前sku
* author: fuyunnan
* @param array $data sku数组
* @return array
* @throws
* Date: 2020/11/25
public function autoSkuStock($data): array;
* description:订单通知取消更改字段 不在生成出库单
* author: fuyunnan
* @param string $sourceNos 来源单号
* @param array $field 修改字段
* @return int
* @throws
* Date: 2020/12/14
public function cancelOrderDeliver($sourceNos, $field): int;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zero
* Date: 2020/5/26
* Time: 15:17
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\User;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\User\AccessServiceInterface
interface AccessServiceInterface
* 判断用户是否在业务部门(包括子部门)
* @param $userId
* @return mixed
public function isBusinessDepartment($userId);
* 获取用户领导的部门id数组
* @param $userId
* @return array
public function leadDeptIds($userId);
* 获取用户领导的团队id数组
* @param $userId
* @return array
public function leadTeamIds($userId);
* 获取鉴权的团队
* @param $userId
* @param bool $tree 是否返回树状结构
* @param bool $noBusiness
* @return array 已进行keyBy('id')处理,返回树状结构时,keyBy无效
public function getTeams($userId, $tree = false, $noBusiness = true);
* 获取鉴权的团队id数组
* @param $userId
* @param bool $checkBusiness 是否验证业务部门(验证时,不是业务部门返回空团队;不验证时,不是业务部门返回all),默认不验证
* @return array|string 如果是全部团队返回'all'字符串
* @author Zero
public function getTeamIds($userId, $checkBusiness = false);
* 获取鉴权的团队带用户
* @param $userId
* @param bool $tree 是否返回树状结构
* @param bool $noBusiness
* @return array 已进行keyBy('id')处理,返回树状结构时,keyBy无效
public function getTeamsWithUsers($userId, $tree = false, $noBusiness = true);
* 获取鉴权的部门
* @param $userId
* @param bool $tree 是否返回树状结构
* @param bool $withUser 是否带用户数据
* @return array 已进行keyBy('id')处理,返回树状结构时,keyBy无效
public function getDepartments($userId, $tree = false, $withUser = false);
* 获取鉴权的岗位
* @param $userId
* @param bool $tree 是否返回树状结构
* @param bool $withUser
* @return array 已进行keyBy('id')处理,返回树状结构时,keyBy无效
public function getPositions($userId, $tree = false, $withUser = false);
* 获取鉴权的用户id列表
* @param int $userId 当前用户id
* @return array|string 如果是全部用户返回'all'字符串
public function getUserIds($userId);
* 获取鉴权的用户id列表
* 不验证业务部门
* @param int $userId 当前用户id
* @return array|string 如果是全部用户返回'all'字符串
* @author zero
public function getUserIdsWithoutBusiness($userId);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zero
* Date: 2020/5/26
* Time: 15:17
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\User;
* @deprecated 此接口废弃,在之后的版本会被删除
* 请引入meibuyu/rpc组件,使用Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\User\AccessServiceInterface
interface AccessServiceInterface
* 判断用户是否在业务部门(包括子部门)
* @param $userId
* @return mixed
public function isBusinessDepartment($userId);
* 获取用户领导的部门id数组
* @param $userId
* @return array
public function leadDeptIds($userId);
* 获取用户领导的团队id数组
* @param $userId
* @return array
public function leadTeamIds($userId);
* 获取鉴权的团队
* @param $userId
* @param bool $tree 是否返回树状结构
* @param bool $noBusiness
* @return array 已进行keyBy('id')处理,返回树状结构时,keyBy无效
public function getTeams($userId, $tree = false, $noBusiness = true);
* 获取鉴权的团队id数组
* @param $userId
* @param bool $checkBusiness 是否验证业务部门(验证时,不是业务部门返回空团队;不验证时,不是业务部门返回all),默认不验证
* @return array|string 如果是全部团队返回'all'字符串
* @author Zero
public function getTeamIds($userId, $checkBusiness = false);
* 获取鉴权的团队带用户
* @param $userId
* @param bool $tree 是否返回树状结构
* @param bool $noBusiness
* @return array 已进行keyBy('id')处理,返回树状结构时,keyBy无效
public function getTeamsWithUsers($userId, $tree = false, $noBusiness = true);
* 获取鉴权的部门
* @param $userId
* @param bool $tree 是否返回树状结构
* @param bool $withUser 是否带用户数据
* @return array 已进行keyBy('id')处理,返回树状结构时,keyBy无效
public function getDepartments($userId, $tree = false, $withUser = false);
* 获取鉴权的岗位
* @param $userId
* @param bool $tree 是否返回树状结构
* @param bool $withUser
* @return array 已进行keyBy('id')处理,返回树状结构时,keyBy无效
public function getPositions($userId, $tree = false, $withUser = false);
* 获取鉴权的用户id列表
* @param int $userId 当前用户id
* @return array|string 如果是全部用户返回'all'字符串
public function getUserIds($userId);
* 获取鉴权的用户id列表
* 不验证业务部门
* @param int $userId 当前用户id
* @return array|string 如果是全部用户返回'all'字符串
* @author zero
public function getUserIdsWithoutBusiness($userId);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zero
* Date: 2020/5/26
* Time: 15:17
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\User;
interface AuthenticationServiceInterface
* 获取对应用户能够看到的菜单
* @param string $applicationName
* @param integer $userId
* @return array
public function getMenus($applicationName, $userId): array;
* 获取对应用户的菜单权限
* @param string $applicationName 应用名称
* @param integer $userId 用户 ID
* @return array
public function getButtons($applicationName, $userId):array;
* 获取对应路由的接口权限结果
* @param $route string 路由名字
* @param $applicationName string 应用名字
* @param $method string 请求方法
* @param $userId integer 用户 ID
* @return bool
public function authByRouter($applicationName, $route, $method, $userId): bool;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zero
* Date: 2020/5/26
* Time: 15:17
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces\User;
interface AuthenticationServiceInterface
* 获取对应用户能够看到的菜单
* @param string $applicationName
* @param integer $userId
* @return array
public function getMenus($applicationName, $userId): array;
* 获取对应用户的菜单权限
* @param string $applicationName 应用名称
* @param integer $userId 用户 ID
* @return array
public function getButtons($applicationName, $userId):array;
* 获取对应路由的接口权限结果
* @param $route string 路由名字
* @param $applicationName string 应用名字
* @param $method string 请求方法
* @param $userId integer 用户 ID
* @return bool
public function authByRouter($applicationName, $route, $method, $userId): bool;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
interface UserServiceInterface
* 通过用户名称模糊获取用户
* @param string $name
* @param array $columns
* @return array
public function getByName(string $name, array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations 可传入['teams', 'departments', 'position', 'assessment_plan'],分别是团队,部门,岗位和考核方案
* @return mixed
public function get(int $id, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []);
* 获取全部数据
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name']
* @param array $relations 可传入['teams', 'departments', 'position', 'assessment_plan'],分别是团队,部门,岗位和考核方案
* @return array
public function all(array $columns = ['id', 'name'], array $relations = []): array;
* 通过id列表获取用户数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations 可传入['teams', 'departments', 'position', 'assessment_plan'],分别是团队,部门,岗位和考核方案
* @return mixed 默认keyBY('id')
public function getByIdList($idList, $columns = ['*'], $relations = []);
* 通过部门id列表获取用户数组(包括子部门用户)
* @param array $deptIds 默认去重
* @param array $columns 用户字段,默认['id', 'name']
* @return array
public function getListByDeptIds(array $deptIds, $columns = []);
* 通过团队id数组获取用户数组(包括子团队用户)
* @param array $teamIds 默认去重
* @param array $columns 用户字段,默认['id', 'name']
* @return array
public function getListByTeamIds(array $teamIds, $columns = []);
* 判断是否是超级管理员
* @param int $userId
* @return bool
public function isSuperAdmin(int $userId): bool;
* 鉴权
* @param int $userId
* @param string $perm
* @return bool
public function checkPerm(int $userId, string $perm): bool;
* 获取当前数据权限的配置
* @param string $dataPerm
* @return array
* @example store_warehouse_index(store_模块的名称,warehouse_ 控制器 index 方法)
public function checkDataPerm(string $dataPerm): array;
* 获取用户拥有某个应用的所有权限
* @param int $userId
* @param mixed $appNames 应用名,多个传数组
* @return array
public function getPerms(int $userId, $appNames = null): array;
* 获取带领导字符串数组的列表
* [
* ['id' => -1, 'name' => '总经理'],
* ['id' => -2, 'name' => '直属领导'],
* ['id' => -3, 'name' => '部门领导'],
* [...]
* ]
* @return array
public function allWithLeader(): array;
* 获取带有领导真实信息的用户列表
* @param int $userId 默认去重
* @param array $idList 可包含[-1,-2,-3]
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getListWithLeader(int $userId, array $idList = [], array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 更新用户考核方案
* @param $userId
* @param array $attributes
* 'review_users' => '1,2,3' // 点评人
* 'cc_person' => '1,2,3' // 抄送人
* @return int
public function updateAssessmentPlan($userId, array $attributes);
* 获取用户直属领导
* @param int $userId 用户id
* @return array
public function getDirectLeader($userId);
* 获取多个用户的直属领导
* @param array $userIds 用户id数组,默认去重
* @return array 直属领导数组,key值为用户id
public function getDirectLeadersByIds($userIds);
* 判断用户是否属于某个部门
* @param mixed $userId 用户id
* @param mixed $deptId 部门id,判断多个部门传数组
* @param bool $withChildren 是否包含子部门,默认false
* @return bool
* @author Zero
public function belongToDepartments($userId, $deptId, $withChildren = false): bool;
* 获取用户所有角色数据
* @param $userId
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getRoles($userId): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: 王源
* Date: 2020/1/9
* Time: 15:07
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Service\Interfaces;
interface UserServiceInterface
* 通过用户名称模糊获取用户
* @param string $name
* @param array $columns
* @return array
public function getByName(string $name, array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 获取单个数据
* @param int $id
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations 可传入['teams', 'departments', 'position', 'assessment_plan'],分别是团队,部门,岗位和考核方案
* @return mixed
public function get(int $id, array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []);
* 获取全部数据
* @param array $columns 默认['id', 'name']
* @param array $relations 可传入['teams', 'departments', 'position', 'assessment_plan'],分别是团队,部门,岗位和考核方案
* @return array
public function all(array $columns = ['id', 'name'], array $relations = []): array;
* 通过id列表获取用户数组
* @param array $idList 默认去重
* @param array $columns
* @param array $relations 可传入['teams', 'departments', 'position', 'assessment_plan'],分别是团队,部门,岗位和考核方案
* @return mixed 默认keyBY('id')
public function getByIdList($idList, $columns = ['*'], $relations = []);
* 通过部门id列表获取用户数组(包括子部门用户)
* @param array $deptIds 默认去重
* @param array $columns 用户字段,默认['id', 'name']
* @return array
public function getListByDeptIds(array $deptIds, $columns = []);
* 通过团队id数组获取用户数组(包括子团队用户)
* @param array $teamIds 默认去重
* @param array $columns 用户字段,默认['id', 'name']
* @return array
public function getListByTeamIds(array $teamIds, $columns = []);
* 判断是否是超级管理员
* @param int $userId
* @return bool
public function isSuperAdmin(int $userId): bool;
* 鉴权
* @param int $userId
* @param string $perm
* @return bool
public function checkPerm(int $userId, string $perm): bool;
* 获取当前数据权限的配置
* @param string $dataPerm
* @return array
* @example store_warehouse_index(store_模块的名称,warehouse_ 控制器 index 方法)
public function checkDataPerm(string $dataPerm): array;
* 获取用户拥有某个应用的所有权限
* @param int $userId
* @param mixed $appNames 应用名,多个传数组
* @return array
public function getPerms(int $userId, $appNames = null): array;
* 获取带领导字符串数组的列表
* [
* ['id' => -1, 'name' => '总经理'],
* ['id' => -2, 'name' => '直属领导'],
* ['id' => -3, 'name' => '部门领导'],
* [...]
