Commit 2f915646 authored by gongyuanbiao's avatar gongyuanbiao

Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

parents df4a6269 a179a863
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namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Flow;
interface FlowServiceInterface
* Notes: 创建审批
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/9 14:16
* @param $params
* [
* 'code' => '', //来源单号
* 'flow_code' => '',//审批code
* 'user_id' => '',//申请人id
* ]
* @throws \Exception
public function createApproval($params);
* Notes: 审批
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/10 9:16
* @param $params
* [
* 'code' => '', //来源单号
* 'user_id' => '', //审批人
* 'line_code' => '',//审批节点编码
* 'approval' => '', // 审批结果 通过、拒绝 pass reject
* 'params' => '',//审批参数
* ]
public function approval($params);
* Notes: 获取审批详情
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/14 14:10
* @param $params
public function getApprovalDetail($params);
* Notes: 取消审批
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/24 18:16
* @param $params
* @return mixed
public function cancelApproval($params);
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namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Flow;
interface StrategyServiceInterface
* 获取对应的策略
* @param $type
* @return mixed
public function getStrategiesByType($type);
public function getStrategiesByFilter($filters, $relations = []);
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namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Notice;
interface FactoryNoticeServiceInterface
* 分页
* @param $userInfo
* @param $params
* @author chentianyu
public function page($userInfo,$params);
* 未读列表
* @param $userInfo
* @param $params
* @author chentianyu
public function unReadList($userInfo,$params);
* 查看
* @param $userInfo
* @param $params
* @author chentianyu
public function show($userInfo,$params);
* 下一条未读的记录
* @param $userInfo
* @param $params
* @author chentianyu
public function nextUnRead($userInfo,$params);
* 标记为已读
* @param $userInfo
* @param $params
* @author chentianyu
public function markRead($userInfo,$params);
* 打包下载
* @param $noticeId
* @author chentianyu
public function pack($noticeId);
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* 外工厂rpc服务
namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\OutsideFactory;
interface ExternalFactoryServiceInterface
* 发货单打印
* @param $deliveryNo 发货单号
* @return []
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-11-16
public function deliveryPrint($deliveryNo);
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......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\OutsideFactory;
use App\Services\Production\ProductionExceptionService;
interface FactoryServiceInterface
......@@ -14,4 +16,165 @@ interface FactoryServiceInterface
* @return String
public function productCraftPrint($craftInfo) ;
* 打印发货单
* @param $deliveryNo 发货单号
* @return mixed
public function downDeliveryRecord($deliveryNo);
* 获取对应的工厂信息
* @param array $factoryIds
* @param array|string[] $columns
* @return mixed
public function getFactories(array $factoryIds = [], array $columns = ['*']);
* 根据筛选条件获取对应的工厂信息
* @param array $filters 筛选条件
* @param array|string[] $columns 查询字段
* @return mixed
public function getFactoriesByFilters(array $filters = [], array $columns = ['*']);
* 生产端留言投递到工厂端订单表
* @param array $production_no 生产单号
* @return mixed
public function toProductOrderMessage(array $post);
* 工厂列表
* @param string $id 工厂id
* @return array $list
public function factoryList();
* 子工厂列表
* @return array $list
public function childFactoryList($id);
* 工厂树状列表
* @return array $list
public function treeFactoryList();
* 获取分派详情通过来源订单号
* @param $originalProductionNos
* @return array|mixed
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-09-19
public function getApportionInfoListByNos($originalProductionNos);
* Notes: 分派订单取消
* User: carlos
* @param string $type cancel|delete
* DateTime: 2022/9/21 14:24
public function cancelOrder($orderNo, $type = 'cancel');
* Notes: 获取订单信息
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/9/22 16:21
* @param $orderNo
public function getProductionOrder($orderNo, $columns =['*'],$with=[]);
* 获取供应链获取工厂端生产对账单
* @param $searchConditions 搜索条件
* @param bool $isExport 是否导出
* @return array|\Hyperf\Contract\LengthAwarePaginatorInterface|mixed
