Commit 26428cbc authored by 王源's avatar 王源 🎧

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/djj'

parents 56d055ba 8c7bc2b0
......@@ -397,3 +397,20 @@ if (!function_exists('select_id_name')) {
if (!function_exists('get_week_start_and_end')) {
function get_week_start_and_end($time = '', $first = 1)
if (!$time) $time = time();
$sdefaultDate = date("Y-m-d", $time);
//$first =1 表示每周星期一为开始日期 0表示每周日为开始日期
//获取当前周的第几天 周日是 0 周一到周六是 1 - 6
$w = date('w', strtotime($sdefaultDate));
//获取本周开始日期,如果$w是0,则表示周日,减去 6 天
$week_start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$sdefaultDate -" . ($w ? $w - $first : 6) . ' days'));
$week_end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$week_start +6 days"));
return array("week_start" => $week_start, "week_end" => $week_end);
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