* ]
* @return array
public function allWithLeader(): array;
* 获取带有领导真实信息的用户列表
* @param int $userId 默认去重
* @param array $idList 可包含[-1,-2,-3]
* @param array $columns
* @return array 默认keyBY('id')
public function getListWithLeader(int $userId, array $idList = [], array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 更新用户考核方案
* @param $userId
* @param array $attributes
* 'review_users' => '1,2,3' // 点评人
* 'cc_person' => '1,2,3' // 抄送人
* @return int
public function updateAssessmentPlan($userId, array $attributes);
* 获取用户直属领导
* @param int $userId 用户id
* @return array
public function getDirectLeader($userId);
* 获取多个用户的直属领导
* @param array $userIds 用户id数组,默认去重
* @return array 直属领导数组,key值为用户id
public function getDirectLeadersByIds($userIds);
* 判断用户是否属于某个部门
* @param mixed $userId 用户id
* @param mixed $deptId 部门id,判断多个部门传数组
* @param bool $withChildren 是否包含子部门,默认false
* @return bool
* @author Zero
public function belongToDepartments($userId, $deptId, $withChildren = false): bool;
* 获取用户所有角色数据
* @param $userId
* @return array
* @author Zero
public function getRoles($userId): array;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/8/18
* Time: 8:13
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify;
use Exception;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\AbstractShopify;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Collect;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Collection;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\CustomCollection;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Event;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Fulfillment;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\FulfillmentOrder;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\FulfillmentService;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\GraphQL;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\InventoryItem;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\InventoryLevel;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Location;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Metafield;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Order;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Product;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\ProductVariant;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\SmartCollection;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Webhook;
* Class ShopifyApp
* @package Meibuyu\Shopify
* @property-read Webhook $Webhook
* @property-read Collect $Collect
* @property-read Collection $Collection
* @property-read CustomCollection $CustomCollection
* @property-read SmartCollection $SmartCollection
* @property-read Metafield $Metafield
* @property-read Product $Product
* @property-read ProductVariant $ProductVariant
* @property-read InventoryItem $InventoryItem
* @property-read InventoryLevel $InventoryLevel
* @property-read Location $Location
* @property-read Order $Order
* @property-read Event $Event
* @property-read Fulfillment $Fulfillment
* @property-read FulfillmentService $FulfillmentService
* @property-read GraphQL $GraphQL
* @method Webhook Webhook(integer $id = null)
* @method Collection Collection(integer $id = null)
* @method CustomCollection CustomCollection(integer $id = null)
* @method SmartCollection SmartCollection(integer $id = null)
* @method Metafield Metafield(integer $id = null)
* @method Product Product(integer $id = null)
* @method ProductVariant ProductVariant(integer $id = null)
* @method InventoryItem InventoryItem(integer $id = null)
* @method InventoryLevel InventoryLevel(integer $id = null)
* @method Location Location(integer $id = null)
* @method Order Order(integer $id = null)
* @method Event Event(integer $id = null)
* @method Fulfillment Fulfillment(integer $id = null)
* @method FulfillmentOrder FulfillmentOrder()
* @method FulfillmentService FulfillmentService(integer $id = null)
* @method GraphQL GraphQL()
class ShopifyApp
protected $resources = [
protected $childResources = array(
'Fulfillment' => 'Order',
'FulfillmentEvent' => 'Fulfillment',
'FulfillmentOrder' => 'Order',
'OrderRisk' => 'Order',
'ProductImage' => 'Product',
'ProductVariant' => 'Product',
'DiscountCode' => 'PriceRule',
'Refund' => 'Order',
'Transaction' => 'Order',
public $config = [];
public $defaultApiVersion = '2021-07';
* ShopifyApp constructor.
* @param array $config
public function __construct($config)
$this->config = [
'api_version' => $this->defaultApiVersion
foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
$this->config[$key] = $value;
if (isset($config['shop_url'])) {
* 返回AbstractShopify实例
* @param string $className 实现的类名
* @return AbstractShopify
* @throws Exception
public function __get($className)
return $this->$className();
* 返回AbstractShopify实例
* @param string $className 实现的类名
* @param $arguments
* @return AbstractShopify
* @throws Exception
public function __call($className, $arguments)
if (!in_array($className, $this->resources)) {
if (isset($this->childResources[$className])) {
$message = "$className 是属于 {$this->childResources[$className]} 的子集, 无法直接访问";
} else {
$message = "未知类 $className";
throw new Exception($message);
$resourceID = !empty($arguments) ? $arguments[0] : null;
$resourceClassName = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\lib\\$className";
return new $resourceClassName($this->config, $resourceID);
public function setApiUrl()
$shopUrl = $this->config['shop_url'];
$shopUrl = preg_replace('#^https?://|/$#', '', $shopUrl);
$apiVersion = $this->config['api_version'];
$this->config['api_url'] = "https://$shopUrl/admin/api/$apiVersion/";
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/8/18
* Time: 8:13
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify;
use Exception;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\AbstractShopify;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Collect;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Collection;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\CustomCollection;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Event;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Fulfillment;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\FulfillmentOrder;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\FulfillmentService;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\GraphQL;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\InventoryItem;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\InventoryLevel;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Location;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Metafield;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Order;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Product;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\ProductVariant;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\SmartCollection;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib\Webhook;
* Class ShopifyApp
* @package Meibuyu\Shopify
* @property-read Webhook $Webhook
* @property-read Collect $Collect
* @property-read Collection $Collection
* @property-read CustomCollection $CustomCollection
* @property-read SmartCollection $SmartCollection
* @property-read Metafield $Metafield
* @property-read Product $Product
* @property-read ProductVariant $ProductVariant
* @property-read InventoryItem $InventoryItem
* @property-read InventoryLevel $InventoryLevel
* @property-read Location $Location
* @property-read Order $Order
* @property-read Event $Event
* @property-read Fulfillment $Fulfillment
* @property-read FulfillmentService $FulfillmentService
* @property-read GraphQL $GraphQL
* @method Webhook Webhook(integer $id = null)
* @method Collection Collection(integer $id = null)
* @method CustomCollection CustomCollection(integer $id = null)
* @method SmartCollection SmartCollection(integer $id = null)
* @method Metafield Metafield(integer $id = null)
* @method Product Product(integer $id = null)
* @method ProductVariant ProductVariant(integer $id = null)
* @method InventoryItem InventoryItem(integer $id = null)
* @method InventoryLevel InventoryLevel(integer $id = null)
* @method Location Location(integer $id = null)
* @method Order Order(integer $id = null)
* @method Event Event(integer $id = null)
* @method Fulfillment Fulfillment(integer $id = null)
* @method FulfillmentOrder FulfillmentOrder()
* @method FulfillmentService FulfillmentService(integer $id = null)
* @method GraphQL GraphQL()
class ShopifyApp
protected $resources = [
protected $childResources = array(
'Fulfillment' => 'Order',
'FulfillmentEvent' => 'Fulfillment',
'FulfillmentOrder' => 'Order',
'OrderRisk' => 'Order',
'ProductImage' => 'Product',
'ProductVariant' => 'Product',
'DiscountCode' => 'PriceRule',
'Refund' => 'Order',
'Transaction' => 'Order',
public $config = [];
public $defaultApiVersion = '2021-07';
* ShopifyApp constructor.
* @param array $config
public function __construct($config)
$this->config = [
'api_version' => $this->defaultApiVersion
foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
$this->config[$key] = $value;
if (isset($config['shop_url'])) {
* 返回AbstractShopify实例
* @param string $className 实现的类名
* @return AbstractShopify
* @throws Exception
public function __get($className)
return $this->$className();
* 返回AbstractShopify实例
* @param string $className 实现的类名
* @param $arguments
* @return AbstractShopify
* @throws Exception
public function __call($className, $arguments)
if (!in_array($className, $this->resources)) {
if (isset($this->childResources[$className])) {
$message = "$className 是属于 {$this->childResources[$className]} 的子集, 无法直接访问";
} else {
$message = "未知类 $className";
throw new Exception($message);
$resourceID = !empty($arguments) ? $arguments[0] : null;
$resourceClassName = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\lib\\$className";
return new $resourceClassName($this->config, $resourceID);
public function setApiUrl()
$shopUrl = $this->config['shop_url'];
$shopUrl = preg_replace('#^https?://|/$#', '', $shopUrl);
$apiVersion = $this->config['api_version'];
$this->config['api_url'] = "https://$shopUrl/admin/api/$apiVersion/";
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/8/18
* Time: 8:18
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib;
use Exception;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\tools\CurlHttpRequestJson;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\tools\HttpRequestJson;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
abstract class AbstractShopify
* 资源id
* @var int
public $id = null;
protected $httpHeaders = [];
protected $resourceUrl;
protected $resourceKey;
protected $pluralizeKey;
* 无count方法
* @var boolean
public $countEnabled = true;
// 子集资源
protected $childResource = [];
// 自定义请求方法
protected $customGetActions = [];
protected $customPostActions = [];
protected $customPutActions = [];
protected $customDeleteActions = [];
private $config;
* @var HttpRequestJson|CurlHttpRequestJson
private $httpRequestJson;
* AbstractShopify constructor.