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-09-27
public function getProductionAccountStatement($searchConditions,$isExport=false);
* Notes: 生产订单完结
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/9/29 9:52
public function finishProductionOrder($orderSn);
* Notes: 确认收货
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/21 14:14
public function confirmDelivery($params);
* Notes: 通过最小订单号批量获取原始订单号
* @param $orderNoArr
* @param string[] $columns
* @param $with[] $with
* @return array
public function getProductionListByOrderNo($orderNoArr, $columns =['*'],$with=[]);
* Notes: 少货处理
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/21 19:03
public function shortageProcess($delivery_no, $shortageProduct);
* Notes: 退回返修
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/23 11:43
* @param $params
public function repairReturn($delivery_no, $repairProducts);
* Notes: 处理到仓返修异常
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/27 9:23
public function processWarehouseRepair($params);
* 推送供应商数据到工厂系统
* @author Liu lu
* @param $post demo
`name` '工厂名称',
`abbreviation` '简称',
`code` '代码',
`manager_id` '管理者id',
`phone` '电话',
`address` '地址',
`score` '平均评分',
`creator_id` '创建人id',
`type_id` '类型',
`remark` '备注',
`can_invoice` '能否开发票,默认为 0,可以开票为 1',
`status` '状态 1:正常 0:停用',
`is_transfer` '能否转派 1:能 0:不能'
* @return int 主键id
public function pushSupplyDataToFactory($post);
\ No newline at end of file
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Zero
* Date: 2020/10/12
* Time: 9:39
namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product;
interface ApproveProductChildServiceInterface
* 根据子产品获取对应的主产品的创建人 id 信息
* @param $childProductIds
* @return array
public function getProductCreatorsByChildProductIds($childProductIds): array;
......@@ -89,4 +89,16 @@ interface MaterialServiceInterface
public function getFullMaterialCountColorIds($productId);
* 获取产品原料名称绑定信息
* @param $productMaterialNameIds
* @param array $columns
* @return mixed
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-08-29
public function getProductColorMaterialsByNameIds($productMaterialNameIds,$columns=['*']);
......@@ -109,4 +109,10 @@ interface ProductChildServiceInterface
public function getIdsByCategoryId(int $categoryId, int $limit = null);
* 创建对应的子产品
* @param array $childDetails
* @return array
public function createChildrenProducts(array $childDetails): array;
......@@ -206,6 +206,98 @@ interface ProductServiceInterface
public function specimenTransformToProduct(array $params);
* 更新样品转换的产品
* @param string $sku_id 主键
* @param array $status_id 允许转换的状态
* @param array $params 传入的参数
* $params = [
* 'product' => [ // 产品信息
* 'sku' => 'ABC123', // SKU,必填
* 'name' => '裙子', // 产品中文名,选填
* 'en_name' => 'dress', // 产品英文名,选填
* 'brand_id' => 123, // 品牌id,选填
* 'team_ids' => [1,2,3], // 团队id数组,选填
* 'hs_code' => '6109909060', // 海关编号,选填
* 'origin_country_id' => 123, // 原产国,选填
* 'production_address' => '苏州', // 境内货源地,选填
* 'unit' => '件', // 单位,必填
* 'category_id' => 123, // 品类id,必填
* 'ingredient_id' => 123, // 成分id,选填
* 'product_name_id' => 123, // 品名id,必填
* 'style' => '复古', // 风格/款式,选填
* 'creator_id' => 123, // 创建人id,必填
* 'images' => [], // 图片地址数组
* 'cost' => 12,5, // 生产成本
* 'package_cost' => 12,5, // 包装成本
* 'customs_unit_price' => 12,5, // 报关单价
* 'customs_cost' => 12,5, // 报关成本
* 'product_weight' => 15.2, // 产品重量(g)
* 'product_length' => 15.2, // 产品长度(cm)
* 'product_width' => 15.2, // 产品宽度(cm)
* 'product_height' => 15.2, // 产品高度(cm)
* 'product_volume' => 15.2, // 产品体积(cm3)
* 'package_weight' => 15.2, // 包装重量(g)
* 'package_length' => 15.2, // 包装长度(cm)
* 'package_width' => 15.2, // 包装宽度(cm)
* 'package_height' => 15.2, // 包装高度(cm)
* 'package_volume' => 15.2, // 包装体积(cm3)
* ],
* 'material' => [] // 原料信息,暂无
* 'child_sku_data' => [] //必填
* ];
* @return array
* @throws \Meibuyu\Rpc\Exceptions\RpcException
* @author Zero
public function updateSpecimenTransformToProduct(array $params,$sku_id,$status_id);
* 创建样品转换的产品
* @param string $sku_id 主键
* @param array $status_id 允许转换的状态
* @param array $params 传入的参数
* $params = [
* 'product' => [ // 产品信息
* 'sku' => 'ABC123', // SKU,必填
* 'name' => '裙子', // 产品中文名,选填
* 'en_name' => 'dress', // 产品英文名,选填
* 'brand_id' => 123, // 品牌id,选填
* 'team_ids' => [1,2,3], // 团队id数组,选填
* 'hs_code' => '6109909060', // 海关编号,选填