* @param $config
* @param null $id
* @param string $parentResourceUrl
* @throws Exception
public function __construct($config, $id = null, $parentResourceUrl = null)
$this->config = $config;
$this->id = $id;
$this->pluralizeKey = $this->pluralizeKey ?: $this->resourceKey . 's';
$this->resourceUrl = ($parentResourceUrl ? "$parentResourceUrl/" : $config['api_url']) . $this->pluralizeKey . ($this->id ? "/{$this->id}" : '');
$this->httpRequestJson = make(CurlHttpRequestJson::class);
if (isset($config['is_private_app']) && $config['is_private_app'] == false) {
// 如果不是私人应用,则使用访问令牌
if (isset($config['access_token'])) {
$this->httpHeaders['X-Shopify-Access-Token'] = $config['access_token'];
} elseif (!isset($config['access_token'])) {
throw new Exception("请设置access_token值");
} else {
if (isset($config['api_password'])) {
$this->httpHeaders['X-Shopify-Access-Token'] = $config['api_password'];
} elseif (!isset($config['api_password'])) {
throw new Exception("请设置api_password值");
* 调用子集资源
* @param $childName
* @return mixed
public function __get($childName)
return $this->$childName();
* 调用自定义方法
* @param $name
* @param $arguments
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function __call($name, $arguments)
if (ctype_upper($name[0])) {
$childKey = array_search($name, $this->childResource);
if ($childKey === false) {
throw new Exception(" $name 不属于 {$this->getResourceName()}");
$childClassName = !is_numeric($childKey) ? $childKey : $name;
$childClass = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\" . $childClassName;
$resourceID = !empty($arguments) ? $arguments[0] : null;
return new $childClass($this->config, $resourceID, $this->resourceUrl);
} else {
$actionMaps = [
'post' => 'customPostActions',
'put' => 'customPutActions',
'get' => 'customGetActions',
'delete' => 'customDeleteActions',
//Get the array key for the action in the actions array
foreach ($actionMaps as $httpMethod => $actionArrayKey) {
$actionKey = array_search($name, $this->$actionArrayKey);
if ($actionKey !== false) break;
if ($actionKey === false) {
throw new Exception("No action named $name is defined for " . $this->getResourceName());
//If any associative key is given to the action, then it will be considered as the method name,
//otherwise the action name will be the method name
$customAction = !is_numeric($actionKey) ? $actionKey : $name;
//Get the first argument if provided with the method call
$methodArgument = !empty($arguments) ? $arguments[0] : [];
//Url parameters
$urlParams = [];
//Data body
$dataArray = [];
//Consider the argument as url parameters for get and delete request
//and data array for post and put request
if ($httpMethod == 'post' || $httpMethod == 'put') {
$dataArray = $methodArgument;
} else {
$urlParams = $methodArgument;
$url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams, null, $customAction);
if ($httpMethod == 'post' || $httpMethod == 'put') {
return $this->$httpMethod($dataArray, $url, false);
} else {
return $this->$httpMethod($dataArray, $url);
private function getResourceName()
return substr(get_called_class(), strrpos(get_called_class(), '\\') + 1);
public function generateUrl($urlParams = [], $id = null, $customAction = null)
$resourceUrl = $this->resourceUrl;
if ($id) {
if ($this->id) {
if ($id !== $this->id) {
$resourceUrl = str_replace($this->id, $id, $this->resourceUrl);
} else {
$resourceUrl = $this->resourceUrl . "/$id";
return $resourceUrl . ($customAction ? "/$customAction" : '') . '.json' . (!empty($urlParams) ? '?' . http_build_query($urlParams) : '');
* 获取数量
* @param array $urlParams
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function count($urlParams = [])
if (!$this->countEnabled) {
throw new Exception("当前类{$this->getResourceName()}不支持count()方法");
$url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams, null, 'count');
return $this->get([], $url, 'count');
* @param array $urlParams
* @param null $url
* @param null $dataKey
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function get($urlParams = [], $url = null, $dataKey = null)
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->get($url, $this->httpHeaders);
if (!$dataKey) $dataKey = $this->id ? $this->resourceKey : $this->pluralizeKey;
return $this->processResponse($response, $dataKey);
* 分页
* @param null $url
* @param array $urlParams
* @return mixed ['data' => [数据], 'next_link' => '下一页链接']
* @throws Exception
public function page($url = null, $urlParams = [])
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->get($url, $this->httpHeaders);
return $this->processPageResponse($response, $this->pluralizeKey);
* 根据id获取一条数据
* @param $id
* @param array $urlParams
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function show($id, $urlParams = [])
$url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams, $id);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->get($url, $this->httpHeaders);
return $this->processResponse($response, $this->resourceKey);
* @param $dataArray
* @param null $url
* @param bool $wrapData
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function post($dataArray, $url = null, $wrapData = true)
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl();
if ($wrapData && !empty($dataArray)) $dataArray = $this->wrapData($dataArray);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->post($url, $dataArray, $this->httpHeaders);
return $this->processResponse($response, $this->resourceKey);
* @param int|string $id
* @param $dataArray
* @param null $url
* @param bool $wrapData
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function put($id, $dataArray, $url = null, $wrapData = true)
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl([], $id);
if ($wrapData && !empty($dataArray)) $dataArray = $this->wrapData($dataArray);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->put($url, $dataArray, $this->httpHeaders);
return $this->processResponse($response, $this->resourceKey);
* @param int|string $id
* @param array $urlParams
* @param null $url
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function delete($id = null, $urlParams = [], $url = null)
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams, $id);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->delete($url, $this->httpHeaders);
return $this->processResponse($response);
protected function wrapData($dataArray, $dataKey = null)
if (!$dataKey) $dataKey = $this->resourceKey;
return [$dataKey => $dataArray];
protected function castString($array)
if (!is_array($array)) return (string)$array;
$string = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
$string .= ($i === $key ? '' : "$key - ") . $this->castString($val) . ', ';
$string = rtrim($string, ', ');
return $string;
* 处理响应
* @param array $response
* @param null $dataKey
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function processResponse($response, $dataKey = null)
[$code, , $content] = $response;
$content = json_decode($content, true);
if (isset($content['errors'])) {
throw new Exception($this->castString($content['errors']), $code);
if ($dataKey && isset($content[$dataKey])) {
return $content[$dataKey];
} else {
return $content;
* 处理响应
* @param ResponseInterface $response
* @param null $dataKey
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function processPageResponse($response, $dataKey = null)
[$code, $headers, $content] = $response;
$content = json_decode($content, true);
$link = $this->getLink($headers);
if (isset($content['errors'])) {
throw new Exception($this->castString($content['errors']), $code);
if ($dataKey && isset($content[$dataKey])) {
$data = $content[$dataKey];
} else {
$data = $content;
return ['data' => $data, 'next_link' => $link];
public function getLink($header, $type = 'next')
if (!empty($header['x-shopify-api-version'][0]) && $header['x-shopify-api-version'][0] < '2019-07') {
return null;
if (!empty($header['link'][0])) {
$headerLinks = $header['link'][0];
if (stristr($headerLinks, '; rel="' . $type . '"') > -1) {
$headerLinks = explode(',', $headerLinks);
foreach ($headerLinks as $headerLink) {
if (stristr($headerLink, '; rel="' . $type . '"') === -1) {
$pattern = '#<(.*?)>; rel="' . $type . '"#m';
preg_match($pattern, $headerLink, $linkResponseHeaders);
if ($linkResponseHeaders) {
return $linkResponseHeaders[1];
return null;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/8/18
* Time: 8:18
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib;
use Exception;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\tools\CurlHttpRequestJson;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\tools\HttpRequestJson;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
abstract class AbstractShopify
* 资源id
* @var int
public $id = null;
protected $httpHeaders = [];
protected $resourceUrl;
protected $resourceKey;
protected $pluralizeKey;
* 无count方法
* @var boolean
public $countEnabled = true;
// 子集资源
protected $childResource = [];
// 自定义请求方法
protected $customGetActions = [];
protected $customPostActions = [];
protected $customPutActions = [];
protected $customDeleteActions = [];
private $config;
* @var HttpRequestJson|CurlHttpRequestJson
private $httpRequestJson;
* AbstractShopify constructor.
* @param $config
* @param null $id
* @param string $parentResourceUrl
* @throws Exception
public function __construct($config, $id = null, $parentResourceUrl = null)
$this->config = $config;
$this->id = $id;
$this->pluralizeKey = $this->pluralizeKey ?: $this->resourceKey . 's';
$this->resourceUrl = ($parentResourceUrl ? "$parentResourceUrl/" : $config['api_url']) . $this->pluralizeKey . ($this->id ? "/{$this->id}" : '');
$this->httpRequestJson = make(CurlHttpRequestJson::class);
if (isset($config['is_private_app']) && $config['is_private_app'] == false) {
// 如果不是私人应用,则使用访问令牌
if (isset($config['access_token'])) {
$this->httpHeaders['X-Shopify-Access-Token'] = $config['access_token'];
} elseif (!isset($config['access_token'])) {
throw new Exception("请设置access_token值");
} else {
if (isset($config['api_password'])) {
$this->httpHeaders['X-Shopify-Access-Token'] = $config['api_password'];
} elseif (!isset($config['api_password'])) {
throw new Exception("请设置api_password值");
* 调用子集资源
* @param $childName
* @return mixed
public function __get($childName)
return $this->$childName();
* 调用自定义方法
* @param $name
* @param $arguments
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function __call($name, $arguments)
if (ctype_upper($name[0])) {
$childKey = array_search($name, $this->childResource);
if ($childKey === false) {
throw new Exception(" $name 不属于 {$this->getResourceName()}");
$childClassName = !is_numeric($childKey) ? $childKey : $name;
$childClass = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\" . $childClassName;
$resourceID = !empty($arguments) ? $arguments[0] : null;
return new $childClass($this->config, $resourceID, $this->resourceUrl);
} else {
$actionMaps = [
'post' => 'customPostActions',
'put' => 'customPutActions',
'get' => 'customGetActions',
'delete' => 'customDeleteActions',
//Get the array key for the action in the actions array
foreach ($actionMaps as $httpMethod => $actionArrayKey) {
$actionKey = array_search($name, $this->$actionArrayKey);
if ($actionKey !== false) break;
if ($actionKey === false) {
throw new Exception("No action named $name is defined for " . $this->getResourceName());
//If any associative key is given to the action, then it will be considered as the method name,
//otherwise the action name will be the method name
$customAction = !is_numeric($actionKey) ? $actionKey : $name;
//Get the first argument if provided with the method call
$methodArgument = !empty($arguments) ? $arguments[0] : [];
//Url parameters
$urlParams = [];
//Data body
$dataArray = [];
//Consider the argument as url parameters for get and delete request
//and data array for post and put request
if ($httpMethod == 'post' || $httpMethod == 'put') {
$dataArray = $methodArgument;
} else {
$urlParams = $methodArgument;
$url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams, null, $customAction);
if ($httpMethod == 'post' || $httpMethod == 'put') {
return $this->$httpMethod($dataArray, $url, false);
} else {
return $this->$httpMethod($dataArray, $url);
private function getResourceName()
return substr(get_called_class(), strrpos(get_called_class(), '\\') + 1);
public function generateUrl($urlParams = [], $id = null, $customAction = null)
$resourceUrl = $this->resourceUrl;
if ($id) {
if ($this->id) {
if ($id !== $this->id) {
$resourceUrl = str_replace($this->id, $id, $this->resourceUrl);
} else {
$resourceUrl = $this->resourceUrl . "/$id";
return $resourceUrl . ($customAction ? "/$customAction" : '') . '.json' . (!empty($urlParams) ? '?' . http_build_query($urlParams) : '');
* 获取数量
* @param array $urlParams
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function count($urlParams = [])
if (!$this->countEnabled) {
throw new Exception("当前类{$this->getResourceName()}不支持count()方法");
$url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams, null, 'count');
return $this->get([], $url, 'count');
* @param array $urlParams
* @param null $url
* @param null $dataKey
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function get($urlParams = [], $url = null, $dataKey = null)
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->get($url, $this->httpHeaders);
if (!$dataKey) $dataKey = $this->id ? $this->resourceKey : $this->pluralizeKey;
return $this->processResponse($response, $dataKey);
* 分页
* @param null $url
* @param array $urlParams
* @return mixed ['data' => [数据], 'next_link' => '下一页链接']
* @throws Exception
public function page($url = null, $urlParams = [])
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->get($url, $this->httpHeaders);
return $this->processPageResponse($response, $this->pluralizeKey);
* 根据id获取一条数据
* @param $id
* @param array $urlParams
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function show($id, $urlParams = [])
$url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams, $id);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->get($url, $this->httpHeaders);
return $this->processResponse($response, $this->resourceKey);
* @param $dataArray
* @param null $url
* @param bool $wrapData
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function post($dataArray, $url = null, $wrapData = true)
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl();
if ($wrapData && !empty($dataArray)) $dataArray = $this->wrapData($dataArray);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->post($url, $dataArray, $this->httpHeaders);
return $this->processResponse($response, $this->resourceKey);
* @param int|string $id
* @param $dataArray
* @param null $url
* @param bool $wrapData
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function put($id, $dataArray, $url = null, $wrapData = true)
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl([], $id);
if ($wrapData && !empty($dataArray)) $dataArray = $this->wrapData($dataArray);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->put($url, $dataArray, $this->httpHeaders);
return $this->processResponse($response, $this->resourceKey);
* @param int|string $id
* @param array $urlParams
* @param null $url
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function delete($id = null, $urlParams = [], $url = null)
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl($urlParams, $id);
$response = $this->httpRequestJson->delete($url, $this->httpHeaders);
return $this->processResponse($response);
protected function wrapData($dataArray, $dataKey = null)
if (!$dataKey) $dataKey = $this->resourceKey;
return [$dataKey => $dataArray];
protected function castString($array)
if (!is_array($array)) return (string)$array;
$string = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
$string .= ($i === $key ? '' : "$key - ") . $this->castString($val) . ', ';
$string = rtrim($string, ', ');
return $string;
* 处理响应
* @param array $response
* @param null $dataKey
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function processResponse($response, $dataKey = null)
[$code, , $content] = $response;
$content = json_decode($content, true);
if (isset($content['errors'])) {
throw new Exception($this->castString($content['errors']), $code);
if ($dataKey && isset($content[$dataKey])) {
return $content[$dataKey];
} else {
return $content;
* 处理响应
* @param ResponseInterface $response
* @param null $dataKey
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
public function processPageResponse($response, $dataKey = null)
[$code, $headers, $content] = $response;
$content = json_decode($content, true);
$link = $this->getLink($headers);
if (isset($content['errors'])) {
throw new Exception($this->castString($content['errors']), $code);
if ($dataKey && isset($content[$dataKey])) {
$data = $content[$dataKey];
} else {
$data = $content;
return ['data' => $data, 'next_link' => $link];
public function getLink($header, $type = 'next')
if (!empty($header['x-shopify-api-version'][0]) && $header['x-shopify-api-version'][0] < '2019-07') {
return null;
if (!empty($header['link'][0])) {
$headerLinks = $header['link'][0];
if (stristr($headerLinks, '; rel="' . $type . '"') > -1) {
$headerLinks = explode(',', $headerLinks);
foreach ($headerLinks as $headerLink) {
if (stristr($headerLink, '; rel="' . $type . '"') === -1) {
$pattern = '#<(.*?)>; rel="' . $type . '"#m';
preg_match($pattern, $headerLink, $linkResponseHeaders);
if ($linkResponseHeaders) {
return $linkResponseHeaders[1];
return null;
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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2021/01/08
* Time: 09:34:30
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib;
use Exception;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\tools\HttpRequestGraphQL;
* Class GraphQL
* @package Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib
class GraphQL extends AbstractShopify
protected $resourceKey = 'graphql';
protected $pluralizeKey = 'graphql';
public function post($graphQL, $url = null, $wrapData = false, $variables = null)
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl();
$response = HttpRequestGraphQL::post($url, $graphQL, $this->httpHeaders, $variables);
return $this->processResponse($response);
public function get($urlParams = array(), $url = null, $dataKey = null)
throw new Exception("GraphQL 只支持 POST 请求!");
public function put($id, $dataArray, $url = null, $wrapData = true)
throw new Exception("GraphQL 只支持 POST 请求!");
public function delete($id = null, $urlParams = [], $url = null)
throw new Exception("GraphQL 只支持 POST 请求!");
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2021/01/08
* Time: 09:34:30
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib;
use Exception;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\tools\HttpRequestGraphQL;
* Class GraphQL
* @package Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\lib
class GraphQL extends AbstractShopify
protected $resourceKey = 'graphql';
protected $pluralizeKey = 'graphql';
public function post($graphQL, $url = null, $wrapData = false, $variables = null)
if (!$url) $url = $this->generateUrl();
$response = HttpRequestGraphQL::post($url, $graphQL, $this->httpHeaders, $variables);
return $this->processResponse($response);
public function get($urlParams = array(), $url = null, $dataKey = null)
throw new Exception("GraphQL 只支持 POST 请求!");
public function put($id, $dataArray, $url = null, $wrapData = true)
throw new Exception("GraphQL 只支持 POST 请求!");
public function delete($id = null, $urlParams = [], $url = null)
throw new Exception("GraphQL 只支持 POST 请求!");
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namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\tools;
use Exception;
class CurlRequest
protected static function init($url, $httpHeaders = [])
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 100); // 设置超时限制防止死循环
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'PHPClassic/PHPShopify');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // 信任任何证书
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); // 检查证书中是否设置域名
$headers = [];
foreach ($httpHeaders as $key => $value) {
$headers[] = "$key: $value";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
return $ch;
* @param $url
* @param array $httpHeaders
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author zero
public static function get($url, $httpHeaders = [])
$ch = self::init($url, $httpHeaders);
return self::processRequest($ch);
* @param $url
* @param $data
* @param array $httpHeaders
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author zero
public static function post($url, $data, $httpHeaders = [])
$ch = self::init($url, $httpHeaders);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
return self::processRequest($ch);
* @param $url
* @param $data
* @param array $httpHeaders
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author zero
public static function put($url, $data, $httpHeaders = [])
$ch = self::init($url, $httpHeaders);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
return self::processRequest($ch);
* @param $url
* @param array $httpHeaders
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author zero
public static function delete($url, $httpHeaders = [])
$ch = self::init($url, $httpHeaders);
return self::processRequest($ch);
* @param $ch
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author zero
protected static function processRequest($ch)
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$response = new CurlResponse($output);
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
// if ($httpCode == 429) {
// $limitHeader = explode('/', $response->getHeader('X-Shopify-Shop-Api-Call-Limit')[0], 2);
// if (isset($limitHeader[1]) && $limitHeader[0] < $limitHeader[1]) {
// throw new Exception($response->getBody());
// }
// }
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
throw new Exception(curl_errno($ch) . ' : ' . curl_error($ch));