* 'origin_country_id' => 123, // 原产国,选填
* 'production_address' => '苏州', // 境内货源地,选填
* 'unit' => '件', // 单位,必填
* 'category_id' => 123, // 品类id,必填
* 'ingredient_id' => 123, // 成分id,选填
* 'product_name_id' => 123, // 品名id,必填
* 'style' => '复古', // 风格/款式,选填
* 'creator_id' => 123, // 创建人id,必填
* 'images' => [], // 图片地址数组
* 'cost' => 12,5, // 生产成本
* 'package_cost' => 12,5, // 包装成本
* 'customs_unit_price' => 12,5, // 报关单价
* 'customs_cost' => 12,5, // 报关成本
* 'product_weight' => 15.2, // 产品重量(g)
* 'product_length' => 15.2, // 产品长度(cm)
* 'product_width' => 15.2, // 产品宽度(cm)
* 'product_height' => 15.2, // 产品高度(cm)
* 'product_volume' => 15.2, // 产品体积(cm3)
* 'package_weight' => 15.2, // 包装重量(g)
* 'package_length' => 15.2, // 包装长度(cm)
* 'package_width' => 15.2, // 包装宽度(cm)
* 'package_height' => 15.2, // 包装高度(cm)
* 'package_volume' => 15.2, // 包装体积(cm3)
* ],
* 'material' => [] // 原料信息,暂无
* 'child_sku_data' => [] //必填
* ];
* @return array
* @throws \Meibuyu\Rpc\Exceptions\RpcException
* @author Zero
public function createSpecimenTransformToProduct(array $params);
* 检查产品是否上架
* @param array $params
......@@ -247,4 +339,66 @@ interface ProductServiceInterface
public function getCraftByProductIds(array $productIds);
* 获取产品数据
* @param array $where
* @param array $whereIn
* @param array $select
* @param array|null $limitIds
* @return array
* @author chentianyu
public function getProductsByWhere(array $where, array $whereIn = [], array $select = ['id'], array $limitIds = null): array;
* 获取报关品名
* @param array $where
* @param array $select
* @param array|null $limitIds
* @return array
* @author chentianyu
public function getProductNamesByWhere(array $where, array $select = ['id'], array $limitIds = null): array;
* 获取ProductChild产品数组
* @param array $where
* @param array $whereIn
* @param array $columns 子SKU表的字段,默认显示全部
* @param array $relations 子SKU的关联关系,可传入['brand', 'category', 'product_name', 'images', 'cost', 'weight', 'packs']
* @return array 默认keyBy('id')
public function getProductChildByWhere(array $where, array $whereIn = [], array $columns = ['*'], array $relations = []): array;
* 根据主 SKU 获取子 SKU 相关信息
* @param $filters
* @param string[] $childProductFields
* @return array
public function getChildProductsByProductFilter($filters, $childProductFields = ['*']): array;
public function createDraftProduct(array $params);
* Notes: 通过站点和团队获取仓库主sku列表
* User: linjixin
* DateTime: 2022/11/7 11:12
public function getSkuListByTeamAndSite($params);
* Notes: 通过仓库主sku获取子sku属性
* User: linjixin
* DateTime: 2022/11/7 11:13
public function getChildSkuByStoreSku($params);
* 创建属于草稿状态(不展示出来)的主 SKU
* @return array
* @throws \Meibuyu\Rpc\Exceptions\RpcException
* @author QJK
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namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Product;
interface SupplyChainStockUpServiceInterface
* 同步产品绑定供应链状态
* @return mixed
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-08-01
public function syncProductStockUpStatus($productId,$status);
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namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\ProductDevelop;
* @author chentianyu
interface SpecimenServiceInterface
* 创建物流信息
* @param $data
* @return int|string
* @author chentianyu
public function creatLogistics($data);
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* 供应链礼服备货小货发货相关rpc服务
namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Production;
interface ExternalDeliveryServiceInterface
* 查看指定生产单发货记录
* @param $params
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-11-11
public function productionDeliveryDetail($params);
* 创建发货记录
* @param $params
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-11-14
public function createDeliveryRecord($params);
* 待确认发货详情展示
* @param $productionId
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-11-14
public function deliveryPendingDisplay($productionId);
* 小货-发货记录
* @param $params
* @author Linjixin
* date 2022-11-15
public function deliveryRecordsList($params);
* 小货-发货记录导出
* @param $params
* @author Linjixin
* date 2022-11-15
public function deliveryRecordsListExport($params);
* 通过发货单号获取发货信息
* @param $deliveryNoArr 发货单号
* @param $relation 关联模型 拿到发货产品信息 ['dispatch_products]
* @param $columns
* @return array ['发货单号'=>array()]
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-11-15