return [$httpCode, $response->getHeaders(), $response->getBody()];
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Shopify\tools;
use Exception;
class CurlRequest
protected static function init($url, $httpHeaders = [])
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 100); // 设置超时限制防止死循环
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'PHPClassic/PHPShopify');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // 信任任何证书
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); // 检查证书中是否设置域名
$headers = [];
foreach ($httpHeaders as $key => $value) {
$headers[] = "$key: $value";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
return $ch;
* @param $url
* @param array $httpHeaders
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author zero
public static function get($url, $httpHeaders = [])
$ch = self::init($url, $httpHeaders);
return self::processRequest($ch);
* @param $url
* @param $data
* @param array $httpHeaders
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author zero
public static function post($url, $data, $httpHeaders = [])
$ch = self::init($url, $httpHeaders);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
return self::processRequest($ch);
* @param $url
* @param $data
* @param array $httpHeaders
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author zero
public static function put($url, $data, $httpHeaders = [])
$ch = self::init($url, $httpHeaders);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
return self::processRequest($ch);
* @param $url
* @param array $httpHeaders
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author zero
public static function delete($url, $httpHeaders = [])
$ch = self::init($url, $httpHeaders);
return self::processRequest($ch);
* @param $ch
* @return array
* @throws Exception
* @author zero
protected static function processRequest($ch)
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$response = new CurlResponse($output);
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
// if ($httpCode == 429) {
// $limitHeader = explode('/', $response->getHeader('X-Shopify-Shop-Api-Call-Limit')[0], 2);
// if (isset($limitHeader[1]) && $limitHeader[0] < $limitHeader[1]) {
// throw new Exception($response->getBody());
// }
// }
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
throw new Exception(curl_errno($ch) . ' : ' . curl_error($ch));
return [$httpCode, $response->getHeaders(), $response->getBody()];
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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2021/06/09
* Time: 10:14:32
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Tools;
use Hyperf\Logger\Logger;
use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
use Monolog\Handler\FormattableHandlerInterface;
use Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface;
use Monolog\Handler\RotatingFileHandler;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
* Class Log
* @package App\Services
* @method static emergency($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static alert($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static critical($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static error($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static warning($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static notice($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static info($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static debug($message, string $name = 'app')
class Log
* @var LoggerInterface
protected static $logs;
* @return LoggerInterface
public static function log($channel = 'app')
if (!isset(self::$logs[$channel])) {
self::$logs[$channel] = make(Logger::class, [
'name' => $channel,
'handlers' => self::handlers($channel),
return self::$logs[$channel];
protected static function handlers($channel): array
$handlerConfigs = [
'class' => RotatingFileHandler::class,
'constructor' => [
'filename' => BASE_PATH . "/runtime/logs/$channel.log",
'level' => Logger::DEBUG,
'formatter' => [
'class' => LineFormatter::class,
'constructor' => [
'format' => "[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message%\n",
'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
'allowInlineLineBreaks' => true,
$handlers = [];
foreach ($handlerConfigs as $value) {
$formatterConfig = $value['formatter'];
/** @var HandlerInterface $handler */
$handler = make($value['class'], $value['constructor']);
if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) {
$formatterClass = $formatterConfig['class'];
$formatterConstructor = $formatterConfig['constructor'];
/** @var FormatterInterface $formatter */
$formatter = make($formatterClass, $formatterConstructor);
$handlers[] = $handler;
return $handlers;
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
$msg = $arguments[0];
if (is_array($msg)) {
$msg = var_export($msg, true);
$channel = $arguments[1] ?? 'app';
return static::log($channel)->{$name}($msg);
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2021/06/09
* Time: 10:14:32
namespace Meibuyu\Micro\Tools;
use Hyperf\Logger\Logger;
use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
use Monolog\Handler\FormattableHandlerInterface;
use Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface;
use Monolog\Handler\RotatingFileHandler;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
* Class Log
* @package App\Services
* @method static emergency($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static alert($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static critical($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static error($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static warning($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static notice($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static info($message, string $name = 'app')
* @method static debug($message, string $name = 'app')
class Log
* @var LoggerInterface
protected static $logs;
* @return LoggerInterface
public static function log($channel = 'app')
if (!isset(self::$logs[$channel])) {
self::$logs[$channel] = make(Logger::class, [
'name' => $channel,
'handlers' => self::handlers($channel),
return self::$logs[$channel];
protected static function handlers($channel): array
$handlerConfigs = [
'class' => RotatingFileHandler::class,
'constructor' => [
'filename' => BASE_PATH . "/runtime/logs/$channel.log",
'level' => Logger::DEBUG,
'formatter' => [
'class' => LineFormatter::class,
'constructor' => [
'format' => "[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message%\n",
'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
'allowInlineLineBreaks' => true,
$handlers = [];
foreach ($handlerConfigs as $value) {
$formatterConfig = $value['formatter'];
/** @var HandlerInterface $handler */
$handler = make($value['class'], $value['constructor']);
if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) {
$formatterClass = $formatterConfig['class'];
$formatterConstructor = $formatterConfig['constructor'];
/** @var FormatterInterface $formatter */
$formatter = make($formatterClass, $formatterConstructor);
$handlers[] = $handler;
return $handlers;
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
$msg = $arguments[0];
if (is_array($msg)) {
$msg = var_export($msg, true);
$channel = $arguments[1] ?? 'app';
return static::log($channel)->{$name}($msg);
\ No newline at end of file
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use Hyperf\Cache\Listener\DeleteListenerEvent;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\RequestInterface;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\ResponseInterface;
use Hyperf\Logger\Logger;
use Hyperf\Redis\Redis;
use Hyperf\Utils\ApplicationContext;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
use Monolog\Handler\FirePHPHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
* 容器实例
if (!function_exists('container')) {
function container($key = null)
if (is_null($key)) {
return ApplicationContext::getContainer();
} else {
return ApplicationContext::getContainer()->get($key);
if (!function_exists('redis')) {
* 获取redis客户端实例
* @return Redis|mixed
function redis()
return container(Redis::class);
* token
if (!function_exists('token')) {
function token()
$token = request()->getHeader('Authorization')[0] ?? '';
if (strlen($token) > 0) {
$token = ucfirst($token);
$arr = explode('Bearer ', $token);
$token = $arr[1] ?? '';
if (strlen($token) > 0) {
return $token;
return false;
if (!function_exists('request')) {
* 请求实例
* @param array|string|null $key
* @param mixed $default
* @return RequestInterface|string|array|mixed
function request($key = null, $default = null)
if (is_null($key)) {
return container(RequestInterface::class);
if (is_array($key)) {
return container(RequestInterface::class)->inputs($key);
$value = container(RequestInterface::class)->input($key);
return is_null($value) ? value($default) : $value;
if (!function_exists('response')) {
* 响应实例
* @return mixed|ResponseInterface
function response()
return container(ResponseInterface::class);
if (!function_exists('success')) {
* 成功响应实例
* @param string $msg
* @param mixed $data
* @param int $code
* @return mixed
function success($msg = '', $data = null, $code = 200)
return response()->json([
'msg' => $msg,
'data' => $data,
'code' => $code
if (!function_exists('fail')) {
* 失败响应实例
* @param string $msg
* @param mixed $data
* @param int $code
* @return mixed
function fail($msg = '', $data = null, $code = 400)
return response()->json([
'msg' => $msg,
'data' => $data,
'code' => $code
if (!function_exists('download')) {
* 文件流下载文件
* @param string $filePath 文件路径
* @param string $showName 下载后展示的名称
* @return mixed
function download($filePath = '', $showName = '')
return response()->download($filePath, urlencode($showName));
if (!function_exists('decimal_to_abc')) {
* 数字转换对应26个字母
* @param $num
* @return string
* @deprecated 此方法废弃,请使用int_to_chr()
function decimal_to_abc($num)
$str = "";
$ten = $num;
if ($ten == 0) return "A";
while ($ten != 0) {
$x = $ten % 26;
$str .= chr(65 + $x);
$ten = intval($ten / 26);
return strrev($str);
if (!function_exists('diff_between_two_days')) {
* 计算两个日期之间相差的天数
* @param $day1
* @param $day2
* @return float|int
function diff_between_two_days($day1, $day2)
$second1 = strtotime($day1);
$second2 = strtotime($day2);
return round((abs($second1 - $second2) / 86400), 0);
if (!function_exists('decimals_to_percentage')) {
* 将小数转换百分数
* @param float $decimals 小数
* @param int $num 保留小数位
* @return string
function decimals_to_percentage($decimals, $num = 2)
return sprintf("%01." . $num . "f", $decimals * 100) . '%';
if (!function_exists('calculate_grade')) {
* 计算一个数的区间范围等级
* @param array $range 区间范围(从大到小排列)
* @param $num
* @return mixed|void
function calculate_grade($range, $num)
$max = max($range);
if ($num >= $max) {
return count($range);
foreach ($range as $k => $v) {
if ($num < $v) {
return $k;
if (!function_exists('convertAmountToCn')) {
* 2 * 将数值金额转换为中文大写金额
* 3 * @param $amount float 金额(支持到分)
* 4 * @param $type int 补整类型,0:到角补整;1:到元补整
* 5 * @return mixed 中文大写金额
* 6 */
function convertAmountToCn($amount, $type = 1)
// 判断输出的金额是否为数字或数字字符串
if (!is_numeric($amount)) {
return "要转换的金额只能为数字!";
// 金额为0,则直接输出"零元整"
if ($amount == 0) {
return "人民币零元整";
// 金额不能为负数
if ($amount < 0) {
return "要转换的金额不能为负数!";
// 金额不能超过万亿,即12位
if (strlen($amount) > 12) {
return "要转换的金额不能为万亿及更高金额!";
// 预定义中文转换的数组
$digital = array('零', '壹', '贰', '叁', '肆', '伍', '陆', '柒', '捌', '玖');
// 预定义单位转换的数组
$position = array('仟', '佰', '拾', '亿', '仟', '佰', '拾', '万', '仟', '佰', '拾', '元');
// 将金额的数值字符串拆分成数组
$amountArr = explode('.', $amount);
// 将整数位的数值字符串拆分成数组
$integerArr = str_split($amountArr[0], 1);
// 将整数部分替换成大写汉字
$result = '人民币';
$integerArrLength = count($integerArr); // 整数位数组的长度
$positionLength = count($position); // 单位数组的长度
for ($i = 0; $i < $integerArrLength; $i++) {
// 如果数值不为0,则正常转换
if ($integerArr[$i] != 0) {
$result = $result . $digital[$integerArr[$i]] . $position[$positionLength - $integerArrLength + $i];
} else {
// 如果数值为0, 且单位是亿,万,元这三个的时候,则直接显示单位
if (($positionLength - $integerArrLength + $i + 1) % 4 == 0) {
$result = $result . $position[$positionLength - $integerArrLength + $i];
// 如果小数位也要转换
if ($type == 0) {
// 将小数位的数值字符串拆分成数组
$decimalArr = str_split($amountArr[1], 1);
// 将角替换成大写汉字. 如果为0,则不替换
if ($decimalArr[0] != 0) {
$result = $result . $digital[$decimalArr[0]] . '角';
// 将分替换成大写汉字. 如果为0,则不替换
if ($decimalArr[1] != 0) {
$result = $result . $digital[$decimalArr[1]] . '分';
} else {
$result = $result . '整';
return $result;
if (!function_exists('today')) {
* Create a new Carbon instance for the current time.
* @return false|string
function today()
return date('Y-m-d', time());
if (!function_exists('now')) {
* Create a new Carbon instance for the current time.
* @return false|string
function now()
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
if (!function_exists('get_tree_id')) {
* @param array $array
* @param array $pid
* @return array
function get_tree_id(array $array, $pids = [0])
$list = [];
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($value['pid'], $pids) || in_array($value['id'], $pids)) {
$list[] = $value['id'];
if ($list == []) return [];
$children = get_tree_id($array, $list);
return array_merge($list, $children);
if (!function_exists('list_go_tree')) {
* 列表转树状格式
* @param array $list
* @param string $pk
* @param string $pid
* @param string $children
* @return array
function list_go_tree(array $list = [], $pk = 'id', $pid = 'parent_id', $children = 'children')
$tree = $refer = [];
// 创建基于主键的数组引用
foreach ($list as $key => $data) {
$refer[$data[$pk]] = &$list[$key];
foreach ($list as $key => $data) {
$parentId = $data[$pid];
// 判断是否存在parent
if (isset($refer[$parentId])) {
$parent = &$refer[$parentId];
$parent[$children][] = &$list[$key];
} else {
$tree[] = &$list[$key];
return $tree;
if (!function_exists('flushAnnotationCache')) {
* 刷新注解缓存,清楚注解缓存
* @param string $listener
* @param mixed $keys
* @return bool
function flushAnnotationCache($listener, $keys)
$keys = is_array($keys) ? $keys : [$keys];
$dispatcher = ApplicationContext::getContainer()->get(EventDispatcherInterface::class);
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$dispatcher->dispatch(new DeleteListenerEvent($listener, [$key]));
return true;
if (!function_exists('num_2_file_size')) {
* 数字转文件大小
* @param $num
* @return string
function num_2_file_size($num)
$p = 0;
$format = 'B';
if ($num > 0 && $num < 1024) {
return number_format($num) . ' ' . $format;
} else if ($num >= 1024 && $num < pow(1024, 2)) {
$p = 1;
$format = 'KB';
} else if ($num >= pow(1024, 2) && $num < pow(1024, 3)) {
$p = 2;
$format = 'MB';
} else if ($num >= pow(1024, 3) && $num < pow(1024, 4)) {
$p = 3;
$format = 'GB';
} else if ($num >= pow(1024, 4) && $num < pow(1024, 5)) {
$p = 4;
$format = 'TB';
$num /= pow(1024, $p);
return number_format($num, 2) . ' ' . $format;
if (!function_exists('select_id_name')) {
function select_id_name($columns = [])
$columns = array_merge(['id', 'name'], $columns);
return function ($q) use ($columns) {
if (!function_exists('get_week_start_and_end')) {
function get_week_start_and_end($time = '', $first = 1)
if (!$time) $time = time();
$sdefaultDate = date("Y-m-d", $time);
//$first =1 表示每周星期一为开始日期 0表示每周日为开始日期
//获取当前周的第几天 周日是 0 周一到周六是 1 - 6
$w = date('w', strtotime($sdefaultDate));
//获取本周开始日期,如果$w是0,则表示周日,减去 6 天
$week_start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$sdefaultDate -" . ($w ? $w - $first : 6) . ' days'));
$week_end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$week_start +6 days"));
return array("week_start" => $week_start, "week_end" => $week_end);
if (!function_exists('putLog')) {
* description:记录日志 文件会生成在当前项目 /runtime/dev/
* author: fuyunnan
* @param string|array $output 日志 内容
* @param string $dir 目录
* @param string $filename 文件名称
* date: 2020/3/18
* @return void
* @throws
function put_log($output = 'out-mes', $filename = '', $dir = BASE_PATH . '/runtime/logs/dev/')
!is_dir($dir) && !mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
// 创建一个 Channel,参数 log 即为 Channel 的名字
$log = make(Logger::class, ['']);
// 创建两个 Handler,对应变量 $stream 和 $fire
!$filename && $filename = date('Y-m-d', time()) . '.log';
$stream = make(StreamHandler::class, [$dir . $filename, Logger::WARNING]);
$fire = make(FirePHPHandler::class);
if (is_array($output)) {
$output = var_export($output, true);
$output = '[ ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . ' ] --- ' . $output;
$formatter = new LineFormatter($output . "\r\n");
if (!function_exists('http_to_server_url')) {
* description:将前端的绝对路径转化为服务端相对路径
* author: fuyunnan
* @param string $path 需要转化的路径
* @return string
* @throws
* Date: 2020/6/24
function http_to_server_url($path)
$path = ltrim(parse_url($path, PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
return 'public/' . $path;
if (!function_exists('empty_string_2_null')) {
* 空字符串转NULL
* @param array $arr
* @return array
function empty_string_2_null(array $arr)
if (!empty($arr)) {
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$arr[$key] = empty_string_2_null($value);
} else {
if ($value === '') {
$arr[$key] = null;
return $arr;
if (!function_exists('get_collection_values')) {
* 从集合中提取深层数据
* @param mixed $collection 数据集合
* @param string $key 集合中键 支持多层提取,例如"a.b.c"
* @return array | collection
function get_collection_values($collection, string $key)
$values = [];
if (!empty($collection) && (is_object($collection) || is_array($collection))) {
$itemKeys = explode(".", $key);
$keyCount = count($itemKeys) - 1;
foreach ($collection as $value) {
foreach ($itemKeys as $k => $ik) {
if (isset($value[$ik])) {
$value = $value[$ik];
if ($k == $keyCount) {
$values[] = $value;
} else {
if (is_array($value) || is_countable($collection)) {
foreach ($value as $vv) {
if (isset($vv[$ik])) {
$values[] = $vv[$ik];
return $values;
if (!function_exists('put_collection_values')) {
* 对集合中设置深层数据
* @param array | collection $collection 需要设置的数据集合
* @param array | collection $valueList 需要设置值集合
* @param string $collectionKey 集合中键 支持多层提取,例如""
* @param string $collectionNewKey 数据集合的新键,例如"infomation",同名会覆盖
* @param string $valueKey $valueList中的值字段,例如"user_id"
* @return array | collection
function put_collection_values($collection, $valueList, string $collectionKey, string $collectionNewKey, $valueKey)
if (!empty($collection) && (is_object($collection) || is_array($collection))) {
$itemKeys = explode(".", $collectionKey);
if (!empty($valueList)) {
if (!is_object($valueList)) {
$valueList = collect($valueList);
$valueList = $valueList->keyBy($valueKey);
if (isset($collection[0])) {
foreach ($collection as $index => $value) {
$collection[$index] = private_put_collection_values($value, $itemKeys, $valueList, $collectionNewKey);
} else {
private_put_collection_values($collection, $itemKeys, $valueList, $collectionNewKey);
return $collection;
if (!function_exists('private_put_collection_values')) {
* 对集合设置值,不对外公开
* @param $collection
* @param $itemKeys
* @param $valueList
* @param $collectionNewKey
* @return mixed
function private_put_collection_values(&$collection, $itemKeys, $valueList, $collectionNewKey)
if (isset($collection[$itemKeys[0]])) {
if (count($itemKeys) != 1) {
$t = $itemKeys[0];
$itemKeys = array_values($itemKeys);
if (is_array($collection[$t]) || is_countable($collection[$t])) {
foreach ($collection[$t] as $k => $v) {
$collection[$t][$k] = private_put_collection_values($v, $itemKeys, $valueList, $collectionNewKey);
} else {
$collection[$t] = private_put_collection_values($collection[$t], $itemKeys, $valueList, $collectionNewKey);
} else {
if (isset($valueList[$collection[$itemKeys[0]]])) {
$collection[$collectionNewKey] = $valueList[$collection[$itemKeys[0]]];
} else {
$collection[$collectionNewKey] = null;
return $collection;
if (!function_exists('human_time')) {
* 计算时间
* @param $time 时间戳
* @return string
function human_time($time)
if (!is_numeric($time)) {
$time = strtotime($time);
$time = abs($time);
$days = intval($time / 86400);
if ($days != 0) {
return $days . "天";
$remain = $time % 86400;
$hours = intval($remain / 3600);
if ($hours != 0) {
return $hours . "小时";
$remain = $time % 3600;
$mins = intval($remain / 60);
if ($mins != 0) {
return $mins . "分钟";
$secs = $time % 60;
return $secs . "秒";
if (!function_exists('info')) {
* 输出数据到控制台
* @param mixed ...$arguments
function info(...$arguments)
if (!function_exists('make_belong_relation_function')) {
* 创建我属于关联关系的函数
* @param string $relationName 关联关系的名字
* @param array $mainModelColumns 使用关联关系的主表要筛选的列
* @param array $relationColumns 关联关系的列 默认['id', 'name']
* @param string $mainModelRelationKey 主表和关联关系对应的字段 空的话为$relationName+"_id"
* @param callable|null $callback 内嵌级联调用
* @return Closure 返回关联关系的匿名函数
function make_belong_relation_function($relationName, array &$mainModelColumns, $relationColumns = ['id', 'name'], $mainModelRelationKey = "", callable $callback = null)
$key = $mainModelRelationKey ? $mainModelRelationKey : $relationName . "_id";
if (!in_array($key, $mainModelColumns)) array_push($mainModelColumns, $key);
return make_has_relation_function($relationColumns, $callback);
if (!function_exists('make_has_relation_function')) {
* 创建我有关联关系的函数
* @param array $relationColumns 关联关系的列 默认['id', 'name']
* @param callable|null $callback 内嵌级联调用
* @return Closure 返回关联关系的匿名函数
* @return Closure
function make_has_relation_function($relationColumns = ['id', 'name'], callable $callback = null)
return function ($q) use ($relationColumns, $callback) {
if (is_callable($callback)) {
if (!function_exists('int_to_chr')) {
* 数字转字母 (类似于Excel列标)
* @param mixed $index 索引值
* @param int $start 字母起始值
* @return string 返回字母
function int_to_chr($index, $start = 65)
$str = '';
if (floor($index / 26) > 0) {
$str .= int_to_chr(floor($index / 26) - 1);
return $str . chr($index % 26 + $start);
if (!function_exists('check_diff_val')) {
* 判断两个对象数组是否有不同的值
* 后者里有前者的key时,但value不一样,返回true
* 后者里没有前者的key,或有key,但value一样时,返回false
* @param array $list
* @param array $data
* @return bool
function check_diff_val(array $list, array $data)
foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
if (isset($data[$key]) && $data[$key]) {
if (is_array($val)) {
if (check_diff_val($val, $data[$key])) {
return true;
} else {
if ($list[$key] != $data[$key]) {
return true;
return false;
if (!function_exists('get_diff_val')) {
* 获取两个数组中key相同,value不同的数据
* 返回后者的数据
* @param array $list1
* @param array $list2
* @param array $excludeKey 排除的key数组
* @return array
* @author Zero
function get_diff_val(array $list1, array $list2, array $excludeKey = [])
$diff = [];
foreach ($list1 as $key => $val) {
if (!in_array($key, $excludeKey)) {
if (isset($list2[$key]) && $list2[$key] != '') {
if (is_array($val)) {
$temp = get_diff_val($val, $list2[$key], $excludeKey);
!empty($temp) && $diff[$key] = $temp;
} else {
if ($list1[$key] != $list2[$key]) {
$diff[$key] = $list2[$key];
return $diff;
if (!function_exists('to_camel_case')) {
* 下划线命名转驼峰命名
* 例:demo_function : demoFunction
* @param $dirSep 分隔符
* @param $str
* @return mixed|string
function to_camel_case($dirSep, $str)