public function getListInfoByDeliveryNo($deliveryNoArr,$relation=['dispatch_products'],$columns=['*']);
* Notes: 获取发货详情
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/16 10:09
public function getDeliveryRecord($delivery_no);
* 小货工作台-异常待办/预警事项/进行中的订单
* @param $params
* @author Lin jixin
* date 2022/11/18 10:03
public function Totals($params);
* 工作台-交付情况
* @param $params
* @author Lin jixin
* date 2022/11/18 10:06
public function handOver($params);
* 逾期与近交期订单
* @param $params
* @author Lin jixin
* date 2022/11/17 11:48
public function overdueOrCloseDelivery($params);
* @param $params
* @author Lin jixin
* date 2022/11/17 11:51
public function quality($params);
* @param $params
* @author Lin jixin
* date 2022/11/17 11:51
public function rank($params);
* 工作台下单情况
* @param $params
* @author Lin jixin
* date 2022/11/21 15:28
public function OrderNum($params);
* 工厂端异常退回记录
* @param $params
* @author Lin jixin
* date 2022/11/25 14:08
public function AbnormalReturnRecord($params);
* 查看回显
* @param $params
* @author Lin jixin
* date 2022/11/26 11:15
public function ViewByAbnormalReturnRecord($params);
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* 供应链礼服备货小货生产单rpc服务
namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Production;
interface ExternalProductionServiceInterface
* 生产单列表
* @return mixed
* @param $params
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-11-10
public function productionList($params);
* 生产单列表标签
* @param $params
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-11-10
public function productionTabList($params);
* 生产单查看详情
* @author Liu lu
* date 2022-11-11
public function productionView($id);
* Notes: 小货接单
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/16 14:53
* @param $params
public function ordering($params);
* Notes: 确认返修
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/16 15:00
* @param $params
public function repair($params);
* 日志列表
* @param $params
* @author Lin jixin
* date 2022/11/30 11:11
public function getExternalLog($params);
* 小货对账单
* @param $params
* @author Lin jixin
* date 2022/12/1 16:29
public function getExternalBillList($params);
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namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Production;
interface ProductionOrderServiceInterface
* 根据对应的筛选条件获取对应的生产单相关信息
* @param array $filters
* @return mixed
public function getProductionOrderByFilter(array $filters, $columns = ['*'], $with = []);
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\Production;
use Meibuyu\Micro\Exceptions\HttpResponseException;
interface ProductionServiceInterface
......@@ -104,10 +106,124 @@ interface ProductionServiceInterface
* 获取生产单信息
* @param $productionOrderId
* @param array $columns
* @param $productionNoArr 生产单号
* @param array $columns 生产主表字段
* @param $relation 关联信息
* @return mixed
public function productionInfo($productionNoArr,$columns = ['*'],$relation=['production_order_products']);
* 根据订单汇总消息
* @return mixed
public function getProductionCountMessage();
* 获取订单留言表的product_order_id
* @return mixed
public function getMessageProductionOrderIds();
* 发送留言
* @return mixed
public function pushProductionMessage(array $params);
* 获取留言
* @return mixed
public function productionInfo($productionOrderId,$columns = ['*']);
public function getProductionMessage(array $params);
* 已读标记
* @return mixed
public function isReadProductionMessage(array $params);
* Notes: 获取礼服备货单信息
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/8 18:48
* @param $code
* @return array
public function getStockUpOrder($code): array;
* Notes: 收货
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/21 10:34
* [
* 'delivery_no' => '', //发货单号
* 'package_num' => , //收到包裹数量
* 'user_id' => '', //收货人id
* 'user_name' => '', //收货人姓名
* ]
public function confirmDelivery($params);
* Notes: 取消发货订单
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/22 9:20
* @param $params
public function cancelDelivery($params);
* Notes: 创建生产异常单
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/21 16:36
public function createProductionException($params);
* Notes: 返修退回
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/22 13:58
public function repairReturn($params);
* 发送留言-小货
* @param $params
* @throws HttpResponseException