$array = explode($dirSep, $str);
$result = $array[0];
$len = count($array);
if ($len > 1) {
for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i++) {
$result .= ucfirst($array[$i]);
return $result;
if (!function_exists('mb_trim')) {
* 去除两边带全角空格的字符串
* @param $str
* @return string
* @author zero
function mb_trim($str)
$str = mb_ereg_replace(' ', '', $str);
return trim($str);
if (!function_exists('str_replace_first')) {
* 用替换字符串替换第一个出现的搜索字符串
* @param mixed $search 搜索字符串
* @param mixed $replace 替换字符串
* @param mixed $subject 被替换字符串
* @return string
* @author zero
function str_replace_first($search, $replace, $subject)
if (($position = strpos($subject, $search)) !== false) {
$replaceLen = strlen($search);
$subject = substr_replace($subject, $replace, $position, $replaceLen);
return $subject;
if (!function_exists('create_file_dir')) {
* 检查当前目录是否存在 不存在就创建一个目录
* @param mixed $dir 文件目录
* @return bool
* @author zero
function create_file_dir($dir)
return !is_dir($dir) && mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
if (!function_exists('get_images_url')) {
* 富文本获取图片信息
* @param $str
* @return mixed
function get_images_url($str)
preg_match('/<img.+src=\"?(.+\.(jpg|gif|bmp|bnp|png))\"?.+>/i', $str, $match);
return $match;
if (!function_exists('download_file')) {
* 下载远程文件
* @param $url 远程文件路径
* @param null $path 系统保存路径
* @return string
function download_file($url, $path = null)
$filename = trim(pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$filename = "$filename.$ext";
$root = config('server.settings.document_root', BASE_PATH . '/public');
$path = $path ? $path : '/download/files';
$savePath = $root . $path;
if (!is_dir($savePath)) {
// 判断路径是否存在,不存在,则创建
mkdir($savePath, 0777, true);
$filePath = $savePath . '/' . $filename;
if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
$file = curl_exec($ch);
$resource = fopen($filePath, 'a');
fwrite($resource, $file);
return $path . '/' . $filename;;
if (!function_exists('download_file_stream')) {
* @param $fileStream 文件流
* @param null $path 保存路径
* @return string
function download_file_stream($fileStream, $path = null)
$root = config('server.settings.document_root', BASE_PATH . '/public');
$path = $path ? $path : '/download/files';
$savePath = $root . $path;
if (!is_dir($savePath)) {
// 判断路径是否存在,不存在,则创建
mkdir($savePath, 0777, true);
$fileName = '/' . date('YmdHis') . 'track' . '.pdf';
file_put_contents($savePath . $fileName, base64_decode($fileStream), 1);
return $path . $fileName;
use Hyperf\Cache\Listener\DeleteListenerEvent;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\RequestInterface;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\ResponseInterface;
use Hyperf\Logger\Logger;
use Hyperf\Redis\Redis;
use Hyperf\Utils\ApplicationContext;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
use Monolog\Handler\FirePHPHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
* 容器实例
if (!function_exists('container')) {
function container($key = null)
if (is_null($key)) {
return ApplicationContext::getContainer();
} else {
return ApplicationContext::getContainer()->get($key);
if (!function_exists('redis')) {
* 获取redis客户端实例
* @return Redis|mixed
function redis()
return container(Redis::class);
* token
if (!function_exists('token')) {
function token()
$token = request()->getHeader('Authorization')[0] ?? '';
if (strlen($token) > 0) {
$token = ucfirst($token);
$arr = explode('Bearer ', $token);
$token = $arr[1] ?? '';
if (strlen($token) > 0) {
return $token;
return false;
if (!function_exists('request')) {
* 请求实例
* @param array|string|null $key
* @param mixed $default
* @return RequestInterface|string|array|mixed
function request($key = null, $default = null)
if (is_null($key)) {
return container(RequestInterface::class);
if (is_array($key)) {
return container(RequestInterface::class)->inputs($key);
$value = container(RequestInterface::class)->input($key);
return is_null($value) ? value($default) : $value;
if (!function_exists('response')) {
* 响应实例
* @return mixed|ResponseInterface
function response()
return container(ResponseInterface::class);
if (!function_exists('success')) {
* 成功响应实例
* @param string $msg
* @param mixed $data
* @param int $code
* @return mixed
function success($msg = '', $data = null, $code = 200)
return response()->json([
'msg' => $msg,
'data' => $data,
'code' => $code
if (!function_exists('fail')) {
* 失败响应实例
* @param string $msg
* @param mixed $data
* @param int $code
* @return mixed
function fail($msg = '', $data = null, $code = 400)
return response()->json([
'msg' => $msg,
'data' => $data,
'code' => $code
if (!function_exists('download')) {
* 文件流下载文件
* @param string $filePath 文件路径
* @param string $showName 下载后展示的名称
* @return mixed
function download($filePath = '', $showName = '')
return response()->download($filePath, urlencode($showName));
if (!function_exists('decimal_to_abc')) {
* 数字转换对应26个字母
* @param $num
* @return string
* @deprecated 此方法废弃,请使用int_to_chr()
function decimal_to_abc($num)
$str = "";
$ten = $num;
if ($ten == 0) return "A";
while ($ten != 0) {
$x = $ten % 26;
$str .= chr(65 + $x);
$ten = intval($ten / 26);
return strrev($str);
if (!function_exists('diff_between_two_days')) {
* 计算两个日期之间相差的天数
* @param $day1
* @param $day2
* @return float|int
function diff_between_two_days($day1, $day2)
$second1 = strtotime($day1);
$second2 = strtotime($day2);
return round((abs($second1 - $second2) / 86400), 0);
if (!function_exists('decimals_to_percentage')) {
* 将小数转换百分数
* @param float $decimals 小数
* @param int $num 保留小数位
* @return string
function decimals_to_percentage($decimals, $num = 2)
return sprintf("%01." . $num . "f", $decimals * 100) . '%';
if (!function_exists('calculate_grade')) {
* 计算一个数的区间范围等级
* @param array $range 区间范围(从大到小排列)
* @param $num
* @return mixed|void
function calculate_grade($range, $num)
$max = max($range);
if ($num >= $max) {
return count($range);
foreach ($range as $k => $v) {
if ($num < $v) {
return $k;
if (!function_exists('convertAmountToCn')) {
* 2 * 将数值金额转换为中文大写金额
* 3 * @param $amount float 金额(支持到分)
* 4 * @param $type int 补整类型,0:到角补整;1:到元补整
* 5 * @return mixed 中文大写金额
* 6 */
function convertAmountToCn($amount, $type = 1)
// 判断输出的金额是否为数字或数字字符串
if (!is_numeric($amount)) {
return "要转换的金额只能为数字!";
// 金额为0,则直接输出"零元整"
if ($amount == 0) {
return "人民币零元整";
// 金额不能为负数
if ($amount < 0) {
return "要转换的金额不能为负数!";
// 金额不能超过万亿,即12位
if (strlen($amount) > 12) {
return "要转换的金额不能为万亿及更高金额!";
// 预定义中文转换的数组
$digital = array('零', '壹', '贰', '叁', '肆', '伍', '陆', '柒', '捌', '玖');
// 预定义单位转换的数组
$position = array('仟', '佰', '拾', '亿', '仟', '佰', '拾', '万', '仟', '佰', '拾', '元');
// 将金额的数值字符串拆分成数组
$amountArr = explode('.', $amount);
// 将整数位的数值字符串拆分成数组
$integerArr = str_split($amountArr[0], 1);
// 将整数部分替换成大写汉字
$result = '人民币';
$integerArrLength = count($integerArr); // 整数位数组的长度
$positionLength = count($position); // 单位数组的长度
for ($i = 0; $i < $integerArrLength; $i++) {
// 如果数值不为0,则正常转换
if ($integerArr[$i] != 0) {
$result = $result . $digital[$integerArr[$i]] . $position[$positionLength - $integerArrLength + $i];
} else {
// 如果数值为0, 且单位是亿,万,元这三个的时候,则直接显示单位
if (($positionLength - $integerArrLength + $i + 1) % 4 == 0) {
$result = $result . $position[$positionLength - $integerArrLength + $i];
// 如果小数位也要转换
if ($type == 0) {
// 将小数位的数值字符串拆分成数组
$decimalArr = str_split($amountArr[1], 1);
// 将角替换成大写汉字. 如果为0,则不替换
if ($decimalArr[0] != 0) {
$result = $result . $digital[$decimalArr[0]] . '角';
// 将分替换成大写汉字. 如果为0,则不替换
if ($decimalArr[1] != 0) {
$result = $result . $digital[$decimalArr[1]] . '分';
} else {
$result = $result . '整';
return $result;
if (!function_exists('today')) {
* Create a new Carbon instance for the current time.
* @return false|string
function today()
return date('Y-m-d', time());
if (!function_exists('now')) {
* Create a new Carbon instance for the current time.
* @return false|string
function now()
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
if (!function_exists('get_tree_id')) {
* @param array $array
* @param array $pid
* @return array
function get_tree_id(array $array, $pids = [0])
$list = [];
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($value['pid'], $pids) || in_array($value['id'], $pids)) {
$list[] = $value['id'];
if ($list == []) return [];
$children = get_tree_id($array, $list);
return array_merge($list, $children);
if (!function_exists('list_go_tree')) {
* 列表转树状格式
* @param array $list
* @param string $pk
* @param string $pid
* @param string $children
* @return array
function list_go_tree(array $list = [], $pk = 'id', $pid = 'parent_id', $children = 'children')
$tree = $refer = [];
// 创建基于主键的数组引用
foreach ($list as $key => $data) {
$refer[$data[$pk]] = &$list[$key];
foreach ($list as $key => $data) {
$parentId = $data[$pid];
// 判断是否存在parent
if (isset($refer[$parentId])) {
$parent = &$refer[$parentId];
$parent[$children][] = &$list[$key];
} else {
$tree[] = &$list[$key];
return $tree;
if (!function_exists('flushAnnotationCache')) {
* 刷新注解缓存,清楚注解缓存
* @param string $listener
* @param mixed $keys
* @return bool
function flushAnnotationCache($listener, $keys)
$keys = is_array($keys) ? $keys : [$keys];
$dispatcher = ApplicationContext::getContainer()->get(EventDispatcherInterface::class);
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$dispatcher->dispatch(new DeleteListenerEvent($listener, [$key]));
return true;
if (!function_exists('num_2_file_size')) {
* 数字转文件大小
* @param $num
* @return string
function num_2_file_size($num)
$p = 0;
$format = 'B';
if ($num > 0 && $num < 1024) {
return number_format($num) . ' ' . $format;
} else if ($num >= 1024 && $num < pow(1024, 2)) {
$p = 1;
$format = 'KB';
} else if ($num >= pow(1024, 2) && $num < pow(1024, 3)) {
$p = 2;
$format = 'MB';
} else if ($num >= pow(1024, 3) && $num < pow(1024, 4)) {
$p = 3;
$format = 'GB';
} else if ($num >= pow(1024, 4) && $num < pow(1024, 5)) {
$p = 4;
$format = 'TB';
$num /= pow(1024, $p);
return number_format($num, 2) . ' ' . $format;
if (!function_exists('select_id_name')) {
function select_id_name($columns = [])
$columns = array_merge(['id', 'name'], $columns);
return function ($q) use ($columns) {
if (!function_exists('get_week_start_and_end')) {
function get_week_start_and_end($time = '', $first = 1)
if (!$time) $time = time();
$sdefaultDate = date("Y-m-d", $time);
//$first =1 表示每周星期一为开始日期 0表示每周日为开始日期
//获取当前周的第几天 周日是 0 周一到周六是 1 - 6
$w = date('w', strtotime($sdefaultDate));
//获取本周开始日期,如果$w是0,则表示周日,减去 6 天
$week_start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$sdefaultDate -" . ($w ? $w - $first : 6) . ' days'));
$week_end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$week_start +6 days"));
return array("week_start" => $week_start, "week_end" => $week_end);
if (!function_exists('putLog')) {
* description:记录日志 文件会生成在当前项目 /runtime/dev/
* author: fuyunnan
* @param string|array $output 日志 内容
* @param string $dir 目录
* @param string $filename 文件名称
* date: 2020/3/18
* @return void
* @throws
function put_log($output = 'out-mes', $filename = '', $dir = BASE_PATH . '/runtime/logs/dev/')
!is_dir($dir) && !mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
// 创建一个 Channel,参数 log 即为 Channel 的名字
$log = make(Logger::class, ['']);
// 创建两个 Handler,对应变量 $stream 和 $fire
!$filename && $filename = date('Y-m-d', time()) . '.log';
$stream = make(StreamHandler::class, [$dir . $filename, Logger::WARNING]);
$fire = make(FirePHPHandler::class);
if (is_array($output)) {
$output = var_export($output, true);
$output = '[ ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . ' ] --- ' . $output;
$formatter = new LineFormatter($output . "\r\n");
if (!function_exists('http_to_server_url')) {
* description:将前端的绝对路径转化为服务端相对路径
* author: fuyunnan
* @param string $path 需要转化的路径
* @return string
* @throws
* Date: 2020/6/24
function http_to_server_url($path)
$path = ltrim(parse_url($path, PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
return 'public/' . $path;
if (!function_exists('empty_string_2_null')) {
* 空字符串转NULL
* @param array $arr
* @return array
function empty_string_2_null(array $arr)
if (!empty($arr)) {
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$arr[$key] = empty_string_2_null($value);
} else {
if ($value === '') {
$arr[$key] = null;
return $arr;
if (!function_exists('get_collection_values')) {
* 从集合中提取深层数据
* @param mixed $collection 数据集合
* @param string $key 集合中键 支持多层提取,例如"a.b.c"
* @return array | collection
function get_collection_values($collection, string $key)
$values = [];
if (!empty($collection) && (is_object($collection) || is_array($collection))) {
$itemKeys = explode(".", $key);
$keyCount = count($itemKeys) - 1;
foreach ($collection as $value) {
foreach ($itemKeys as $k => $ik) {
if (isset($value[$ik])) {
$value = $value[$ik];
if ($k == $keyCount) {
$values[] = $value;
} else {
if (is_array($value) || is_countable($collection)) {
foreach ($value as $vv) {
if (isset($vv[$ik])) {
$values[] = $vv[$ik];
return $values;
if (!function_exists('put_collection_values')) {
* 对集合中设置深层数据
* @param array | collection $collection 需要设置的数据集合
* @param array | collection $valueList 需要设置值集合
* @param string $collectionKey 集合中键 支持多层提取,例如""
* @param string $collectionNewKey 数据集合的新键,例如"infomation",同名会覆盖
* @param string $valueKey $valueList中的值字段,例如"user_id"
* @return array | collection
function put_collection_values($collection, $valueList, string $collectionKey, string $collectionNewKey, $valueKey)
if (!empty($collection) && (is_object($collection) || is_array($collection))) {
$itemKeys = explode(".", $collectionKey);
if (!empty($valueList)) {
if (!is_object($valueList)) {
$valueList = collect($valueList);
$valueList = $valueList->keyBy($valueKey);
if (isset($collection[0])) {
foreach ($collection as $index => $value) {
$collection[$index] = private_put_collection_values($value, $itemKeys, $valueList, $collectionNewKey);
} else {
private_put_collection_values($collection, $itemKeys, $valueList, $collectionNewKey);
return $collection;
if (!function_exists('private_put_collection_values')) {
* 对集合设置值,不对外公开
* @param $collection
* @param $itemKeys
* @param $valueList
* @param $collectionNewKey
* @return mixed
function private_put_collection_values(&$collection, $itemKeys, $valueList, $collectionNewKey)
if (isset($collection[$itemKeys[0]])) {
if (count($itemKeys) != 1) {
$t = $itemKeys[0];
$itemKeys = array_values($itemKeys);
if (is_array($collection[$t]) || is_countable($collection[$t])) {
foreach ($collection[$t] as $k => $v) {
$collection[$t][$k] = private_put_collection_values($v, $itemKeys, $valueList, $collectionNewKey);
} else {
$collection[$t] = private_put_collection_values($collection[$t], $itemKeys, $valueList, $collectionNewKey);
} else {
if (isset($valueList[$collection[$itemKeys[0]]])) {
$collection[$collectionNewKey] = $valueList[$collection[$itemKeys[0]]];
} else {
$collection[$collectionNewKey] = null;
return $collection;
if (!function_exists('human_time')) {
* 计算时间
* @param $time 时间戳
* @return string
function human_time($time)
if (!is_numeric($time)) {
$time = strtotime($time);
$time = abs($time);
$days = intval($time / 86400);
if ($days != 0) {
return $days . "天";
$remain = $time % 86400;
$hours = intval($remain / 3600);
if ($hours != 0) {
return $hours . "小时";
$remain = $time % 3600;
$mins = intval($remain / 60);
if ($mins != 0) {
return $mins . "分钟";
$secs = $time % 60;
return $secs . "秒";
if (!function_exists('info')) {
* 输出数据到控制台
* @param mixed ...$arguments
function info(...$arguments)
if (!function_exists('make_belong_relation_function')) {
* 创建我属于关联关系的函数
* @param string $relationName 关联关系的名字
* @param array $mainModelColumns 使用关联关系的主表要筛选的列
* @param array $relationColumns 关联关系的列 默认['id', 'name']
* @param string $mainModelRelationKey 主表和关联关系对应的字段 空的话为$relationName+"_id"
* @param callable|null $callback 内嵌级联调用
* @return Closure 返回关联关系的匿名函数
function make_belong_relation_function($relationName, array &$mainModelColumns, $relationColumns = ['id', 'name'], $mainModelRelationKey = "", callable $callback = null)
$key = $mainModelRelationKey ? $mainModelRelationKey : $relationName . "_id";
if (!in_array($key, $mainModelColumns)) array_push($mainModelColumns, $key);
return make_has_relation_function($relationColumns, $callback);
if (!function_exists('make_has_relation_function')) {
* 创建我有关联关系的函数
* @param array $relationColumns 关联关系的列 默认['id', 'name']
* @param callable|null $callback 内嵌级联调用
* @return Closure 返回关联关系的匿名函数
* @return Closure
function make_has_relation_function($relationColumns = ['id', 'name'], callable $callback = null)
return function ($q) use ($relationColumns, $callback) {
if (is_callable($callback)) {
if (!function_exists('int_to_chr')) {
* 数字转字母 (类似于Excel列标)
* @param mixed $index 索引值
* @param int $start 字母起始值
* @return string 返回字母
function int_to_chr($index, $start = 65)
$str = '';
if (floor($index / 26) > 0) {
$str .= int_to_chr(floor($index / 26) - 1);
return $str . chr($index % 26 + $start);
if (!function_exists('check_diff_val')) {
* 判断两个对象数组是否有不同的值
* 后者里有前者的key时,但value不一样,返回true
* 后者里没有前者的key,或有key,但value一样时,返回false
* @param array $list
* @param array $data
* @return bool
function check_diff_val(array $list, array $data)
foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
if (isset($data[$key]) && $data[$key]) {
if (is_array($val)) {
if (check_diff_val($val, $data[$key])) {
return true;
} else {
if ($list[$key] != $data[$key]) {
return true;
return false;
if (!function_exists('get_diff_val')) {
* 获取两个数组中key相同,value不同的数据
* 返回后者的数据
* @param array $list1
* @param array $list2
* @param array $excludeKey 排除的key数组
* @return array
* @author Zero
function get_diff_val(array $list1, array $list2, array $excludeKey = [])
$diff = [];
foreach ($list1 as $key => $val) {
if (!in_array($key, $excludeKey)) {
if (isset($list2[$key]) && $list2[$key] != '') {
if (is_array($val)) {
$temp = get_diff_val($val, $list2[$key], $excludeKey);
!empty($temp) && $diff[$key] = $temp;
} else {
if ($list1[$key] != $list2[$key]) {
$diff[$key] = $list2[$key];
return $diff;
if (!function_exists('to_camel_case')) {
* 下划线命名转驼峰命名
* 例:demo_function : demoFunction
* @param $dirSep 分隔符
* @param $str
* @return mixed|string
function to_camel_case($dirSep, $str)
$array = explode($dirSep, $str);
$result = $array[0];
$len = count($array);
if ($len > 1) {
for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i++) {
$result .= ucfirst($array[$i]);
return $result;
if (!function_exists('mb_trim')) {
* 去除两边带全角空格的字符串
* @param $str
* @return string
* @author zero
function mb_trim($str)
$str = mb_ereg_replace(' ', '', $str);
return trim($str);
if (!function_exists('str_replace_first')) {
* 用替换字符串替换第一个出现的搜索字符串
* @param mixed $search 搜索字符串
* @param mixed $replace 替换字符串
* @param mixed $subject 被替换字符串
* @return string
* @author zero
function str_replace_first($search, $replace, $subject)
if (($position = strpos($subject, $search)) !== false) {
$replaceLen = strlen($search);
$subject = substr_replace($subject, $replace, $position, $replaceLen);
return $subject;
if (!function_exists('create_file_dir')) {
* 检查当前目录是否存在 不存在就创建一个目录
* @param mixed $dir 文件目录
* @return bool
* @author zero
function create_file_dir($dir)
return !is_dir($dir) && mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
if (!function_exists('get_images_url')) {
* 富文本获取图片信息
* @param $str
* @return mixed
function get_images_url($str)
preg_match('/<img.+src=\"?(.+\.(jpg|gif|bmp|bnp|png))\"?.+>/i', $str, $match);
return $match;
if (!function_exists('download_file')) {
* 下载远程文件
* @param $url 远程文件路径
* @param null $path 系统保存路径
* @return string
function download_file($url, $path = null)
$filename = trim(pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$filename = "$filename.$ext";
$root = config('server.settings.document_root', BASE_PATH . '/public');
$path = $path ? $path : '/download/files';
$savePath = $root . $path;
if (!is_dir($savePath)) {
// 判断路径是否存在,不存在,则创建
mkdir($savePath, 0777, true);
$filePath = $savePath . '/' . $filename;
if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
$file = curl_exec($ch);
$resource = fopen($filePath, 'a');
fwrite($resource, $file);
return $path . '/' . $filename;;
if (!function_exists('download_file_stream')) {
* @param $fileStream 文件流
* @param null $path 保存路径
* @return string
function download_file_stream($fileStream, $path = null)
$root = config('server.settings.document_root', BASE_PATH . '/public');
$path = $path ? $path : '/download/files';
$savePath = $root . $path;
if (!is_dir($savePath)) {
// 判断路径是否存在,不存在,则创建
mkdir($savePath, 0777, true);
$fileName = '/' . date('YmdHis') . 'track' . '.pdf';
file_put_contents($savePath . $fileName, base64_decode($fileStream), 1);
return $path . $fileName;
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