public function pushOutsideMessage($params);
* Notes: 获取小货-留言
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/26 10:40
public function getOutsideMessage($id);
* Notes: 获取礼服备货审核信息
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/29 16:59
* @param $code
public function getStockUpDressApproval($code);
* Notes: 飞书审批回调
* User: carlos
* DateTime: 2022/11/30 19:09
* @param $params
public function stockUpDetailCallBack($params);
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namespace Meibuyu\Rpc\Service\Interfaces\PurchaseNew;
interface PurchaseDemandServiceInterface
* 同步请款状态
* 审核通过
* {
* "reject_reason":"驳回缘由", 审核驳回需要填充
* "flag":true|false //true审核通过 false审核驳回
* }
* @return mixed
public function createPurchaseDemand(array $data);
* 扫描物流号或批次号查询
* @param array $demandIds
* @return bool
public function deleteDemandByIds(array $demandIds): bool;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ interface PurchaseStockServiceInterface
public function warehousingOperation($post):array;
* 已完成记录rpc 已弃用
"batch_no": "batch_no",
"purchase_no": "1634197133",
"product": [{
"id": 24,
"completed_num":22 //已完成数量
* @param $post
* @return array
public function completeOperation($post):array;
* 退款记录rpc
......@@ -88,4 +72,39 @@ interface PurchaseStockServiceInterface
public function getShippingCount();
* 发货产品处理
* @param $post
"logistics_no": "物流单号",
"type": "Return(退货)| Exchange (换货) | Receipt(签收)",
"detail": [{
"source_no": "来源单号",
"child_sku": "仓库子产品sku",
"num": "退换货数量"
* @return true | string (error_msg)
public function deliveryProductsDeal($post);
* 更新新品开发采购单的sku码
* $data = [
* 'sub_order_no' => 1,
* 'product_main_sku' => 1,
* 'product_sku' => 1,
* ]
* @param $data
* @return int
* @author chentianyu
public function updateDevelopPurchaseSkuCode($data);
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......@@ -44,4 +44,21 @@ interface SupplierNewServiceInterface
* @return array
public function supplierMap();
* 推送供应商数据到采购rpc
* @author Liu lu
* @param $post demo
* date 2022-10-26
public function pushSupplyDataToPurchase($post);
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......@@ -314,4 +314,36 @@ interface StoreServiceInterface
* @return array
public function getWarehouseAreaByIdList(array $ids = []): array;
* 获取样品仓库列表
* @param array $columns 字段数组
* @return array
public function getSampleWarehouseList(array $columns = ['id', 'name']): array;
* 备货发货接收对应的明细数据
* @param array $params
* @return array
public function stockUpDeliveryDispatched(array $params): array;
* 取消备货发货记录
* @param array $params
* @return array
public function cancelStockUpDelivery(array $params): array;
* 备货相关异常接收对应的指令
* @param $commandType
* @param $payload
* @return mixed
public function receiveCommand4StockUp($commandType, $payload);
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......@@ -46,4 +46,57 @@ interface AuthenticationInterface
* @return array
public function getAppBtnAccess($appName, $userId, $buttonCodes = []): array;
* 获取指定用户数据权限
* @param $uid 用户id
* @param $code
* @param $appName 应用名称
public function getUserDataAuth($uid,$code,$appName);
* 获取用户领导的部门id数组 (包含正副职管理者)
* @param $userId
* @return array
public function leadDeptIds($userId);
* 获取用户领导的团队id数组
* @param $userIds
* @return array
public function leadTeamIdsByUsers($userIds);
* 判断是否是管理员
* @param $userId
* @return bool
public function isAdmin($userId): bool;
* 获取用户对应权限角色名称列表
* @param $userId
* @return array
public function getUserRoleNames($userId): array;
* 动态同步外部系统数据列表到某个权限数据详情表
* @param string $code new_data_auth 表 code
* @author Liu lu
* @return true | string (error_msg)
* date 2022-11-08
public function syncExternalDataAuth($code);
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......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ interface ChannelAndCompanyInterface
* @param array $channelIds $channelIds:渠道id数组, 格式:[1,3,5]
* @return array
public function getChannelByIds(array $channelIds): array;
public function getChannelByIds(array $channelIds, $status = 1): array;
* 通过公司id获取公司信息
......@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ interface ChannelAndCompanyInterface
* @return array
public function getCompanyByIds(array $companyIds): array;
public function getCompanyByIds(array $companyIds, $status = 1): array;
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